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13/16: derivations: migrate the rest of the non-rpc-related bindings.

From: guix-commits
Subject: 13/16: derivations: migrate the rest of the non-rpc-related bindings.
Date: Sat, 20 Apr 2019 17:25:29 -0400 (EDT)

reepca pushed a commit to branch guile-daemon
in repository guix.

commit 6416860b996e6625133a86fb41125e5ae181991b
Author: Caleb Ristvedt <address@hidden>
Date:   Fri Apr 19 12:59:44 2019 -0500

    derivations: migrate the rest of the non-rpc-related bindings.
    * guix/derivations.scm (&derivation-error, derivation-error?,
      derivation-error-derivation, &derivation-missing-output-error,
      derivation-missing-output-error?, derivation-missing-output,
      coalesce-duplicate-inputs, derivation-name, derivation-path->base16-hash,
      derivation-output-names, derivation-hash, derivation-properties,
      fixed-output-derivation?, offloadable-derivation?,
      substitutable-derivation?, derivation-input<?,
      derivation-input-output-paths, derivation-output-paths,
      derivation->output-path, derivation->output-paths,
      derivation-path->output-path, derivation-path->output-paths,
      derivation-prerequisites, derivation/masked-inputs,
      invalidate-derivation-caches!): Moved to (guix store derivations), any of
      them that were exported are now re-exported.
    * guix/store/derivations.scm: above-mentioned definitions moved here.
    * guix/store.scm (&store-error, store-error?): Moved to (guix store files) 
      (%store-prefix): re-exported.
    * guix/store/files.scm (&store-error, store-error?): Moved here and 
      (%store-prefix): exported.
 guix/derivations.scm       | 261 ++++++---------------------------------------
 guix/store.scm             |   7 +-
 guix/store/derivations.scm | 252 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 guix/store/files.scm       |  11 +-
 4 files changed, 291 insertions(+), 240 deletions(-)

diff --git a/guix/derivations.scm b/guix/derivations.scm
index e87cd24..3bd8db4 100644
--- a/guix/derivations.scm
+++ b/guix/derivations.scm
@@ -40,34 +40,13 @@
   #:use-module (guix records)
   #:use-module (guix sets)
   #:use-module (guix store derivations)
-  #:export (derivation-input-output-paths
-            derivation-prerequisites
-            derivation-prerequisites-to-build
+  #:export (derivation-prerequisites-to-build
-            &derivation-error
-            derivation-error?
-            derivation-error-derivation
-            &derivation-missing-output-error
-            derivation-missing-output-error?
-            derivation-missing-output
-            derivation-name
-            derivation-output-names
-            fixed-output-derivation?
-            offloadable-derivation?
-            substitutable-derivation?
-            derivation-hash
-            derivation-properties
-            derivation->output-path
-            derivation->output-paths
-            derivation-path->output-path
-            derivation-path->output-paths
-            invalidate-derivation-caches!
@@ -84,6 +63,15 @@
   ;; Re-export it from here for backward compatibility.
   #:re-export (%guile-for-build
+               &derivation-error
+               derivation-error?
+               derivation-error-derivation
+               &derivation-missing-output-error
+               derivation-missing-output-error?
+               derivation-missing-output
@@ -107,54 +95,28 @@
+               derivation-name
+               derivation-output-names
+               derivation-hash
+               derivation-properties
+               fixed-output-derivation?
+               offloadable-derivation?
+               substitutable-derivation?
+               derivation-input<?
+               derivation-input-output-paths
+               derivation->output-path
+               derivation->output-paths
+               derivation-path->output-path
+               derivation-path->output-paths
+               derivation-prerequisites
-               write-derivation))
-;;; Error conditions.
+               write-derivation
+               invalidate-derivation-caches!))
-(define-condition-type &derivation-error &store-error
-  derivation-error?
-  (derivation derivation-error-derivation))
-(define-condition-type &derivation-missing-output-error &derivation-error
-  derivation-missing-output-error?
-  (output derivation-missing-output))
-(define (derivation-name drv)
-  "Return the base name of DRV."
-  (let ((base (store-path-package-name (derivation-file-name drv))))
-    (string-drop-right base 4)))
-(define (derivation-output-names drv)
-  "Return the names of the outputs of DRV."
-  (match (derivation-outputs drv)
-    (((names . _) ...)
-     names)))
-(define (fixed-output-derivation? drv)
-  "Return #t if DRV is a fixed-output derivation, such as the result of a
-download with a fixed hash (aka. `fetchurl')."
-  (match drv
-    (($ <derivation>
-        (("out" . ($ <derivation-output> _ (? symbol?) (? bytevector?)))))
-     #t)
-    (_ #f)))
-(define (derivation-input<? input1 input2)
-  "Compare INPUT1 and INPUT2, two <derivation-input>."
-  (string<? (derivation-input-path input1)
-            (derivation-input-path input2)))
-(define (derivation-input-output-paths input)
-  "Return the list of output paths corresponding to INPUT, a
-  (match input
-    (($ <derivation-input> path sub-drvs)
-     (map (cut derivation-path->output-path path <>)
-          sub-drvs))))
 (define (valid-derivation-input? store input)
   "Return true if INPUT is valid--i.e., if all the outputs it requests are in
@@ -162,74 +124,6 @@ the store."
   (every (cut valid-path? store <>)
          (derivation-input-output-paths input)))
-(define (coalesce-duplicate-inputs inputs)
-  "Return a list of inputs, such that when INPUTS contains the same DRV twice,
-they are coalesced, with their sub-derivations merged.  This is needed because
-Nix itself keeps only one of them."
-  (fold (lambda (input result)
-          (match input
-            (($ <derivation-input> path sub-drvs)
-             ;; XXX: quadratic
-             (match (find (match-lambda
-                            (($ <derivation-input> p s)
-                             (string=? p path)))
-                          result)
-               (#f
-                (cons input result))
-               ((and dup ($ <derivation-input> _ sub-drvs2))
-                ;; Merge DUP with INPUT.
-                (let ((sub-drvs (delete-duplicates
-                                 (append sub-drvs sub-drvs2))))
-                  (cons (make-derivation-input path
-                                               (sort sub-drvs string<?))
-                        (delq dup result))))))))
-        '()
-        inputs))
-(define* (derivation-prerequisites drv #:optional (cut? (const #f)))
-  "Return the list of derivation-inputs required to build DRV, recursively.
-CUT? is a predicate that is passed a derivation-input and returns true to
-eliminate the given input and its dependencies from the search.  An example of
-such a predicate is 'valid-derivation-input?'; when it is used as CUT?, the
-result is the set of prerequisites of DRV not already in valid."
-  (let loop ((drv       drv)
-             (result    '())
-             (input-set (set)))
-    (let ((inputs (remove (lambda (input)
-                            (or (set-contains? input-set input)
-                                (cut? input)))
-                          (derivation-inputs drv))))
-      (fold2 loop
-             (append inputs result)
-             (fold set-insert input-set inputs)
-             (map (lambda (i)
-                    (read-derivation-from-file (derivation-input-path i)))
-                  inputs)))))
-(define (offloadable-derivation? drv)
-  "Return true if DRV can be offloaded, false otherwise."
-  (match (assoc "preferLocalBuild"
-                (derivation-builder-environment-vars drv))
-    (("preferLocalBuild" . "1") #f)
-    (_ #t)))
-(define (substitutable-derivation? drv)
-  "Return #t if DRV can be substituted."
-  (match (assoc "allowSubstitutes"
-                (derivation-builder-environment-vars drv))
-    (("allowSubstitutes" . value)
-     (string=? value "1"))
-    (_ #t)))
-(define (derivation-output-paths drv sub-drvs)
-  "Return the output paths of outputs SUB-DRVS of DRV."
-  (match drv
-    (($ <derivation> outputs)
-     (map (lambda (sub-drv)
-            (derivation-output-path (assoc-ref outputs sub-drv)))
-          sub-drvs))))
 (define* (substitution-oracle store drv
                               #:key (mode (build-mode normal)))
   "Return a one-argument procedure that, when passed a store file name,
@@ -367,91 +261,13 @@ one-argument procedure similar to that returned by 
                     (map derivation-input-sub-derivations inputs)))))))
-(define* (derivation->output-path drv #:optional (output "out"))
-  "Return the store path of its output OUTPUT.  Raise a
-'&derivation-missing-output-error' condition if OUTPUT is not an output of
-  (let ((output* (assoc-ref (derivation-outputs drv) output)))
-    (if output*
-        (derivation-output-path output*)
-        (raise (condition (&derivation-missing-output-error
-                           (derivation drv)
-                           (output output)))))))
-(define (derivation->output-paths drv)
-  "Return the list of name/path pairs of the outputs of DRV."
-  (map (match-lambda
-        ((name . output)
-         (cons name (derivation-output-path output))))
-       (derivation-outputs drv)))
-(define derivation-path->output-path
-  ;; This procedure is called frequently, so memoize it.
-  (let ((memoized (mlambda (path output)
-                    (derivation->output-path (read-derivation-from-file path)
-                                             output))))
-    (lambda* (path #:optional (output "out"))
-      "Read the derivation from PATH (`/gnu/store/xxx.drv'), and return the 
-path of its output OUTPUT."
-      (memoized path output))))
-(define (derivation-path->output-paths path)
-  "Read the derivation from PATH (`/gnu/store/xxx.drv'), and return the
-list of name/path pairs of its outputs."
-  (derivation->output-paths (read-derivation-from-file path)))
 ;;; Derivation primitive.
-(define derivation-path->base16-hash
-  (mlambda (file)
-    "Return a string containing the base16 representation of the hash of the
-derivation at FILE."
-    (bytevector->base16-string
-     (derivation-hash (read-derivation-from-file file)))))
-(define (derivation/masked-inputs drv)
-  "Assuming DRV is a regular derivation (not fixed-output), replace the file
-name of each input with that input's hash."
-  (match drv
-    (($ <derivation> outputs inputs sources
-                     system builder args env-vars)
-     (let ((inputs (map (match-lambda
-                          (($ <derivation-input> path sub-drvs)
-                           (let ((hash (derivation-path->base16-hash path)))
-                             (make-derivation-input hash sub-drvs))))
-                        inputs)))
-       (make-derivation outputs
-                        (sort (coalesce-duplicate-inputs inputs)
-                              derivation-input<?)
-                        sources
-                        system builder args env-vars
-                        #f)))))
-(define derivation-hash            ; `hashDerivationModulo' in
-  (lambda (drv)
-    "Return the hash of DRV, modulo its fixed-output inputs, as a bytevector."
-    (match drv
-      (($ <derivation> ((_ . ($ <derivation-output> path
-                                                    (? symbol? hash-algo) (? 
bytevector? hash)
-                                                    (? boolean? recursive?)))))
-       ;; A fixed-output derivation.
-       (sha256
-        (string->utf8
-         (string-append "fixed:out:"
-                        (if recursive? "r:" "")
-                        (symbol->string hash-algo)
-                        ":" (bytevector->base16-string hash)
-                        ":" path))))
-      (_
-       ;; XXX: At this point this remains faster than `port-sha256', because
-       ;; the SHA256 port's `write' method gets called for every single
-       ;; character.
-       (sha256 (derivation->bytevector (derivation/masked-inputs drv)))))))
 (define* (derivation store name builder args
                      (system (%current-system)) (env-vars '())
@@ -629,23 +445,6 @@ derivation.  It is kept as-is, uninterpreted, in the 
       (hash-set! %derivation-cache file drv*)
-(define (invalidate-derivation-caches!)
-  "Invalidate internal derivation caches.  This is mostly useful for
-long-running processes that know what they're doing.  Use with care!"
-  ;; Typically this is meant to be used by Cuirass and Hydra, which can clear
-  ;; caches when they start evaluating packages for another architecture.
-  (invalidate-memoization! derivation->bytevector)
-  (invalidate-memoization! derivation-path->base16-hash)
-  (hash-clear! %derivation-cache))
-(define derivation-properties
-  (mlambdaq (drv)
-    "Return the property alist associated with DRV."
-    (match (assoc "guix properties"
-                  (derivation-builder-environment-vars drv))
-      ((_ . str) (call-with-input-string str read))
-      (#f        '()))))
 (define* (map-derivation store drv mapping
                          #:key (system (%current-system)))
   "Given MAPPING, a list of pairs of derivations, return a derivation based on
diff --git a/guix/store.scm b/guix/store.scm
index 0dd1f18..bd43b65 100644
--- a/guix/store.scm
+++ b/guix/store.scm
@@ -69,7 +69,6 @@
             current-store-protocol-version        ;for internal use
-            &store-error store-error?
             &store-connection-error store-connection-error?
@@ -165,7 +164,8 @@
-  #:re-export (%store-prefix
+  #:re-export (&store-error store-error?
+               %store-prefix
@@ -390,9 +390,6 @@
 (define-deprecated/alias nix-server-socket store-connection-socket)
-(define-condition-type &store-error &error
-  store-error?)
 (define-condition-type &store-connection-error &store-error
   (file   store-connection-error-file)
diff --git a/guix/store/derivations.scm b/guix/store/derivations.scm
index 583c7b4..dbf8bde 100644
--- a/guix/store/derivations.scm
+++ b/guix/store/derivations.scm
@@ -22,13 +22,28 @@
 (define-module (guix store derivations)
   #:use-module (ice-9 match)
   #:use-module (rnrs io ports)
+  #:use-module (rnrs bytevectors)
   #:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
   #:use-module (srfi srfi-9)
   #:use-module (srfi srfi-9 gnu)
   #:use-module (srfi srfi-26)
+  #:use-module (srfi srfi-34)
+  #:use-module (srfi srfi-35)
+  #:use-module (gcrypt hash)
   #:use-module (guix base16)
+  #:use-module (guix combinators)
   #:use-module (guix memoization)
-  #:export (<derivation>
+  #:use-module (guix sets)
+  #:use-module (guix store files)
+  #:export (&derivation-error
+            derivation-error?
+            derivation-error-derivation
+            &derivation-missing-output-error
+            derivation-missing-output-error?
+            derivation-missing-output
+            <derivation>
@@ -53,12 +68,34 @@
+            coalesce-duplicate-inputs
+            derivation-name
+            derivation-path->base16-hash
+            derivation-output-names
+            derivation-hash
+            derivation-properties
+            fixed-output-derivation?
+            offloadable-derivation?
+            substitutable-derivation?
+            derivation-input<?
+            derivation-input-output-paths
+            derivation-output-paths
+            derivation->output-path
+            derivation->output-paths
+            derivation-path->output-path
+            derivation-path->output-paths
+            derivation-prerequisites
+            derivation/masked-inputs
-            write-derivation))
+            write-derivation
+            invalidate-derivation-caches!))
 ;;; Nix derivations, as implemented in Nix's `'.
@@ -102,6 +139,217 @@
                                           (derivation-outputs drv)))
                                     (number->string (object-address drv) 16))))
+;;; Error conditions.
+(define-condition-type &derivation-error &store-error
+  derivation-error?
+  (derivation derivation-error-derivation))
+(define-condition-type &derivation-missing-output-error &derivation-error
+  derivation-missing-output-error?
+  (output derivation-missing-output))
+(define (derivation-name drv)
+  "Return the base name of DRV."
+  (let ((base (store-path-package-name (derivation-file-name drv))))
+    (string-drop-right base 4)))
+(define (derivation-output-names drv)
+  "Return the names of the outputs of DRV."
+  (match (derivation-outputs drv)
+    (((names . _) ...)
+     names)))
+(define (fixed-output-derivation? drv)
+  "Return #t if DRV is a fixed-output derivation, such as the result of a
+download with a fixed hash (aka. `fetchurl')."
+  (match drv
+    (($ <derivation>
+        (("out" . ($ <derivation-output> _ (? symbol?) (? bytevector?)))))
+     #t)
+    (_ #f)))
+(define (derivation-input<? input1 input2)
+  "Compare INPUT1 and INPUT2, two <derivation-input>."
+  (string<? (derivation-input-path input1)
+            (derivation-input-path input2)))
+(define (coalesce-duplicate-inputs inputs)
+  "Return a list of inputs, such that when INPUTS contains the same DRV twice,
+they are coalesced, with their sub-derivations merged.  This is needed because
+Nix itself keeps only one of them."
+  (fold (lambda (input result)
+          (match input
+            (($ <derivation-input> path sub-drvs)
+             ;; XXX: quadratic
+             (match (find (match-lambda
+                            (($ <derivation-input> p s)
+                             (string=? p path)))
+                          result)
+               (#f
+                (cons input result))
+               ((and dup ($ <derivation-input> _ sub-drvs2))
+                ;; Merge DUP with INPUT.
+                (let ((sub-drvs (delete-duplicates
+                                 (append sub-drvs sub-drvs2))))
+                  (cons (make-derivation-input path
+                                               (sort sub-drvs string<?))
+                        (delq dup result))))))))
+        '()
+        inputs))
+(define* (derivation-prerequisites drv #:optional (cut? (const #f)))
+  "Return the list of derivation-inputs required to build DRV, recursively.
+CUT? is a predicate that is passed a derivation-input and returns true to
+eliminate the given input and its dependencies from the search.  An example of
+such a predicate is 'valid-derivation-input?'; when it is used as CUT?, the
+result is the set of prerequisites of DRV not already in valid."
+  (let loop ((drv       drv)
+             (result    '())
+             (input-set (set)))
+    (let ((inputs (remove (lambda (input)
+                            (or (set-contains? input-set input)
+                                (cut? input)))
+                          (derivation-inputs drv))))
+      (fold2 loop
+             (append inputs result)
+             (fold set-insert input-set inputs)
+             (map (lambda (i)
+                    (read-derivation-from-file (derivation-input-path i)))
+                  inputs)))))
+(define (offloadable-derivation? drv)
+  "Return true if DRV can be offloaded, false otherwise."
+  (match (assoc "preferLocalBuild"
+                (derivation-builder-environment-vars drv))
+    (("preferLocalBuild" . "1") #f)
+    (_ #t)))
+(define (substitutable-derivation? drv)
+  "Return #t if DRV can be substituted."
+  (match (assoc "allowSubstitutes"
+                (derivation-builder-environment-vars drv))
+    (("allowSubstitutes" . value)
+     (string=? value "1"))
+    (_ #t)))
+(define (derivation-output-paths drv sub-drvs)
+  "Return the output paths of outputs SUB-DRVS of DRV."
+  (match drv
+    (($ <derivation> outputs)
+     (map (lambda (sub-drv)
+            (derivation-output-path (assoc-ref outputs sub-drv)))
+          sub-drvs))))
+(define derivation-path->base16-hash
+  (mlambda (file)
+    "Return a string containing the base16 representation of the hash of the
+derivation at FILE."
+    (bytevector->base16-string
+     (derivation-hash (read-derivation-from-file file)))))
+(define (derivation/masked-inputs drv)
+  "Assuming DRV is a regular derivation (not fixed-output), replace the file
+name of each input with that input's hash."
+  (match drv
+    (($ <derivation> outputs inputs sources
+                     system builder args env-vars)
+     (let ((inputs (map (match-lambda
+                          (($ <derivation-input> path sub-drvs)
+                           (let ((hash (derivation-path->base16-hash path)))
+                             (make-derivation-input hash sub-drvs))))
+                        inputs)))
+       (make-derivation outputs
+                        (sort (coalesce-duplicate-inputs inputs)
+                              derivation-input<?)
+                        sources
+                        system builder args env-vars
+                        #f)))))
+(define derivation-hash            ; `hashDerivationModulo' in
+  (lambda (drv)
+    "Return the hash of DRV, modulo its fixed-output inputs, as a bytevector."
+    (match drv
+      (($ <derivation> ((_ . ($ <derivation-output> path
+                                                    (? symbol? hash-algo) (? 
bytevector? hash)
+                                                    (? boolean? recursive?)))))
+       ;; A fixed-output derivation.
+       (sha256
+        (string->utf8
+         (string-append "fixed:out:"
+                        (if recursive? "r:" "")
+                        (symbol->string hash-algo)
+                        ":" (bytevector->base16-string hash)
+                        ":" path))))
+      (_
+       ;; XXX: At this point this remains faster than `port-sha256', because
+       ;; the SHA256 port's `write' method gets called for every single
+       ;; character.
+       (sha256 (derivation->bytevector (derivation/masked-inputs drv)))))))
+(define (invalidate-derivation-caches!)
+  "Invalidate internal derivation caches.  This is mostly useful for
+long-running processes that know what they're doing.  Use with care!"
+  ;; Typically this is meant to be used by Cuirass and Hydra, which can clear
+  ;; caches when they start evaluating packages for another architecture.
+  (invalidate-memoization! derivation->bytevector)
+  (invalidate-memoization! derivation-path->base16-hash)
+  (hash-clear! %derivation-cache))
+(define derivation-properties
+  (mlambdaq (drv)
+    "Return the property alist associated with DRV."
+    (match (assoc "guix properties"
+                  (derivation-builder-environment-vars drv))
+      ((_ . str) (call-with-input-string str read))
+      (#f        '()))))
+(define (derivation-input-output-paths input)
+  "Return the list of output paths corresponding to INPUT, a
+  (match input
+    (($ <derivation-input> path sub-drvs)
+     (map (cut derivation-path->output-path path <>)
+          sub-drvs))))
+(define* (derivation->output-path drv #:optional (output "out"))
+  "Return the store path of its output OUTPUT.  Raise a
+'&derivation-missing-output-error' condition if OUTPUT is not an output of
+  (let ((output* (assoc-ref (derivation-outputs drv) output)))
+    (if output*
+        (derivation-output-path output*)
+        (raise (condition (&derivation-missing-output-error
+                           (derivation drv)
+                           (output output)))))))
+(define (derivation->output-paths drv)
+  "Return the list of name/path pairs of the outputs of DRV."
+  (map (match-lambda
+        ((name . output)
+         (cons name (derivation-output-path output))))
+       (derivation-outputs drv)))
+(define derivation-path->output-path
+  ;; This procedure is called frequently, so memoize it.
+  (let ((memoized (mlambda (path output)
+                    (derivation->output-path (read-derivation-from-file path)
+                                             output))))
+    (lambda* (path #:optional (output "out"))
+      "Read the derivation from PATH (`/gnu/store/xxx.drv'), and return the 
+path of its output OUTPUT."
+      (memoized path output))))
+(define (derivation-path->output-paths path)
+  "Read the derivation from PATH (`/gnu/store/xxx.drv'), and return the
+list of name/path pairs of its outputs."
+  (derivation->output-paths (read-derivation-from-file path)))
 (define (read-derivation drv-port)
   "Read the derivation from DRV-PORT and return the corresponding <derivation>
 object.  Most of the time you'll want to use 'read-derivation-from-file',
diff --git a/guix/store/files.scm b/guix/store/files.scm
index 06ed039..290a602 100644
--- a/guix/store/files.scm
+++ b/guix/store/files.scm
@@ -22,12 +22,15 @@
   #:use-module (ice-9 regex)
   #:use-module (rnrs bytevectors)
   #:use-module (srfi srfi-26)
+  #:use-module (srfi srfi-35)
   #:use-module (gcrypt hash)
   #:use-module (guix base32)
   #:use-module (guix base16)
   #:use-module (guix config)
   #:use-module (guix memoization)
-  #:export (%store-prefix
+  #:export (&store-error
+            store-error?
+            %store-prefix
@@ -38,7 +41,11 @@
-            log-file))
+            log-file
+            compressed-hash))
+(define-condition-type &store-error &error
+  store-error?)
 ;;; Store paths.

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