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Re: Changes to graphic context handling

From: Mark Tracy
Subject: Re: Changes to graphic context handling
Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2007 00:18:12 -0700

I tried the new svn 24903 with your changes. It looks like printing works now, when using the art backend. Cairo does not generate good EPS, but at least it tries.

On the related subject of Cairo, I just submitted 3 bug reports, including the printing problem. I submitted the TestApp that I used for debugging NSBitmapImageRep that you might find useful.

Mark Tracy

On Mar 19, 2007, at 6:29 AM, Fred Kiefer wrote:

Mark Tracy wrote:
The change you made has broken one of my programs. I am printing from a
windowless custom view because I want to lay out the report for paper
not the screen. Maybe not a wise strategy, but certainly not an illegal
one. This works fine for Cocoa and for previous editions of GNUstep.

In  svn 24892, NSView.m line 1900, there is:
- (void) lockFocusInRect: (NSRect)rect
[self _lockFocusInContext: [_window graphicsContext] inRrect: rect]

In my program, since the view is not associated with a window, nil is
passed, and I get a segfault trying to read the context.

I changed it to read:
- (void) lockFocusInRect: (NSRect)rect
    NSGraphicsContext *ctxt =
      (_window ? [_window graphicsContext] : GSCurrentContext() );
    [self _lockFocusInContext: ctxt inRect: rect];

This appears to solve my problem, but it should be reviewed by someone
who has a deeper knowledge.

Hi Mark,

thank you very much for this bug report. It shows that somebody is using
the print functionality in GNUstep. What you are doing is quite
legitimate and GNUstep has to support it.

I have tried to correct the problem you found in a slightly different
way. Could you please have a go with current SVN source and report back,
if it still fails? There will be a couple of further changes to the
graphics context handling in the next weeks. I try to do this big change
rather smoothly, but you already discovered the first error here. So
please test this from time to time for new errors.


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