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Re: Sourcing global variables in unit tests

From: Pavel Hofman
Subject: Re: Sourcing global variables in unit tests
Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2019 14:10:43 +0200
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Hi Kai,

Dne 16. 04. 19 v 5:26 Kai Torben Ohlhus napsal(a):

Can you provide a small, comprehensible, and complete test within a ZIP file?   Maybe this already works with Octave 5.1.0.

This very simple example - first test works, the second one fails.

function [A, B] = f1Direct()
  global A;
  global B;

%! global A;
%! A = 2;
%! global B;
%! B = 3;
%! [o1, o2] = f1Direct();
%! expected = [2, 3];
%! assert([o1, o2], expected);

%! global A = 1;
%! global B = 2;
%! [o1, o2] = f1Direct();
%! expected = [1, 2];
%! assert([o1, o2], expected);

>> test f1Direct.m
***** test
 global A = 1;
 global B = 2;
 [o1, o2] = f1Direct();
 expected = [1, 2];
 assert([o1, o2], expected);
!!!!! test failed
ASSERT errors for:  assert ([o1, o2],expected)

  Location  |  Observed  |  Expected  |  Reason
    (1)           2            1         Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
    (2)           3            2         Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0

Otherwise, why don't you call a function "my_consts" on the workspace, providing the necessary test constants?

My consts.m defines tens of constants, all used throughout my project .

I can imagine returning a struct with all the constants


Using this would avoid the "global" call overhead at the same time. But on the other hand it introduces the overhead with returning/accessing a large struct.



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