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Development and design meeting 20231128

From: Michael McMahon
Subject: Development and design meeting 20231128
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2023 11:32:53 -0500
User-agent: Icedove Mail

* Manifest V3 (Development)
* We have a new sunset date. https://developer.chrome.com/blog/resuming-the-transition-to-mv3/ * Tuta suggests switching to Firefox. https://tuta.com/blog/best-private-browsers

* Usability report (Design)
  * Looking into changing the style to a more user-friendly format.

* Localization or Internationalization (i18n) (Development/Design)
  * Python suite mdpo seems like a workable solution.
    * https://mondeja.github.io/mdpo/latest/index.html
* We got an email about something proprietary on our website. Seems to be a incorrect drop-down box. Easy fix. Fixed during meeting.

* Paper
  * Sent out the questionairre.
* We probably got 20 replies already so far which has exceeded expectations.
  * We had received some rejects.

* News
  * Three releases of TOR browser this week.

* Next meeting (Development/Design)
  * Meetings repeat every two weeks.
  * Next development meeting: December 12th
  * Next design meeting: December 12th

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