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Re: [Linphone-developers] Receiving multiple RTP streams

From: John Pallister
Subject: Re: [Linphone-developers] Receiving multiple RTP streams
Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2007 13:43:38 +1300
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20071031)

Hi Simon,

Thanks very much for your response.


John :^P

Simon Morlat wrote:

Le Monday 10 December 2007 11:13:18 John Pallister, vous avez écrit :

My oRTP-using application needs to be able to receive
multiple RTP streams. I have a couple of questions regarding

- Can oRTP receive multiple streams on the same address &
port and then disambiguate them based on the sender address
& port? Or do all streams have to arrive on different ports
(like mrtprecv.c suggests)?
No, each session is using differents local port. as mrtprecv.c does.
sender address & port recognition is not reliable as source address may not be known in advance (case of rtp streams through nats).

- Is oRTP thread-safe, that is, can I have multiple threads
each calling rtp_session_recvm_with_ts() for a different
session on a different port?
Yes you can.
Or is session_set_select() the only way to go?
No, the first way is ok too, and perhaps a bit simpler.

John Pallister

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