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[PATCH v5 10/11] tests: avocado: boot_linux_console: Add test case for b

From: qianfanguijin
Subject: [PATCH v5 10/11] tests: avocado: boot_linux_console: Add test case for bpim2u
Date: Tue, 23 May 2023 18:05:07 +0800

From: qianfan Zhao <qianfanguijin@163.com>

Add test case for booting from initrd and sd card.

Signed-off-by: qianfan Zhao <qianfanguijin@163.com>
Reviewed-by: Niek Linnenbank <nieklinnenbank@gmail.com>
Tested-by: Niek Linnenbank <nieklinnenbank@gmail.com>
 tests/avocado/boot_linux_console.py | 176 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 176 insertions(+)

diff --git a/tests/avocado/boot_linux_console.py 
index c0675809e6..6ed660611f 100644
--- a/tests/avocado/boot_linux_console.py
+++ b/tests/avocado/boot_linux_console.py
@@ -769,6 +769,182 @@ def test_arm_quanta_gsj_initrd(self):
                 'Give root password for system maintenance')
+    def test_arm_bpim2u(self):
+        """
+        :avocado: tags=arch:arm
+        :avocado: tags=machine:bpim2u
+        :avocado: tags=accel:tcg
+        """
+        deb_url = ('https://apt.armbian.com/pool/main/l/linux-5.10.16-sunxi/'
+                   'linux-image-current-sunxi_21.02.2_armhf.deb')
+        deb_hash = '9fa84beda245cabf0b4fa84cf6eaa7738ead1da0'
+        deb_path = self.fetch_asset(deb_url, asset_hash=deb_hash)
+        kernel_path = self.extract_from_deb(deb_path,
+                                            '/boot/vmlinuz-5.10.16-sunxi')
+        dtb_path = ('/usr/lib/linux-image-current-sunxi/'
+                    'sun8i-r40-bananapi-m2-ultra.dtb')
+        dtb_path = self.extract_from_deb(deb_path, dtb_path)
+        self.vm.set_console()
+        kernel_command_line = (self.KERNEL_COMMON_COMMAND_LINE +
+                               'console=ttyS0,115200n8 '
+                               'earlycon=uart,mmio32,0x1c28000')
+        self.vm.add_args('-kernel', kernel_path,
+                         '-dtb', dtb_path,
+                         '-append', kernel_command_line)
+        self.vm.launch()
+        console_pattern = 'Kernel command line: %s' % kernel_command_line
+        self.wait_for_console_pattern(console_pattern)
+    def test_arm_bpim2u_initrd(self):
+        """
+        :avocado: tags=arch:arm
+        :avocado: tags=accel:tcg
+        :avocado: tags=machine:bpim2u
+        """
+        deb_url = ('https://apt.armbian.com/pool/main/l/linux-5.10.16-sunxi/'
+                   'linux-image-current-sunxi_21.02.2_armhf.deb')
+        deb_hash = '9fa84beda245cabf0b4fa84cf6eaa7738ead1da0'
+        deb_path = self.fetch_asset(deb_url, asset_hash=deb_hash)
+        kernel_path = self.extract_from_deb(deb_path,
+                                            '/boot/vmlinuz-5.10.16-sunxi')
+        dtb_path = ('/usr/lib/linux-image-current-sunxi/'
+                    'sun8i-r40-bananapi-m2-ultra.dtb')
+        dtb_path = self.extract_from_deb(deb_path, dtb_path)
+        initrd_url = ('https://github.com/groeck/linux-build-test/raw/'
+                      '2eb0a73b5d5a28df3170c546ddaaa9757e1e0848/rootfs/'
+                      'arm/rootfs-armv7a.cpio.gz')
+        initrd_hash = '604b2e45cdf35045846b8bbfbf2129b1891bdc9c'
+        initrd_path_gz = self.fetch_asset(initrd_url, asset_hash=initrd_hash)
+        initrd_path = os.path.join(self.workdir, 'rootfs.cpio')
+        archive.gzip_uncompress(initrd_path_gz, initrd_path)
+        self.vm.set_console()
+        kernel_command_line = (self.KERNEL_COMMON_COMMAND_LINE +
+                               'console=ttyS0,115200 '
+                               'panic=-1 noreboot')
+        self.vm.add_args('-kernel', kernel_path,
+                         '-dtb', dtb_path,
+                         '-initrd', initrd_path,
+                         '-append', kernel_command_line,
+                         '-no-reboot')
+        self.vm.launch()
+        self.wait_for_console_pattern('Boot successful.')
+        exec_command_and_wait_for_pattern(self, 'cat /proc/cpuinfo',
+                                                'Allwinner sun8i Family')
+        exec_command_and_wait_for_pattern(self, 'cat /proc/iomem',
+                                                'system-control@1c00000')
+        exec_command_and_wait_for_pattern(self, 'reboot',
+                                                'reboot: Restarting system')
+        # Wait for VM to shut down gracefully
+        self.vm.wait()
+    def test_arm_bpim2u_gmac(self):
+        """
+        :avocado: tags=arch:arm
+        :avocado: tags=accel:tcg
+        :avocado: tags=machine:bpim2u
+        :avocado: tags=device:sd
+        """
+        self.require_netdev('user')
+        deb_url = ('https://apt.armbian.com/pool/main/l/linux-5.10.16-sunxi/'
+                   'linux-image-current-sunxi_21.02.2_armhf.deb')
+        deb_hash = '9fa84beda245cabf0b4fa84cf6eaa7738ead1da0'
+        deb_path = self.fetch_asset(deb_url, asset_hash=deb_hash)
+        kernel_path = self.extract_from_deb(deb_path,
+                                            '/boot/vmlinuz-5.10.16-sunxi')
+        dtb_path = ('/usr/lib/linux-image-current-sunxi/'
+                    'sun8i-r40-bananapi-m2-ultra.dtb')
+        dtb_path = self.extract_from_deb(deb_path, dtb_path)
+        rootfs_url = ('http://storage.kernelci.org/images/rootfs/buildroot/'
+                      'buildroot-baseline/20221116.0/armel/rootfs.ext2.xz')
+        rootfs_hash = 'fae32f337c7b87547b10f42599acf109da8b6d9a'
+        rootfs_path_xz = self.fetch_asset(rootfs_url, asset_hash=rootfs_hash)
+        rootfs_path = os.path.join(self.workdir, 'rootfs.cpio')
+        archive.lzma_uncompress(rootfs_path_xz, rootfs_path)
+        image_pow2ceil_expand(rootfs_path)
+        self.vm.set_console()
+        kernel_command_line = (self.KERNEL_COMMON_COMMAND_LINE +
+                               'console=ttyS0,115200 '
+                               'root=/dev/mmcblk0 rootwait rw '
+                               'panic=-1 noreboot')
+        self.vm.add_args('-kernel', kernel_path,
+                         '-dtb', dtb_path,
+                         '-drive', 'file=' + rootfs_path + ',if=sd,format=raw',
+                         '-net', 'nic,model=gmac,netdev=host_gmac',
+                         '-netdev', 'user,id=host_gmac',
+                         '-append', kernel_command_line,
+                         '-no-reboot')
+        self.vm.launch()
+        shell_ready = "/bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off"
+        self.wait_for_console_pattern(shell_ready)
+        exec_command_and_wait_for_pattern(self, 'cat /proc/cpuinfo',
+                                                'Allwinner sun8i Family')
+        exec_command_and_wait_for_pattern(self, 'cat /proc/partitions',
+                                                'mmcblk0')
+        exec_command_and_wait_for_pattern(self, 'ifconfig eth0 up',
+                                                 'eth0: Link is Up')
+        exec_command_and_wait_for_pattern(self, 'udhcpc eth0',
+            'udhcpc: lease of obtained')
+        exec_command_and_wait_for_pattern(self, 'ping -c 3',
+            '3 packets transmitted, 3 packets received, 0% packet loss')
+        exec_command_and_wait_for_pattern(self, 'reboot',
+                                                'reboot: Restarting system')
+        # Wait for VM to shut down gracefully
+        self.vm.wait()
+    @skipUnless(os.getenv('AVOCADO_ALLOW_LARGE_STORAGE'), 'storage limited')
+    def test_arm_bpim2u_openwrt_22_03_3(self):
+        """
+        :avocado: tags=arch:arm
+        :avocado: tags=machine:bpim2u
+        :avocado: tags=device:sd
+        """
+        # This test download a 8.9 MiB compressed image and expand it
+        # to 127 MiB.
+        image_url = ('https://downloads.openwrt.org/releases/22.03.3/targets/'
+                     'sunxi/cortexa7/openwrt-22.03.3-sunxi-cortexa7-'
+                     'sinovoip_bananapi-m2-ultra-ext4-sdcard.img.gz')
+        image_hash = ('5b41b4e11423e562c6011640f9a7cd3b'
+                      'dd0a3d42b83430f7caa70a432e6cd82c')
+        image_path_gz = self.fetch_asset(image_url, asset_hash=image_hash,
+                                         algorithm='sha256')
+        image_path = archive.extract(image_path_gz, self.workdir)
+        image_pow2ceil_expand(image_path)
+        self.vm.set_console()
+        self.vm.add_args('-drive', 'file=' + image_path + ',if=sd,format=raw',
+                         '-nic', 'user',
+                         '-no-reboot')
+        self.vm.launch()
+        kernel_command_line = (self.KERNEL_COMMON_COMMAND_LINE +
+                               'usbcore.nousb '
+                               'noreboot')
+        self.wait_for_console_pattern('U-Boot SPL')
+        interrupt_interactive_console_until_pattern(
+                self, 'Hit any key to stop autoboot:', '=>')
+        exec_command_and_wait_for_pattern(self, "setenv extraargs '" +
+                                                kernel_command_line + "'", 
+        exec_command_and_wait_for_pattern(self, 'boot', 'Starting kernel ...');
+        self.wait_for_console_pattern(
+            'Please press Enter to activate this console.')
+        exec_command_and_wait_for_pattern(self, ' ', 'root@')
+        exec_command_and_wait_for_pattern(self, 'cat /proc/cpuinfo',
+                                                'Allwinner sun8i Family')
+        exec_command_and_wait_for_pattern(self, 'cat /proc/iomem',
+                                                'system-control@1c00000')
     def test_arm_orangepi(self):
         :avocado: tags=arch:arm

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