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Re: Menu in window

From: Fred Kiefer
Subject: Re: Menu in window
Date: Fri, 07 Jan 2011 13:31:07 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; de; rv: Gecko/20101125 SUSE/3.0.11 Thunderbird/3.0.11

Could you please explain the patch you committed? If I understand the
issue at hand correctly it is about minimizing a window that has an
active (in-window) menu. And the solution you made was to close the menu
whenever the mouse leaves it. Is this correct?
This just doesn't sound right to me. Shouldn't we rather try to remove
the menu when the window is minimized or more generally when it is
removed from the screen.


Am 07.01.2011 06:33, schrieb Germán Arias:
> OK, now this works fine. The only different thing from a normal
> horizontal menu in GTK, is that when you move mouse outside the menu (or
> a submenu ) the menu is closed. But of course, now the menu works much
> better. Try it. 
> On jue, 2011-01-06 at 18:30 -0600, Germán Arias wrote:
>> Well, don't work. But if the miniwindow is not displayed, is because the
>> app don't notice that the window was minimized. Then I added some NSLog
>> messages to watch what are happening in trackWithEvent: in NSMenuView.
>> With some changes, I have solved this problem and other. I will test
>> this more, and I will send this changes to SVN later, so you can test
>> it.
>> On jue, 2011-01-06 at 14:54 -0500, Gregory Casamento wrote:
>>> Yes, change the code to read:
>>> [[[self menu] attachedMenu] close]l
>>> And it might work.   The reason is that there are different menu
>>> instances for each window in this mode.
>>> On Thu, Jan 6, 2011 at 2:09 PM, Germán Arias <address@hidden> wrote:
>>>> If you minimize the main window while a submenu is displayed, the app is
>>>> minimized at taskbar (on Gnome) no in a miniwindow. But when you
>>>> deminimize this window, the submenu is stuck. If you select other option
>>>> at menu, then you can see two submenu displayed at same time. I try
>>>> solved this with adding:
>>>> [[[NSApp mainMenu] attachedMenu] close];
>>>> at method -minimize: in NSWindow.m source file. But don't work. Some
>>>> suggestion to solve this issue?

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