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Re: Help adding horizontal scrolling to NSBrowser

From: Quentin Mathé
Subject: Re: Help adding horizontal scrolling to NSBrowser
Date: Thu, 11 Feb 2010 13:10:08 +0100

Le 11 févr. 2010 à 09:24, Richard Frith-Macdonald a écrit :

On 10 Feb 2010, at 21:38, Eric Wasylishen wrote:

Yesterday I added support for horizontal scrolling to NSScrollView and X11 -back, which is a really nice improvement for people with trackpads or Apple mice.

I was trying to add support for this to NSBrowser, but it's a bit trickier. I need the columns' scroll views to forward -scrollWheel: events with a horizontal component up to the NSBrowser. I think using a private NSScrollView subclass for the columns is the only way to do this (for what it's worth, Cocoa subclasses NSScrollView too).

Here is a patch that more or less works, but it won't interact properly with nib/gorm saving and loading. In particular, when I save a .nib containing a NSBrowser in Interface Builder, there are no NSScrollView's saved in the nib. However, when I save a .nib containing a NSBrowser in GORM, the NSScrollViews are saved. I guess I could change the class of the NSScrollView to GSBrowserScrollView when loading the nib, but that seems a bit ugly.

Any ideas how I should tackle this?

Greg will know about GORM and the way it handles NSBrowser, but from the point of view of archiving/unarchiving objects to/from nib the solution is probably to: 1. continue to support existing gorm files by retaining the existing decoding implementation, but 2. increment the class version, and use the class version to switch to a new path in encodeWithCoder: and initWithCoder: which doesn't store the scrollviews but (presumably regenerates them some way when decoding). 3. modify the keyed archiver support to match the behavior of Cocoa nibs while retaining backward compatibility (similar to the change for old style coding which was controlled by the class version, but in keyed archiving the behavior is controlled by the presence of the particular keyed values in the archive).

iirc NSBrowser doesn't implement keyed archiving on GNUstep, and NSBrowser on Mac OS X also uses a new implementation (e.g. NSMatrix is not used in each column) whose keyed archiving ouput is hard to support on GNUstep without rewriting NSBrowser first.
So I don't think Mac OS X compatibility really matters here.


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