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Re: [Help-gnu-radius] Acct. warning: acct_stop_query updated X records

From: Dale
Subject: Re: [Help-gnu-radius] Acct. warning: acct_stop_query updated X records
Date: Fri, 23 Jul 2004 08:50:45 -0700 (PDT)

> That's not their fault, actually. The problem itself lies in RFC
> 2868,
> which states in Section 4.1:
>   The Identifier field MUST be changed whenever the content of
>   the Attributes field changes, and whenever a valid reply has
>   been received for a previous request.  For retransmissions
>   where the contents are identical, the Identifier MUST remain
>   unchanged.
>   Note that if Acct-Delay-Time is included in the attributes of an
>   Accounting-Request then the Acct-Delay-Time value will be updated
>   when the packet is retransmitted, changing the content of the
>   Attributes field and requiring a new Identifier and Request
>   Authenticator.
> So, whenever the NAS adds an Acct-Delay-Time to the request being
> retransmitted, it changes request ID and authenticator, thereby
> breaking the duplicate detection algorithm. 

Acct-Delay-Time is present and does change between requests.  So I've
set compare-attribute-flag to 1, 2  and 5, and none seem to fix my
problem.  Anything else I should try?



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