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Adaldap-devel post from address@hidden requires approval

From: adaldap-devel-owner
Subject: Adaldap-devel post from address@hidden requires approval
Date: Sat, 19 May 2007 16:03:23 -0400

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    List:    address@hidden
    From:    address@hidden
    Subject: However, most developers using JavaServer Faces technology will 
face one key question: How will the component render its markup?
    Reason:  Post by non-member to a members-only list

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--- Begin Message --- Subject: However, most developers using JavaServer Faces technology will face one key question: How will the component render its markup? Date: Sat, 19 May 2007 16:03:02 -0400 User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20070221)
focal point
You pass the bindArgs object to dojo. I'll explain in a minute why I'm not creating the column data here.
This time, I'll show how to load your own data into a Dojo table.
Creating custom components using JavaServer Faces technology helps to encapsulate the inner workings of a component, allowing the developer to hide complex code from end users. Dojo is a robust and mature open-source _javascript_ library that offers numerous widgets for dynamic Web development.
When this happens, the fruit component goes through the execute phase of the life cycle, and the value-change event that is registered on it is fired. I created my application's directory structure according to the Phobos project's conventions.
xml File Finally, create the portlet deployment descriptor as a code segment in the portlet.
Then we're adding each array to the countriesData array.
Subsequently, the script dynamically adds _javascript_ on the client when the content is loaded.
comments-syntax-indicator span. In addition, you can load the sample source into a Java technology-based IDE, such as the NetBeans IDE. org Feedback: Email the webmaster The code snippet that follows shows a tag handler that uses the UIComponent's map for storing attribute values and ValueExpressions using this approach, shown in bold type. Want to develop cool, fast and innovative Web applications? For example, if the user selects Pear from the fruit component, the variety component will display the values Aurora, Bartlet, Bosc, Comice, and Delicious. xml Building the Sample The AjaxPortlet sample includes a build. The FileUploadRenderer. To get the city that the user selects to be plotted on the map, I first needed a topic listener that takes the value of that city and uses dojo.
Note: In the case where you have already defined the Dojo namespace, that Dojo version applies. Subsequently, the portal can personalize that data so that its users can have their own mashups with data sources that suit their individual needs, hence saving a major task in the development cycle. For example, Google Maps does not provide any routing API; MapQuest does.
large, form textarea.
Accordingly, while in the servlet, you can store stateful data in the HttpSession interface and later, while in the portlet, retrieve the data from the PortletSession interface.
For the source code, see the edit.
In the meantime, solutions do exist.

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