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Re: Security warnings when using LLVM 9

From: Uxio Prego
Subject: Re: Security warnings when using LLVM 9
Date: Sat, 1 Sep 2018 13:13:50 +0200

Hi, sure.

I've added a `bison_20180901` _ref_ at my VCS backups provider:

At that branch my macOS computer is able to reproduce what I just
wrote to you only by ordering   `make` (I verified with a clean clone).

Note that the dependent project is not free software ATTOW.

Now I'm going to use that branch to prune out the reduced example I
understand I’m supposed to provide you. If I succeed, or whenever I
give up reducing, I’ll create some other repository, license it BSD0,
and copy my reduced example over there.

Then I'll try to transform the snippet (or collection of snippets, I’m
afraid) into a text I can mail to address@hidden, and come back
to submit there a report with a reduced example, my expectation, my
result, and convenient links to any free software resources I shall

I hope all of this will be enough compliant with your etiquette
(which I'm not familiar with), and in any case you already have (if
that helps) an open source not reduced example.

Thank you. Truly best cheers and regards!

> On 1 Sep 2018, at 11:54, akim <address@hidden> wrote:
> Le 2018-08-30 07:47, uxio prego a écrit :
> Hi!
>> Dear maintainer,
>> I bet you already know that Bison... 2.7 up to... 3.1 I think?
>> Can output a doc so that when compiled by
>> LLVM 9 a security warning (see `man 3 printf`) gets
>> emitted.
> No, I am not aware of this.  Please, make a complete bug report,
> with some example, what you expect, and what you get instead.
>> I don't know much about LLVM, but I think they claim to be
>> GCC compatible.
> This should be irrelevant for Bison, which aims at the C standard.
>> Does Bison in any way claim to be LLVM compatible?
>> Were you aware of such LLVM alerts? Do you want me to
>> share my compiler warnings?
> Yes please!
> Cheers!

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