Former Beijing Policeman Reveals an Assembly Line System of Organ Harvesting By Zeng Ni The Epoch TimesJul 17, 2006 Interview with Sun Liyong. (The Epoch Times)A former Beijing policeman and member of the Coalition to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (CIPFG) revealed that there is an 'assembly line' system of organ harvesting in Beijing and the Chinese Communist regime forcefully removes people's organs without their consent. After a prisoner is sentenced to death in China, the actual date of his death seems to depend on the needs of transplant operations. The Assembly Line Begins on Marco Polo Bridge and Continues to Beijing Friendship Hospital The former policeman, Sun Liyong, said that he enrolled in the Beijing Police Academy in 1979 and after gradation was assigned to the Dongcheng Police Department in Beijing, where he worked until1987. There were 650 students who graduated with him and they were assigned to various public security and legal organizations in Beijing, including enforcement teams responsible for executing prisoners. Classmates kept in touch with each other and exchanged information. One of Sun Liyong's classmates worked in the organization responsible for executing prisoners. That's how Sun Liyong was able to find out that, back then, Beijing Friendship Hospital was the only hospital in Beijing that could obtain organs from executed prisoners. The process was as follows: Beijing Police Department would first confirm the date of a prisoner's execution and then inform both Beijing Friendship Hospital and the courts. The hospital staff would go to the detention centre to carry out blood tests before the prisoner was executed in order to find compatible organs. The No 7 section of the Beijing Police Department was responsible for this. Vehicles from the police department, law courts and Friendship Hospital would arrive at the scene of the execution. A red cross sign was hung on the hospital's vehicle and the people inside couldn't leave. An operating table, knives and scissors would all be ready in the vehicle. The execution site for carrying out death sentences in Beijing is usually at the Marco Polo Bridge. The prisoner would kneel in a hole dug in the ground and would be shot through the head. Because his organs would be removed, he couldn't be shot in the heart. After the prisoner was shot, he would collapse forward into the dug out hole. The coroner would check that he was dead and then place his body in a large plastic bag, tie it up and dump it in the vehicle with the red cross sign. Staff in the vehicle would immediately begin removing the organs as the vehicle drove back to the hospital. At the same time, the organ recipient would be in the hospital, anaesthetized, and ready for the transplant operation. Sun Liyong said that, as far as he knew, people who have been sentenced to death have their organs taken regardless of whether they consented or not. There is no choice when the Chinese Communist regime is involved – to them, harvesting people's organs is perfectly justified. The Chinese Communist Regime Is Really Brutal! Our Child Was Missing All his Organs! Sun Liyong said that after 1989 he was charged with "instigating and promoting anti-revolutionary sentiments" and was sentenced to seven years imprisonment for publishing an underground publication. From 1991 to 1998, he was held in several prisons, including Beijing Qincheng Prison, First Prison and Second Prison. In 1996, a friend and fellow prisoner named Ma was executed. Later, Ma's parents told Sun Liyong during a visit: "When we went to collect [Ma's] body from the hospital, we thought it looked very shriveled. His whole stomach had shrunk, so we pulled open his clothes to take a look and saw an incision from his throat to his stomach. The incision was badly sewn. The Communist regime is really brutal. Our child was missing all his organs!" Timing of the Execution Depends on the Needs of Transplant Operations Sun Liyong also said that while he was detained at the No 7 section of the Beijing Police Department, he made friends with someone who was once imprisoned with convicts who had been sentenced to death for more than six months. This friend told Sun Liyong that the death-row prisoners had at least one full body examination and blood testing. Some of them even had their blood tested several times. Some of them were executed very soon after being sentenced to death, while others had to wait for several months. Sun Liyong said that from his eight years experience of being a policeman and his understanding of the nature of the Chinese Communist regime, he concluded that some death-row prisoners were not executed immediately because the regime wanted to wait for a compatible organ recipient before executing them. Why Didn't You Say that your Son Was Missing? The Chinese official website published a denial of the allegations made by former Canadian Member of Parliament David Kilgour and human rights lawyer David Matas in their July 6 investigative report on organ harvesting of Falun Gong practitioners. The report explained that in the six years of persecution of Falun Gong, there are more than 40,000 cases of transplant operations in which the source of the organs cannot be explained. Yet this apparent mystery is explained by the harvesting of organs from Falun Gong practitioners. However, the denial article on Xinhua net claimed that it is impossible for 40,000 people to disappear in China without the outside world knowing about it. In response to this claim, Sun Liyong said that it is totally possible for 40,000 people to disappear in China without the outside world knowing. For example, he once found out about a victim of the June 4 Tiananmen Square massacre named Lin. Lin went to Tiananmen Square on June 3, 1989 and someone saw him helping the injured victims. He disappeared after that and his body was never found. His parents didn't tell anyone that their son was missing. When Sun found the parents of this victim, he asked them: "Why didn't you tell anyone that your son went missing?" They replied: "We are old revolutionaries. We have been involved in revolutions our whole life. Now the Chinese Communist Party gives us a pension. If we tell anyone our son is missing, how will we survive?" Sun Liyong said that even now the family is still afraid to talk about this matter. Even though they hate the Chinese Communist Party, they cannot do anything. Besides, their son is already dead, and they would rather tolerate the injustice and lead a peaceful life. Short Biography of Sun Liyong Sun Liyong was born in June 1961, enrolled into the Beijing Police Academy in 1979 and subsequently worked in the Beijing Dongcheng Police Department. He left the public security service in 1987 and became a manager in the Beijing North Star Company security department. He witnessed the Tiananmen Square massacre on June 3, 1989 and took photos of many of the victims. In one area, he saw 57 corpses. In 1990, he started an underground democratic movement publication called Democratic China . In 1991, he was sentenced to seven years imprisonment for "instigating and propagating anti revolution". He was released in April 1998 at the end of his sentence. In 2004, he escaped to Australia and applied for political asylum. He is currently convener of the "Support network for political and religious dissidents in China" and author of Walking Through the Ice Mountain (not yet published) which is a record of his seven years in prison. Sun Liyong works as a home removalist in Australia. Although he is struggling financially, he continues to send money back to China to help political dissidents. Copyright 2000 - 2005 Epoch Times International