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Re: Find bindings for all modes

From: Tim Johnson
Subject: Re: Find bindings for all modes
Date: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 10:25:15 -0800
User-agent: Mutt/

* Robert Thorpe <> [141029 18:23]:
> I'd begin by asking: why do you want terminal mode?  The normal purpose
> of terminals these days is SSHing into remote computers.  Tim, why do
> you need terminal mode if you don't work in a team environment?   
  It is a given that I will be using SSH and terminal mode in both
  the host and the clients.

> There are advantages to redefining basic keys like C-j, C-l, C-o, etc as
> prefix keys.  But, it's tricky, it's not like normal key bindings.  Lots
> of Emacs modes assume those keys are unchanged.  For example,
> list-buffer binds C-o to Buffer-menu-switch-other-window.  If you rebind
> C-o globally and you want Buffer-menu-switch-other-window then you're
> going to have to bind it to something else in buffer menus.  The same
> goes for many other modes.  If you read through the archives of this
> list you'll see people often get bitten by this.  If you've a good bit
> of experience with elisp then that helps.  AFAIK Emmanuel Berg, who
> often comments here, has done this.
  The current keymaps have been used for years in gui mode. The new
  prefixes are : C-j, C-u and C-]. And there *have* been problems
  which have been worked out ...

> Tim, have you tried god-mode or evil?  They may be more useful for
> dealing with limited hand mobility.
  Say what? :) Never heard of them. I will be googling them as soon
  as I finish this message. Feel free to elaborate if you have the
  time and inclination.

> Using C-c X type keys is easy.  You can do something like:
> (global-set-key (kbd "C-c a") 'previous-buffer)
> Or, you can use local-set-key.  See:
> (info "(emacs) Rebinding") 
  Thanks for the tip on 'info.
  I am currently rewriting my binding code so that I can set a
  global variable that will enable the C-j, C-l etc binding 
  C-c j, C-c l etc.

  Let way I can compare effects on my hands. 
> Tim's plan to change C-j, C-l, C-o, etc is
> more difficult, almost every mode changes those.
  Indeed. You're absolutely correct, although I have already worked
  out many of those issues. The tradeoff is that with using
  and the following statement
  "Don't define C-c letter as a key in Lisp programs. Sequences
  consisting of C-c and a letter (either upper or lower case) are
  reserved for users; they are the only sequences reserved for

  I would have to reach down more with my index finger but I
  wouldn't have to worry about collisions and I would have the
  potential of shorter sequences with more keymaps.

  We've wandered far from the original question, but I have learned
  Robert, thanks for your concise explanations and for being so
  patient with my unorthodox approach.


tim at tee jay forty nine dot com or akwebsoft dot com,

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