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Re: gdb-mode hangs in OS X

From: Nick Roberts
Subject: Re: gdb-mode hangs in OS X
Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 22:32:47 +1200

> The variable wasn't recognized when using M-x set-variable, and so I
> set it manually with a setq.  

gdb-enable-debug-log should be autoloaded so you should see it even if you
haven't loaded the file. Are you really using 22.0.50?  Is it Carbon Emacs
from the CVS repository at savannah or a derived version like Aqua Emacs?

After you typ M-x gdb does Emacs prompt with:

Run gdb (like this): gdb --annotate=3 `yourprog'?

> I couldn't find a gdb-debug-log after
> doing M-x gdb subsequently, though --- am I doing something wrong?
> Sorry for not following instructions and posting to emacs-pretest-bug
> just yet; I wanted to make sure I got the output right first.

Something doesn't add up but there's no harm in posting to emacs-pretest-bug
even if you are doing something wrong.  Its a forum for such matters not
an IQ contest.

> I'm running OS X 10.4.2, and gdb 6.1-20040303 (Apple version gdb-413).

I've had reports for 10.2 and 10.3 where, I think, M-x gdb works now.  Apple
have their own version of GDB so they might have removed the underlying
annotations in 10.4 (Tiger?) that are needed for GDB to work in Emacs. You
could look at the output of "gdb --annotate=3 yourprog" from the command line
ans see if it marks up the output with frames-invalid, pre-prompt, prompt etc.

Without access to OS X 10.4 (or even a Mac!), I can't really help you.
If you want to dig deeper please report any progress you make to


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