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lily 1.3.111

From: Han-Wen Nienhuys
Subject: lily 1.3.111
Date: Sun, 26 Nov 2000 20:26:12 +0100

.111 contains small bugfixes, small documentation updates. And,
finally, a much-requested feature: the ability to combine \push and
\pop commands.


* Fixed non-empty-text feature.

* Bugfix for Grob::has_extent_callback_b ()

* Added infrastructure for music property documentation strings.

* Syntax change: \notenames -> \pitchnames

* Changed syntax \push -> \override, \pop -> \revert. Added:

  \property Context.Element \set #'foo = #bar

which  does a \revert followed by an \override.

* Documentation updates.

* Fixed typechecks for \push, \pop and \property

* Bugfix: Local_key_engraver.

* Fixes for lilypond-mode.el (patch by Mark Hindley)


Han-Wen Nienhuys   |   address@hidden    |

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