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problems compiling NSAnimation.m

From: Riccardo
Subject: problems compiling NSAnimation.m
Date: Tue, 08 May 2007 23:14:32 +0200
User-agent: GNUMail (Version 1.2.0)


trying to compile NSAnimation on older compilers is a nightmare (like gcc 2.95). I fixed some trivial stuff, but then stopped: the main problem is the _NSANIMATION_LOCK macro. Since this macro defines a variable in it,

#define _NSANIMATION_LOCK           \
  BOOL __gs_isLocked = NO;          \
  if (_isThreaded)                  \
  {                                 \
    __gs_isLocked = YES;            \
                 @"%@ LOCK %@",self,[NSThread currentThread]);\
    [_isAnimatingLock lock];        \

it causes a hidden "c99-ism" everywhere. If the definition of __gs_isLocked inside the macron can be avoided or the macroitself can be avoided, I think the code would be cleaner.

Ideas? Who maintains this?


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