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Re: [Info-xnee] Questions

From: Mauro Antonelli
Subject: Re: [Info-xnee] Questions
Date: Sat, 9 Oct 2004 13:44:48 +0200

Il giorno 09/ott/04, alle 00:57, Henrik Sandklef ha scritto:


On Fri, 2004-10-08 at 11:15, address@hidden wrote:
I have two phisical monitor, with two desktop (without xinerama). I
reference these desktop with localhost:0.0 and localhost:0.1
When Xnee is recording, action performed over both the screen are
recorded, but on replay all the actions are reproduced on

Can you show me how you start Xnee application (what args)?
Can you send over the logfile with recorded data from both screens?

I have tried with same results (on Solaris and Aix):
xnee --record --mouse --out abc.xne --loops -1
xnee --record --mouse --out abc.xne --loops -1 --display localhost:0
xnee --record --mouse --out abc.xne --loops -1 --display localhost:0.0
xnee --record --mouse --out abc.xne --loops -1 --display localhost:0.1

xnee  --replay --file abc.xne --no-sync
xnee  --replay --file abc.xne --no-sync --display localhost:0.0
xnee  --replay --file abc.xne --no-sync --display localhost:0.1
xnee  --replay --file abc.xne --no-sync --replay-resolution 1280x2048

Lots of examples. Which command line do you use when the error occurs?
Does the error occur on all the above examples?

The same error occur on all the above examples.

Do you start two instances of xnee when recording the different screens,
like this:
  xnee --record --mouse --out 00.xns --loops -1 --display localhost:0.0
  xnee --record --mouse --out 01.xns --loops -1 --display localhost:0.1
or do you use one instance, like this:
  xnee --record --mouse --out 00.xns --loops -1 --display localhost:0

I have always started one xnee instance with --display localhost:0 or localhost:0.1 or localhost:0.2.
But in the log file nothing changes  (except in line DisplayName:... )
I will try to start two instances of xnee on monday...

I've attached the log file, recorded with mouse movements across the screens.

The recorded file is from a recording session of display "localhost:0"
In this file you never move the mouse outside the root window (which has
the size 1280x1024). Or am I wrong?

No, I move the mouse on both screens (two monitors 1280x1024), at screen change in log file there is a "step", for example: ...1278,1279,0,1,2,3... (look at 8° - 9° recorded event, it's a screen change).

I think I know where the bug is. In the file:
there is a funciton:
that prints the recorded events to file. This function always print
screen number 0, even if screen != 0. Can you confirm that my assumption
above (starting two recording sessions (one per screen) is valid)?

I am studying xnee' s sources, but in documentation (Xnee-doc-1.08.94l) I still do not succeed to find specifications about the meaning of the columns in log file... There is a column that specify the screen's number?
I will try to start two instances of xnee on monday...


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