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Re: syntax parsing of non-contiguous regions

From: Alexander Katovsky
Subject: Re: syntax parsing of non-contiguous regions
Date: Mon, 21 Sep 2009 20:28:20 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20080724)


Thanks for your reply. The reason that I want to do this is to make a major mode that supports embedded code (i.e. two major modes). I have a strategy for doing this that would be well suited to my specific problem and is different from the multi-mode implementations I have seen. The new mode will be derived from the primary mode. The fontification in the primary mode will provide a hook that the derived mode can use to fontify the embedded code. This will work very elegantly if I can define the embedded code as a comment in the derived mode. In this way, the parent mode will simply ignore the embedded code entirely, so that it will not interfere in any way with the primary code, and I can decide what to do with it later.

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