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Re: [Linphone-developers] Working on Linphone Android - Chatting Issues

From: Sylvain Berfini
Subject: Re: [Linphone-developers] Working on Linphone Android - Chatting Issues
Date: Thu, 5 Mar 2020 10:29:45 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:68.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/68.5.0


I guess your SIP server is an asterisk, am I right?

If you check your MESSAGE headers sent by B, you will see the TO header to be your username@your_ip instead of username@your_domain.
Our SDK uses 2 informations to identify a chat room: the sender and the recipient.
In this case the message that is received from B is detected to be from a new chat room as headers don't match the one initiated by A.

When you try to reply in this new chat room, the message will be sent to username@your_ip (following the TO used to create the chat room), so your proxy will probably reject it.
However first chat room is still properly configured, so message sent in it will work.

There have been many issues for this reporting on github ( if you want more information about that, as well as a ticket on asterisk bugtracker (


Sylvain Berfini
Software Engineer @ Belledonne Communications
Le 05/03/2020 à 10:07, Brightson Jupirik a écrit :

Good Day,

I’m currently working on the Linphone Android, It seems like there is a Chatting Issue with our SIP Server.

1. Using Linphone A Sending a Chat to  Linphone B, will create a Chatroom (of Course)

2. When Linphone B Reply it will create another Chatroom on Linphone A, ignoring the first initiated chatroom


3.  When Linphone A, reply on the New created Chatroom, the Message will not reach Linphone B


4. But replying on Linphone A initiated Chatroom will reach Chatroom Linphone B,

5. Linphone B replies will go to the newly created Linphone A Chatroom

upon Checking on the Code and amended a Toast Message to Indicate the Chatroom Address Parameter I Found that the


1.       Linphone A -Initiated Chatroom(ProxyAddress,ProxyAddress)

2.       Linphone B - Received Chatroom(proxyAddress, LocalAddress)

3.       Linphone A - Replied Chatroom(LocalAddress,LocalAddress)


Do let me know if your require the log file for this issues



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