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Re: Poll about proposed change in DEL (aka Backspace) and Delete

From: Andreas Röhler
Subject: Re: Poll about proposed change in DEL (aka Backspace) and Delete
Date: Mon, 03 Oct 2011 17:14:24 +0200
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Am 03.10.2011 11:21, schrieb Tassilo Horn:
Ian Zimmerman<>  writes:

Hi Ian,

Richard>  * What are the cases where you find it hurts?

It would make me scream every time I select a region and then forget
about it (which is _very_ often) and then try to activate
delete-backward-char with DEL (which is _also very often_).

How can you forget about your active region?  I mean, it's highlighted.
If you already turned off transient-mark-mode, then you won't be
affected anyway.

By the way, what would delete-backward-char be bound to if this change
is implemented?

,----[ C-h f delete-backward-char RET ]
| delete-backward-char is an interactive compiled Lisp function in `simple.el'.
| It is bound to DEL.
| (delete-backward-char N&optional KILLFLAG)
| Delete the previous N characters (following if N is negative).
| If Transient Mark mode is enabled, the mark is active, and N is 1,
| delete the text in the region and deactivate the mark instead.
| To disable this, set `delete-active-region' to nil.
| Optional second arg KILLFLAG, if non-nil, means to kill (save in
| kill ring) instead of delete.  Interactively, N is the prefix
| arg, and KILLFLAG is set if N is explicitly specified.
| In Overwrite mode, single character backward deletion may replace
| tabs with spaces so as to back over columns, unless point is at
| the end of the line.


Hi Tassilo,

I'm in favor of the change now, but was against the feature years ago.
That might be just a personal story.

Habits differ. And not just differ, but differ in a way, some times you can't explain that by rationality.

Even if in favor of the change now, think Ian's argument is valid.

Preparing decision by such a poll is a very good idea BTW,

thanks all


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