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Compilation error in ancient YACC code

From: Chris Bragg
Subject: Compilation error in ancient YACC code
Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2019 06:37:59 +1000

Dear All, 


I need to recompile a very old C program system that uses YACC to generate
one of its C source files.  The YACC component has been successfully
compiled under various operating systems since the mid 1980s. The last
successful compile was under OpenSUSE about 2015.  At that time I installed
the recommended YACC distribution which resulted in an executable called
"byacc" which worked fine. 

My current system is Linux Mint (the latest distro).  I followed the help
directions and installed Bison and ended up with a program called "yacc".  I
noted that I could also invoke "yacc" by the command "bison -y".  


The YACC compiler generates only two errors. I suspect that the problem is a
minor one and that a small fix to the syntax will fix the problem. I am not
a YACC programmer - it is a complete mystery to me - and I was hoping a
posting of the yacc source code up to the point the errors occur and the
error report itself would allow someone to spot the problem. 


The YACC errors reported are follows:


calc.y:121.14: error: syntax error, unexpected =

           expr = { Expression = $1;};


calc.y:123.23: error: syntax error, unexpected =

           '('  expr ')' = { $$


The YACC code complete is below with the error lines highlighted YELLOW. 


Any assistance would be appreciated. 




Chris Bragg





#ifdef sun /* need corrective version of atof */

double     myatof ();


#define    myatof(s)   atof(s)



#ifdef __STDC__

#include "stdlib.h"


extern     double     atof ();

extern     char *malloc ();



#ifndef lint

static     char sccsid[] = "@(#) calc.y 5.3 (|stat) 10/1/88";



#define    CALC_VERSION                   "5.3 10/1/88"

/* PGM(calc, Algebraic Modeling Calculator) */


#ifdef __MSDOS__

#define    MARK_EOF "Ctrl-Z"

#elif macintosh

#define    MARK_EOF "Apple-."


#define    MARK_EOF "^D"



#include <stdio.h>

#include <math.h>

#include <ctype.h>

#include <signal.h>

#ifdef     macintosh

#include <IOCtl.h>

#define isatty(x) (!ioctl(x, FIOINTERACTIVE, NULL))



#define    FZERO         (10e-10)

#define    fzero(x)      (fabs (x) < FZERO)

#define    isvarchar(c)  (isalnum (c) || (c) == '_')


#ifndef iscntrl

#define iscntrl(a) ((a)>0&&(a)<26)


#define OPERATOR     1

#define PARSERROR    1

#define    MAXVAR    1000 

#define    UNDEFINED   -99999999999.987654321

int Nvar;

char *Varname[MAXVAR];

char *Eptr;

int Printequation = 1;

char *Prompt = "CALC: ";

int Interactive = 0;

char Format[100] = "%.10g";    /* default print format for numbers */


typedef    union


     int opr;        /* if OPERATOR */

     double     *num;       /* if NUMBER */

     int var;        /* if VARIABLE */

     } STUFF;

STUFF Tmp1, Tmp2;  /* used in the parser to cast operators */

typedef struct enode        /* expression node in tree */


     int etype;          /* type of node */

     STUFF contents;

     struct     enode *left;

     struct     enode *right;

     } ENODE;

#define    ENULL ((ENODE *) NULL)

ENODE *Expression, *Variable[MAXVAR];


double     eval (), Answer;

double     *Constant;



Previously defined

char *getline ();


char *bragg_getline ();



FILE *Outfile = stdout;

The above throws a compile error (something about needing a constant in the

Solution was to eliminate the assignment - seems to work!!


FILE *Outfile;






     int opr;   /* an operator */

     int var;   /* an index into the variable table */

     double     *num;  /* a pointer to a numerical constant */

     ENODE *ex;   /* an expression in the parse tree */



%type <ex> expr

%token <num> NUMBER

%token     <var> VARIABLE

%nonassoc <opr> '#'

%right <opr> '='

%left <opr> '?' IF THEN

%left <opr> ':' ELSE

%left <opr> '|'

%left <opr> '&'

%nonassoc <opr> '!'

%nonassoc <opr> EQ NE GE LE '<' '>'

%left <opr> '+' '-'

%left <opr> '*' '/' '%'

%right <opr> '^'





     expr = { Expression = $1;};

expr :

     '('  expr ')' = { $$ = $2; }|

     VARIABLE '=' expr =


                if (checkrecursion ($1, $3))


                      fprintf (stderr, "calc: Can't have recursive

                      Variable[$1] = NULL;


                else Variable[$1] = $3;

                $$ = $3;


     '#' expr =


           Constant = (double *) malloc (sizeof (double));

           if (Constant == NULL)

                errorexit ("Out of storage space");

           *Constant = eval ($2);

           Tmp1.num = Constant;

           $$ = node (&Tmp1, NUMBER, ENULL, ENULL);


     expr '+' expr =


           Tmp1.opr = '+';

           $$ = node (&Tmp1, OPERATOR, $1, $3);


     expr '-' expr =


           Tmp1.opr = '-';

           $$ = node (&Tmp1, OPERATOR, $1, $3);


     expr '*' expr =


           Tmp1.opr = '*';

           $$ = node (&Tmp1, OPERATOR, $1, $3);


     expr '%' expr =


           Tmp1.opr = '%';

           $$ = node (&Tmp1, OPERATOR, $1, $3);


     expr '/' expr =


           Tmp1.opr = '/';

           $$ = node (&Tmp1, OPERATOR, $1, $3);


     expr '^' expr =


           Tmp1.opr = '^';

           $$ = node (&Tmp1, OPERATOR, $1, $3);


     '-' expr %prec UMINUS =


           Tmp1.opr = '_';

           $$ = node (&Tmp1, OPERATOR, ENULL, $2);


     expr EQ expr =


           Tmp1.opr = EQ;

           $$ = node (&Tmp1, OPERATOR, $1, $3);


     expr NE expr =


           Tmp1.opr = NE;

           $$ = node (&Tmp1, OPERATOR, $1, $3);


     expr LE expr =


           Tmp1.opr = LE;

           $$ = node (&Tmp1, OPERATOR, $1, $3);


     expr '<' expr =


           Tmp1.opr = '<';

           $$ = node (&Tmp1, OPERATOR, $1, $3);


     expr GE expr =


           Tmp1.opr = GE;

           $$ = node (&Tmp1, OPERATOR, $1, $3);


     expr '>' expr =


           Tmp1.opr = '>';

           $$ = node (&Tmp1, OPERATOR, $1, $3);


     expr '&' expr =


           Tmp1.opr = '&';

           $$ = node (&Tmp1, OPERATOR, $1, $3);


     expr '|' expr =


           Tmp1.opr = '|';

           $$ = node (&Tmp1, OPERATOR, $1, $3);


     '!' expr      =


           Tmp1.opr = '!';

           $$ = node (&Tmp1, OPERATOR, ENULL, $2);


     expr '?' expr ':' expr =


           Tmp1.opr = '?';

           Tmp2.opr = ':';

           $$ = node (&Tmp1, OPERATOR, $1, node (&Tmp2, OPERATOR, $3, $5));


     IF expr THEN expr =


           Tmp1.opr = '?';

           $$ = node (&Tmp1, OPERATOR, $2, $4);


     expr ELSE expr =


           Tmp1.opr = ':';

           $$ = node (&Tmp1, OPERATOR, $1, $3);


     ACOS expr =


           Tmp1.opr = ACOS;

           $$ = node (&Tmp1, OPERATOR, ENULL, $2);


     ASIN expr =


           Tmp1.opr = ASIN;

           $$ = node (&Tmp1, OPERATOR, ENULL, $2);


     ATAN expr =


           Tmp1.opr = ATAN;

           $$ = node (&Tmp1, OPERATOR, ENULL, $2);


     COS expr =


           Tmp1.opr = COS;

           $$ = node (&Tmp1, OPERATOR, ENULL, $2);


     SIN expr =


           Tmp1.opr = SIN;

           $$ = node (&Tmp1, OPERATOR, ENULL, $2);


     TAN expr =


           Tmp1.opr = TAN;

           $$ = node (&Tmp1, OPERATOR, ENULL, $2);


     LOG expr =


           Tmp1.opr = LOG;

           $$ = node (&Tmp1, OPERATOR, ENULL, $2);


     EXP expr =


           Tmp1.opr = EXP;

           $$ = node (&Tmp1, OPERATOR, ENULL, $2);


     ABS expr =


           Tmp1.opr = ABS;

           $$ = node (&Tmp1, OPERATOR, ENULL, $2);


     SQRT expr =


           Tmp1.opr = SQRT;

           $$ = node (&Tmp1, OPERATOR, ENULL, $2);




           Tmp1.var = $1;

           $$ = node (&Tmp1, VARIABLE, ENULL, ENULL);


     NUMBER =


           Tmp1.num = $1;

           $$ = node (&Tmp1, NUMBER, ENULL, ENULL);




yylex ()


     extern     YYSTYPE yylval;

     char tmpvarname[BUFSIZ];

     int i;

     while (isspace (*Eptr)) Eptr++;

     if (begins ("acos", Eptr)) {Eptr += 4; return (ACOS);}

     if (begins ("asin", Eptr)) {Eptr += 4; return (ASIN);}

     if (begins ("atan", Eptr)) {Eptr += 4; return (ATAN);}

     if (begins ("cos", Eptr)) {Eptr += 3; return (COS);}

     if (begins ("sin", Eptr)) {Eptr += 3; return (SIN);}

     if (begins ("tan", Eptr)) {Eptr += 3; return (TAN);}

     if (begins ("log", Eptr)) {Eptr += 3; return (LOG);}

     if (begins ("sqrt", Eptr)) {Eptr += 4; return (SQRT);}

     if (begins ("exp", Eptr)) {Eptr += 3; return (EXP);}

     if (begins ("abs", Eptr)) {Eptr += 3; return (ABS);}

     if (begins ("if", Eptr)) {Eptr += 2; return (IF);}

     if (begins ("then", Eptr)) {Eptr += 4; return (THEN);}

     if (begins ("else", Eptr)) {Eptr += 4; return (ELSE);}

     if (*Eptr == '$')



           yylval.num = &Answer;

           return (NUMBER);


     if (isdigit (*Eptr) || *Eptr == '.')


           Constant = (double *) malloc (sizeof (double));

           if (Constant == NULL)

                errorexit ("Out of storage space");

           *Constant = myatof (Eptr);

           yylval.num = Constant;

           Eptr += skipnumber (Eptr, 1);

           return (NUMBER);


     if (isvarchar (*Eptr))


           for (i = 0; isvarchar (Eptr[i]); i++)

                tmpvarname[i] = Eptr[i];

           tmpvarname[i] = '\0';

           Eptr += i;

           i = 0;

           while (i < Nvar && strcmp (tmpvarname, Varname[i])) i++;

           if (i == Nvar)


                Varname[i] = (char *) malloc ((unsigned)

                if (Varname[i] == NULL)

                      errorexit ("Out of storage space");

                (void) strcpy (Varname[i], tmpvarname);

                if (++Nvar == MAXVAR)

                      errorexit ("Too many variables");


           yylval.var = i;

           return (VARIABLE);


     if (begins ("!=", Eptr)) { Eptr += 2; return (NE); }

     if (begins (">=", Eptr)) { Eptr += 2; return (GE); }

     if (begins ("<=", Eptr)) { Eptr += 2; return (LE); }

     if (begins ("==", Eptr)) { Eptr += 2; return (EQ); }

     if (begins ("**", Eptr)) { Eptr += 2; return ('^'); }

     if (begins ("&&", Eptr)) { Eptr += 2; return ('&'); }

     if (begins ("||", Eptr)) { Eptr += 2; return ('|'); }

     return ((int) *Eptr++);



yyerror (msg)

char *msg;


     fprintf (Outfile, "%s:\n", msg);

     fprintf (Outfile, "Parsing error.  ");

     fprintf (Outfile, "This is left in input: [%s]\n", Eptr-1);




node (datum, datatype, lson, rson)

STUFF *datum;       /* pointer to a number or an operator */

int datatype;     /* NUMBER or VARIABLE or OPERATOR */

ENODE *lson;        /* left part of tree */

ENODE *rson;        /* right part of tree */


     ENODE *newnode;

     newnode = (ENODE *) malloc (sizeof (ENODE));

     if (newnode == ENULL)

           errorexit ("Out of storage space");

     newnode->etype = datatype;

     if (datatype == OPERATOR)

           newnode->contents.opr = datum->opr;

     else if (datatype == VARIABLE)

           newnode->contents.var = datum->var;

     else /* (datatype == NUMBER) */

           newnode->contents.num = datum->num;

     newnode->left = lson;

     newnode->right = rson;

     return (newnode);



main (argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[];


     int i;

     signal (SIGINT, SIG_IGN);

     if (isatty (fileno (stdin)))


           Interactive = 1;

           printf ("calc: version %s (Copyright 1981 Gary Perlman)\n",

           printf ("Enter expressions after the prompt '%s'\n", Prompt);

           printf ("Quit with %s, get help with ?\n", MARK_EOF);


     for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)

           process (argv[i]);

     process ("-");

     if (Interactive) /* wipe out prompt */

           printf ("\015           \015");

     exit (0);



process (filename) char *filename;


#ifdef macintosh

     int i;


     char exprline[BUFSIZ];

     FILE *ioptr;

     if (filename == NULL || !strcmp (filename, "-"))


           ioptr = stdin;

           filename = NULL;


     else if ((ioptr = fopen (filename, "r")) == NULL)


           fprintf (stderr, "Can't open %s\n", filename);



     if (filename)

           fprintf (Outfile, "Reading from %s\n", filename);

     for (;;)


           if (ioptr == stdin && Interactive)

                fprintf (Outfile, Prompt);

           if (!bragg_getline (exprline, ioptr)) break;

#ifdef macintosh

           for (i=0; exprline[i] == Prompt[i] && exprline[i]; i++) ;

          for (; exprline[i] == ' ' || exprline[i] == '\t'; i++) ;

           strcpy(exprline, exprline+i);


           Eptr = exprline;

           while (isspace (*Eptr))


           if (*Eptr == '\0' || *Eptr == '?')


                if (filename == NULL && Interactive)

                      printmenu ();



           if (iscntrl (*Eptr))


                control (Eptr);



           if (yyparse() == PARSERROR)


           if (Printequation || ioptr != stdin)

                ptree (Outfile, Expression);

           if (fzero (Answer = eval (Expression)))

                Answer = 0.0;

           if (Printequation)

                printf (" =");

           if (Answer == UNDEFINED)

                fprintf (Outfile, "\tUNDEFINED\n");



                putc ('\t', Outfile);

                fprintf (Outfile, Format, Answer);

                putc ('\n', Outfile);



     if (ioptr != stdin)

           (void) fclose (ioptr);



printmenu ()


     puts ("Expressions are in standard C syntax (like algebra).");

     puts ("The following CTRL characters have special functions:");

     puts ("(You may have to precede the character with a ^V)");

     printf ("%s     end of input to CALC\n", MARK_EOF);

     puts ("^P  toggles the printing of equations");

     puts ("^Rfile   reads the expressions from the named file");

     puts ("^Wfile   writes all expressions to the named file");

     puts ("    If no file is supplied, then print to the screen");



#define    CTRL_PRINT     16

#define    CTRL_READ      18

#define    CTRL_WRITE     23

#define    CTRL_VAR       22

#define    CTRL_FMT        6


control (key) char *key;


     int var;

     FILE *saveoutfile;

     switch (*key)


           case CTRL_FMT:

                if (key[1] == '\0' || isspace (key[1]))

                      fprintf (Outfile, "Current_Format = '%s'\n", Format);


                      strcpy (Format+1, key+1);


           case CTRL_PRINT:

                Printequation = !Printequation;


           case CTRL_READ:

                while (iscntrl (*key) || isspace (*key))


                process (key);


           case CTRL_WRITE:

           case CTRL_VAR:

                while (*key && (iscntrl (*key) || isspace (*key)))


                if (*key)


                      fprintf (Outfile, "Writing to %s\n", key);

                      saveoutfile = Outfile;

                      if ((Outfile = fopen (key, "a")) == NULL)


                           fprintf (stderr, "Can't open %s\n", key);

                           Outfile = saveoutfile;



                for (var = 0; var < Nvar; var++)


                      fprintf (Outfile, "%-10s = ", Varname[var]);

                      if (Outfile == stdout)


                           if (fzero (Answer = eval (Variable[var])))

                                 Answer = 0.0;

                           if (Answer == UNDEFINED)

                                 fprintf (Outfile, " UNDEFINED = ");



                                 fprintf (Outfile, Format, Answer);

                                 fprintf (Outfile, " = ");



                      ptree (Outfile, Variable[var]);

                      fprintf (Outfile, "\n");


                if (*key)


                      (void) fclose (Outfile);

                      Outfile = saveoutfile;




                fprintf (stderr, "Unknown control character.\n");





eval (expression)

ENODE *expression;


     double     tmp1, tmp2;


     if (expression == ENULL)

           return (UNDEFINED);

     if (expression->etype == NUMBER)

           return (*expression->contents.num);

     if (expression->etype == VARIABLE)


           if (Variable[expression->contents.var])

                return (eval (Variable[expression->contents.var]));


                return (UNDEFINED);



     if ((tmp2 = eval (expression->right)) == UNDEFINED)

           return (UNDEFINED);


     switch (expression->contents.opr)


     case '_': return (-tmp2);

     case '!': return (fzero (tmp2) ? 1.0 : 0.0);

     case LOG: if (tmp2 <= FZERO) return (UNDEFINED);

           else return (log (tmp2));

     case COS: return (cos (tmp2));

     case SIN: return (sin (tmp2));

     case TAN: return (tan (tmp2));

     case ACOS: return (acos (tmp2));

     case ASIN: return (asin (tmp2));

     case ATAN: return (atan (tmp2));

     case EXP: return (exp (tmp2));

     case ABS: return (fabs (tmp2));

     case SQRT: if (tmp2 < 0.0) return (UNDEFINED);

           else return (sqrt (tmp2));



     if ((tmp1 = eval (expression->left)) == UNDEFINED)

           return (UNDEFINED);

     switch (expression->contents.opr)


     case '+': return (tmp1 + tmp2);

     case '-': return (tmp1 - tmp2);

     case '*': return (tmp1 * tmp2);

     case '%': if ((int) tmp2 == 0) return (tmp1);

           else return ((double) (((int) tmp1) % ((int) tmp2)));

     case '/': if (fzero (tmp2)) return (UNDEFINED);

           else return (tmp1/tmp2);

     case '^': return (pow (tmp1, tmp2));

     case '&': return ((!fzero (tmp1) && !fzero (tmp2)) ? 1.0 : 0.0);

     case '|': return ((!fzero (tmp1) || !fzero (tmp2)) ? 1.0 : 0.0);

     case '>': return (tmp1 > tmp2 ? 1.0 : 0.0);

     case '<': return (tmp1 < tmp2 ? 1.0 : 0.0);

     case EQ : return (fzero (tmp1 - tmp2) ? 1.0 : 0.0);

     case NE : return (!fzero (tmp1 - tmp2) ? 1.0 : 0.0);

     case LE : return (tmp1 <= tmp2 ? 1.0 : 0.0);

     case GE : return (tmp1 >= tmp2 ? 1.0 : 0.0);

     case ':': return (0.0); /* dummy return for ? */

     case '?':

           if (expression->right->contents.opr == ':')

                return (!fzero (tmp1)

                      ? eval (expression->right->left)

                      : eval (expression->right->right));

           else if (!fzero (tmp1)) return (eval (expression->right));

           else return (UNDEFINED);

     default: fprintf (stderr, "calc: Unknown operator '%c' = %d\n",

           expression->contents.opr, expression->contents.opr);

           return (UNDEFINED);




ptree (ioptr, expression) ENODE *expression; FILE *ioptr;


     if (expression == ENULL)


     if (expression->etype == VARIABLE)


           fprintf (ioptr, "%s", Varname[expression->contents.var]);



     else if (expression->etype == NUMBER)


           if (*expression->contents.num == UNDEFINED)

                fprintf (ioptr, "UNDEFINED");


                fprintf (ioptr, Format, *expression->contents.num);



     switch     (expression->contents.opr)


           case LOG: fprintf (ioptr, "log("); break;

           case ABS: fprintf (ioptr, "abs("); break;

           case EXP: fprintf (ioptr, "exp("); break;

           case SQRT: fprintf (ioptr, "sqrt("); break;

           case ATAN: fprintf (ioptr, "atan("); break;

           case ASIN: fprintf (ioptr, "asin("); break;

           case ACOS: fprintf (ioptr, "acos("); break;

           case TAN: fprintf (ioptr, "tan("); break;

           case SIN: fprintf (ioptr, "sin("); break;

           case COS: fprintf (ioptr, "cos("); break;

           case '_' : putc ('-', ioptr);

                ptree (ioptr, expression->right); return;

           case '?':

                fprintf (ioptr, "(if ");

                ptree (ioptr, expression->left);

                fprintf (ioptr, " then ");

                if (expression->right->contents.opr == ':')


                      ptree (ioptr, expression->right->left);

                      fprintf (ioptr, " else ");

                      ptree (ioptr, expression->right->right);


                else ptree (ioptr, expression->right);

                putc (')', ioptr);


           default: putc ('(', ioptr);

                ptree (ioptr, expression->left);

                switch (expression->contents.opr)


                      case EQ: fprintf (ioptr, " == "); break;

                      case NE: fprintf (ioptr, " != "); break;

                      case GE: fprintf (ioptr, " >= "); break;

                      case LE: fprintf (ioptr, " <= "); break;

                      default: fprintf (ioptr, " %c



     ptree (ioptr, expression->right);

     putc (')', ioptr);



/* Suzanne Shouman fixed a bug here. Thanks */

begins (s1, s2) char *s1, *s2;


     int alphlag = isvarchar (*s1);

     while (*s1)

          if (*s1++ != *s2++) return (0);

     return (alphlag ? !isvarchar(*s2) : 1);



checkrecursion (varno, expr)

int varno;      /* look for recursion involving this variable */

ENODE *expr;      /* look for recursion of varno in this expr */


     if (expr == ENULL || expr->etype == NUMBER)

           return (0);


     if (expr->etype == VARIABLE)


           if (expr->contents.var == varno)

                return (1);

           if (checkrecursion (varno, Variable[expr->contents.var]))

                return (1);





           checkrecursion (varno, expr->left)


           checkrecursion (varno, expr->right)




char *

bragg_getline (line, ioptr) char *line; FILE *ioptr;


     register int C;

     register char *lptr = line;

     while ((C = getc (ioptr)) != '\n' && C != ';' && C != EOF)

           *lptr++ = C;

     if (C == EOF) return (NULL);

     while (C != '\n' && C != EOF) C = getc (ioptr);

     *lptr = '\0';

     return (line);



errorexit (string) char *string;


     fprintf (stderr, "calc: %s\n", string);

     control ("\");

     fprintf (stderr, "Current state saved in\n");

     exit (1);



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