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RE: [Ruqueue-devel] bulk add users?

From: John Fulton
Subject: RE: [Ruqueue-devel] bulk add users?
Date: Wed, 1 Nov 2006 15:32:17 -0500 (EST)

On Tue, 31 Oct 2006, Montana Quiring wrote:

Just pulling up an old email...

I recall that you were looking into LDAP.  The users table basically
caches data from LDAP.  So, rather than having staff enter all that data
it's auto populated by an LDAP lookup for the user with the problem.  If
I were you I'd either get LDAP populating that table or write a script
to parse your tab-delimited file of 2000 users and insert them into the
user table.

When I add a new user via an LDAP look up, should it be automatically
populating the text boxes?
If yes, then maybe I need to update a file(s) from the CVS. Any hints?

Yes. If "User Lookup Type" (under Configuration--> Global--> Options) is set to "Extensible Lookup" then the scripts in the files
lookup_netid.php or lookup_name.php should be auto-populating the
forms in add_user.php, assuming that you've modified these scripts to
support this feature with *your LDAP*.  A "user story" of this
behavior when it is working correctly would be:

Lookup a user by last name.  lookup_name.php should show you a list of
of users in the system and a separate list of users in LDAP.  If you
"click here" to "Add this user" from the LDAP list, then you should be
taken to add_user.php and the form will be populated with values from
LDAP.  You can then make modifications to the form and "Add this user
to the system" and then cut a ticket for him/her.  You can also lookup
a user by NetID and a similar process should occur.

In a sense, this feature has been suppored since day one so I'm sure
that ruQueue-1.2.2 supports it.  So, I don't think that a CVS update
will fix it, if you have an issue.  I would think that your issue
would be related to how you implemented your LDAP piece.  See chapter
9.1.3 and 9.1.4 of the documentation:

You need to modify the files mentioned above to work with your LDAP.
If you have an issue with the forms not being auto populated, it would
be related to how you modified these files.  You could start by
debugging that a) they are actually able to do an LDAP lookup and then
b) work on modifying them to dipslay their results in the form.


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