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[lmi-commits] [lmi] master 36ab1d5 4/4: Improve '.values.tsv' output

From: Greg Chicares
Subject: [lmi-commits] [lmi] master 36ab1d5 4/4: Improve '.values.tsv' output
Date: Fri, 5 Oct 2018 08:58:04 -0400 (EDT)

branch: master
commit 36ab1d5c137c2534cd57330f17513c322be9d2e6
Author: Gregory W. Chicares <address@hidden>
Commit: Gregory W. Chicares <address@hidden>

    Improve '.values.tsv' output
    Made several enhancements:
    - TSV filename is derived from PDF filename.
    - TSV output is controlled by "idiosyncrasyY" in "Comments" instead of
    an inconvenient '--pyx' command-line option. It's written for each cell
    with that string in "Comments"; if it's done for any cell in a census,
    then it's also done for the composite.
    - Scalars are written as well as vectors.
 ledger_evaluator.cpp | 64 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
 1 file changed, 43 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ledger_evaluator.cpp b/ledger_evaluator.cpp
index 4c3e6ba..db452cf 100644
--- a/ledger_evaluator.cpp
+++ b/ledger_evaluator.cpp
@@ -999,32 +999,46 @@ std::string ledger_evaluator::operator()
     return map_lookup(vectors_, vector).at(index);
-void ledger_evaluator::write_tsv
-    (fs::path const& // pdf_out_file
-    ) const
+/// Write values to a TSV file as a side effect of writing a PDF.
+/// Copy 'vectors_' to a (sorted) std::map in order to show columns
+/// alphabetically; 'scalars_', likewise. Other, more complicated
+/// techniques are faster, but direct copying favors simplicity over
+/// speed--appropriately, as this facility is rarely used.
+/// For the nonce, 'scalars_' are shown two ways: 2 x N, and N x 2.
+/// Presumably only one way should be chosen for production; showing
+/// both ways informs that choice.
+void ledger_evaluator::write_tsv(fs::path const& pdf_out_file) const
-    if
-        (  !("1" == operator()("Composite"))
-        || !contains(global_settings::instance().pyx(), "values_tsv")
-        )
-        {
+    if("1" != operator()("WriteTsvFile"))
-        }
-    configurable_settings const& z = configurable_settings::instance();
-    fs::path filepath
-        (   z.print_directory()
-        +   "/values"
-        +   z.spreadsheet_file_extension()
-        );
+    configurable_settings const& c = configurable_settings::instance();
+    std::string const& z = c.spreadsheet_file_extension();
+    fs::path filepath = unique_filepath(pdf_out_file, ".values" + z);
     fs::ofstream ofs(filepath, ios_out_trunc_binary());
-    // Copy 'vectors_' to a (sorted) std::map in order to show columns
-    // alphabetically. Other, more complicated techniques are faster,
-    // but direct copying favors simplicity over speed--appropriately,
-    // as this facility is rarely used.
-    using map_t = std::map<std::string,std::vector<std::string>> const;
-    map_t sorted_vectors(vectors_.begin(), vectors_.end());
+    using s_map_t = std::map<std::string,std::string> const;
+    s_map_t sorted_scalars(scalars_.begin(), scalars_.end());
+    for(auto const& j : sorted_scalars)
+        {
+        ofs << j.first << '\t';
+        }
+    ofs << '\n';
+    for(auto const& j : sorted_scalars)
+        {
+        ofs << j.second << '\t';
+        }
+    ofs << '\n';
+    ofs << '\n';
+    using v_map_t = std::map<std::string,std::vector<std::string>> const;
+    v_map_t sorted_vectors(vectors_.begin(), vectors_.end());
     for(auto const& j : sorted_vectors)
@@ -1049,6 +1063,14 @@ void ledger_evaluator::write_tsv
         ofs << '\n';
+    ofs << '\n';
+    for(auto const& j : sorted_scalars)
+        {
+        ofs << j.first << '\t' << j.second << '\n';
+        }
         alarum() << "Unable to write '" << filepath << "'." << LMI_FLUSH;

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