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Re: memory tken by emacs

From: Samuel Wales
Subject: Re: memory tken by emacs
Date: Thu, 2 Feb 2023 21:02:26 -0700

tldr idk.

On 2/2/23, Stefan Monnier via Users list for the GNU Emacs text editor
<> wrote:
>> ps -eo pid,\%mem,size,vsize,rss,resident,cmd --sort=size ->  5234 55.2
>> 3226844 3549680 3193108 - emacs --maximize
> Wow, is that 3GB of RSS?

i don't really understand memory terms in linux.  but emacs is using
half of memory so it could be.

> Are you doing anything with this Emacs which could justify

not really.  i don't know why emacs started getting slower and
capacity using.  there is one thing i do, which is to enable undo-tree
in a derived mode of diff-mode, and this is quite useful, but keeps a
history as long as i don't... kill the buffer?
but i kill the buffer and it is still capacity using.  maybe i set gc
or undo vars wrong at one point?  idk.  i'm just a normal emacs user
[that was a joke, i don't think there is such a thing].  i use org and
magit and shell.  i long ago set shell output truncation to a level
that was reasonable on an older, less memory, proabalby slower cpu
computer that performed better [but had 4 cores not 2].  idr if i ever
messed with messages buffer truncation or if it is possible.

it is true that as of a while back, my whole computer got kinda bad
and slow and running out of memory.  manifesting in slow emacs, slow
firefox, and slow rsync.  but idk if that is related or not.  it's
kind of confusing and complex.

i had at the time 2000+ firefox tabs, but still slow without that....
new slow drives.  and i attempted to reduce the impact of rsync which
was pretty fast and did not make the system laggy, at least on the old
drives tht worked ok, with all those things like nocache ionice -c3
nice chrt --idle 0 and not knowing which combinations to use.  i get
40min transfers instead of 6min.  and laggy everything on top of that.
but too many variables.  too many things changed and for health
reasons i don't have it in me to be systematic. but diagostic tools
for emacs imghtb e nice.  using an old emacs.

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