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Re: TERM=xterm-256color but emacs=8color

From: Peter Dyballa
Subject: Re: TERM=xterm-256color but emacs=8color
Date: Sun, 2 Jan 2005 20:13:15 +0100

Am 02.01.2005 um 15:57 schrieb kj:

so I set TERM=xterm-256color and invoked emacs -nw, but when I
executed (list-colors-display) only 8 colors are shown.  What am
I doing wrong?

Imagining. Emacs can't display more than the 8 ANSI colours. There are these ANSI Esc sequences to change these colours and to intensify/high light them. If your terminal supports more than then the 8 ANSI colours you could teach it to Emacs -- maybe there is already an augmented Elisp file.

Remember that a terminal is no graphics application! It's a whatever hardware terminal emulation. GNU Emacs too sticks to this definition.



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