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Re: iconify-frame on emacs 28.2

From: Po Lu
Subject: Re: iconify-frame on emacs 28.2
Date: Sat, 16 Mar 2024 10:31:46 +0800
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) (John Conover) writes:

> I make extensive use of emacsclient across a network of machines, and
> iconify-frame has stopped working with emacsclient; it just hangs
> showing the "*scratch*" buffer, and will not iconify emacs without
> killing the emacsclient process, and starting all over.
> Typing M-x iconify-frame produces:
>     "You can run the command 'iconify-frame' with M-x ico-f RET"
> Replacing iconify-frame with ico-f in ~/.emacs.elc produces:
>     "Symbol's function is void: ico-f"
> Anyone have any ideas?

The message you quote is only a reminder that there is an abbreviated
form of the command which might be slightly more convenient to type.
"ico-f" is not really a command.

That being said, you have probably run across a bug in the iconification
process that manifests by wedging Emacs until, perhaps, an interruption
such as killing emacsclient creates.  Please upgrade to 29.2 and check
whether the problem continues to exist there.

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