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Gross hack to add https support to guile-www

From: Eric Hanchrow
Subject: Gross hack to add https support to guile-www
Date: 15 Aug 2001 10:52:54 -0700
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.0.104

This code works for me, but is pretty ugly because

* it assumes you've got SSL-enabled lynx on your PATH, and

* it exports a function that really should be local to its module.

These patches are against recent CVS sources of guile/guile-www.  That
directory doesn't seem to have been touched since February.

--- /dev/null   Fri Mar 23 20:37:44 2001
+++ https.scm   Wed Aug 15 10:35:19 2001
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+(define-module (www https))
+(use-modules (ice-9 format))
+(use-modules (ice-9 popen))
+(define-public https:version "HTTP/1.0")  ; bump up to 1.1 when ready
+(define-public https:user-agent "GuileHTTP 0.1")
+;; BUG -- I don't really want this function to be public; I want
+;; people to use `www:get' instead.  But if I use `define' here,
+;; instead of `define-public', then when main.scm calls
+;; www:set-protocol-handler!, https-via-lynx isn't defined.  This
+;; means that I don't understand Guile's module system.
+(define-public (https-via-lynx host ip-port path)
+  (let ((p (open-pipe 
+            (format
+             ;; We set TERM to prevent lynx from complaining about an
+             ;; unknown terminal type.
+             "TERM=vt100 lynx -source https://~a~a/~a"; 
+             host 
+             (if ip-port (format ":~a" ip-port) "") 
+             path) 
+            OPEN_READ)))
+    (let loop ((one-line (read-line p 'concat))
+               (lines '()))
+      (if (eof-object? one-line)
+          (apply string-append (reverse lines))
+        (loop (read-line p 'concat)
+              (cons one-line lines))))))
--- url.scm.~1.3.~      Mon Oct 20 15:17:56 1997
+++ url.scm     Tue Aug 14 17:59:03 2001
@@ -43,12 +43,15 @@
   (apply vector scheme args))
 (define-public (url:make-http host port path)
   (vector 'http #f host port path))
+(define-public (url:make-https host port path)
+  (vector 'https #f host port path))
 (define-public (url:make-ftp user host port path)
   (vector 'ftp user host port path))
 (define-public (url:make-mailto address)
   (vector 'mailto address))
 (define http-regexp (make-regexp "^http://([^:/]+)(:([0-9]+))?(/(.*))?$"))
+(define https-regexp (make-regexp "^https://([^:/]+)(:([0-9]+))?(/(.*))?$"))
 (define ftp-regexp
   (make-regexp "^ftp://(([^@:/]+)@)?([^:/]+)(:([0-9]+))?(/(.*))?$"))
 (define mailto-regexp (make-regexp "^mailto:(.*)$"))
@@ -61,6 +64,13 @@
                        (cond ((match:substring m 3) => string->number)
                              (else #f))
                        (match:substring m 5))))
+   ((regexp-exec https-regexp url)
+    => (lambda (m)
+        (url:make-https (match:substring m 1)
+                         (cond ((match:substring m 3) => string->number)
+                               (else #f))
+                         (match:substring m 5))))
    ((regexp-exec ftp-regexp url)
     => (lambda (m)
---  Mon Jun 16 16:17:20 1997
+++ Wed Aug 15 10:05:10 2001
@@ -3,5 +3,5 @@
 gwwwdir = $(datadir)/guile/www
-gwww_DATA = cgi.scm http.scm main.scm url.scm wwwcat
+gwww_DATA = cgi.scm http.scm https.scm main.scm url.scm wwwcat

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