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Guile outside of Emacs + Geiser

From: Christine Lemmer-Webber
Subject: Guile outside of Emacs + Geiser
Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2023 15:07:10 -0400
User-agent: mu4e 1.10.5; emacs 28.2

There's a long thread on guix-devel which is related and touches on many
things, but I thought I'd narrow in on this one thing.

Has anyone had a "good" experience programming with Guile without using
Emacs?  If so, what was your development experience like?

Furthermore, what's the right direction to making non-Emacs users have
as nice of an experience as Emacs users do?  Racket, for instance, has
lovely support in vscode with "Magic Racket".  What's the right path to
recommend for the present, and what's the best path to improve the
future?  LSP?  There are a few incomplete implementations I think but I
haven't tried them.

(Let's leave aside whether or not everyone should be using Emacs, or
other approaches to make Emacs easier for newcomers.  This thread is
specifically about making Guile useful to people who already have a tool
they like and present experiences.)

 - Christine

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