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Re: Why flip RET and C-j with electric-indent-mode?

From: Stephen
Subject: Re: Why flip RET and C-j with electric-indent-mode?
Date: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 16:56:20 +0000

> But no.  That isn't a suggestion I like.  Obviously I already know
> that setting this will set things back the way I prefer:
> (setq electric-indent-mode nil) ; new in 24, default is t, breaks RET/C-j

well, no

that disables the electric stuff in its entirety - in c-mode, where i spend a 
lot of time, you lose the other magic keys (comma, semicolon, parens etc etc)

this is the best workaround i've found:
(global-set-key (kbd "RET") 'electric-newline-and-maybe-indent)


> Because users nowadays expect that.

strikes me as a little arrogant. if by "users" you mean "people who have never 
used emacs before" then yes. but if you mean "people who have been using emacs 
for 24 years" then no, i NOT "expect that", get off my lawn!

i don't object to change per se, but i am ticked off there was no obvious 
documented "old behaviour" flag, and that i had to waste my time coming up with 
an acceptable workaround for this frivolous change.


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