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Re: Define use-package twice for some packages

From: Nikolay Kudryavtsev
Subject: Re: Define use-package twice for some packages
Date: Wed, 27 Dec 2023 16:26:02 +0300
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird

One way to do it is by using a function that you later redefine. First you define an empty version before your shared circe use-package form. You call it in your :config. Then you define a filled version in your private config file. The :config would call the redefined function. This should work for circe, but there are probably some packages where it won't work, because :config is called before your custom function is redefined.

Alternatively if your configuration is something simple like a few variable values, nothing forces you to fit it all into the use-package. Tools like use-package exist to make it simpler for you, not harder and 0.005325 seconds of startup time may not be worth 4 hours of human thinking time.

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