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Re: DocView: process ps->pdf changed status to killed.

From: Tassilo Horn
Subject: Re: DocView: process ps->pdf changed status to killed.
Date: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 12:25:37 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.130012 (Ma Gnus v0.12) Emacs/25.0.50 (gnu/linux)

Pierre Lorenzon <> writes:

Hi Pierre,

> I get error message in the subject when doing C-c C-c in a buffer
> visiting a ps file and I cannot figure out why.
> Emacs version is 24.3.1 
> When doing C-c C-c I get a message syaing that no conversion to images
> can be done since there are no tools to do that on my system. In fact
> I am blind and only interested to text. Anyway normally if you press y
> key text should be displayed using first a conversion to pdf and then
> a conversion to text.
> But process dies at first step as shown by the error message.
> doc-view-pdftotext-program variable is set to ps2pdf (or ps2pdf13) but
> both gives the same result.  Even if the two scripts ps2pdf and
> ps2pdf13 exist on my system and run perfectly when launched from the
> console.

Hm, you could try to evaluate the following piece of advice:

  (defadvice doc-view-start-process (before doc-view-show-cmd-line activate)
    (message "doc-view-start-process:\n  %s %s"
              program (mapconcat #'concat args " ")))

That will print the exact command lines doc-view executes in the
*Messages* buffer.  The command that doesn't work should be just before
the error message in the subject.  Then copy the command line and check
if it works indeed in a terminal.


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