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Re: bison 1.35: end of file?

From: Akim Demaille
Subject: Re: bison 1.35: end of file?
Date: 01 Jul 2002 14:01:06 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.0808 (Gnus v5.8.8) XEmacs/21.4 (Honest Recruiter)

>>>>> "Bernd" == Bernd Prager <address@hidden> writes:

Bernd> Any changes on that status?  Was anybody else successful in
Bernd> using "bison -S bison.c++ " with gcc 3.1?  I'd really
Bernd> appreciate some help.  -- Bernd

I use it with success.  But recently bison.c++ (now has
changed, so I need to adjust my samples.  Here is a first draft of the
maybe future documentation:


* C++
** Extending parser classes

        One can define a base class from which the generated parser class will
inherit.  This is done using the `root' muscle:

        %define root "Base"

        The provided base class has to fulfil two requirements.  It must define
a type called `Param', and use this type as the only parameter of its
constructor.  Here is a basic example:

        class Base

          struct Param
            Param (const std::string& fn) :
              filename (fn)

            std::string filename;

          Base (const Param& p) :
              ast_ (0),
              filename_ (p.filename)

          inline Ast* ast_get () { return ast_; }
          inline const Ast* ast_get () const { return ast_; }


          Ast*        ast_;
          std::string filename_;

        The added members and methods are then available in semantic actions:

        program : exp { ast_ = $1; }

        There are no particular constraints on the `Param' type.  It can be
a simple type as well:

        class Base

          typedef std::string Param;

          Base (const Param& p) :
            ast_ (0),
            filename_ (p)

          // ...

        However, this type has to be defined, since it is used to provide a
sound signature to the constructor of the generated parser class:

        // ...
          yy::Parser parser = yy::Parser (0,      // Debugging
                                          "foo"); // User-defined parameter

          parser.parse ();
          return parser.ast_get ();

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