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Re: typesetting text

From: Ovidiu Predescu
Subject: Re: typesetting text
Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2000 11:38:01 -0800


After spending some years using TeX and more recently reading about TeX
internal, I realized that this stuff is really complex if you want to do it

You may want to check-out some of the algorithms used by TeX to do text
formatting. Their main advantage is that they are single pass which makes
rendering high quality text really fast. You could take a look at "TeX: The
Program" by Donald Knuth for the TeX program described. Be careful though, the
book is not an easy reading and requires a lot of attention. The reference also
has good pointers to other text formatting papers which might be really useful.

For rendering glyphs in multiple languages, including Japanese and Chinese you
can take a look at the VFlib project at
VFlib/. It may appear very TeX oriented, so if you don't know/like TeX it may
be a problem, but it could speed up the development a lot. It works with a
large variety of font file formats including TrueType fonts, which is really
nice. It does not depend on the windowing system, which means it should be easy
to port to systems that don't have X-Windows.


On Thu, 14 Dec 2000 22:08:01 +0100 (CET), Nicola Pero <address@hidden> 

> I have spent some days studying text drawing and editing issues. 
> It's a very complex matter.
> Ahm - I just reread this mail, I'd like to see what people thinks of this
> stuff - but don't take this as my last word on it even if my careless
> English makes it seem I'm very convinced of it - it's just I'm trying to
> collect ideas about how to make things - it's very preliminary.
> The matter is already complex for latin languages if we want to do good
> typesetting.  Just to do a readable typesetting (not a good one) for
> Japanese, Arabic, Hebrew (quite important and widespread languages) the
> thing becomes extremely complicated.  We can't ignore this - because we
> will need to implement it sooner or later - so it's better to face it from
> the very beginning.  Still - I don't want to write a single line of code
> which does anything more complex than laying out trivial latin1 text
> without ligatures and kerning :-) 
> There are quite a set of issues to be resolved.
> Basically, the problem is - how do we render on screen a UNICODE string.
> Personally, as I will repeat below, I think it's a gross mistake to expose
> the internals of NSLayoutManager in the API.  I mean the stuff about
> glyphs.  It's of no real use - it's too obscure, meaningless and complex
> to use directly or subclass in real use - and it un-encapsulates rudely
> the way NSLayoutManager lays out the text and caches layouts info and
> draws.
> The point is that there is currently a lot of confusion, experiments, on
> rendering UNICODE - we want to be able to switch to a standard or use some
> good standard library if ever there will be one - or simply
> change/improve/extend/adapt the way we layout text in the future - and we
> can't do this if all the private internal layout machinery is grossly
> exposed in that way.  I really think NSLayoutManager should hide all the
> glyph stuff and everything regarding the way it's internal data
> structures, algorithms or cache work.  Of course it will have methods
> which can be called privately by other NSText* components in certain
> circumstances - but this is quite different from making all the details of
> the internal private layout machinery available in a public API.
> - anyway - 
> My resulting idea, is that I think the basic step to succesfully render
> unicode stuff is to render by words.  It's difficult to break text beyond
> a word without getting into big troubles with strange languages (we get
> into troubles somewhere anyway with strange languages, but perhaps can
> postpone them). But it seems most if not all languages which could
> potentially be typeset on a computer break things into words separated by
> spaces (or corresponding characters).  Rendering of a character (or of a
> group of characters) in a word depend in unpredictable ways on the other
> characters in the word (even in latin languages when you have a good font
> with single and double ligatures and kerning tables) - but it seems words
> are independent between them - so we are safe if we render one word at a
> time, independently one from the other. 
> So - I see a design more or less as follows: we break the text into words. 
> We cache someway words boundaries if needed for performance.  Then, we
> have two `basic' functions in a sort of text backend: one gives us the
> bounding box of a rendered word in a given font, and the other one renders
> the word in the given font in a given position.  We call the bounding box
> function for each word in the text. We cache all this information.  We
> compute line breaks simply by going on to next line when the space on the
> line is finished.  We cache line breaks as well.  This way, we are caching
> the starting position and width of each word - this is the layout
> information we cache.  When we render a portion of text, we simply draw
> each word using the elementary backend function, in the cached position. 
> When we have to recompute layout because the user deleted a character in a
> word, we just recompute the bounding box of the word, and use the already
> computed and cached bounding boxes for all the other words to compute the
> new line breaks and then redraw following words.
> Advantages: we encapsulate all the unicode/charset/ligature/kerning mess
> into a couple of elementary functions - so we can build most of the higher
> level layout/drawing engine ignoring the problems of
> ligatures/kerning/arabic.  At the beginning, we can implement the two
> elementary functions in a trivial way - thus giving us a way to implement
> a simple system without ligatures, kernings and support for strange
> languages, without preventing the system to be improved and made better in
> the future.  Actually, I like the idea of breaking the layout system into
> two clearly separated parts with a very little interface between them. The
> ultimate idea is that it could be possible to dynamically load bundles
> supporting ligatures, kernings and stuff for your preferite language - the
> two basic functions would use the supported bundle.  More about this
> below.
> Disadvantages: we are not caching information on how each word is drawn! 
> This could be fixed in the elementary backend functions, which could keep
> a cache of the latest - say - 1000 words which have been drawn, with
> information on how to draw them - if not the image ready to be pasted. 
> This could even improve performance if you have a text in which words are
> repeated - when a word is drawn the second time, the cached info (if not
> the word image) is reused - a thing which isn't done in other schemes. 
> The other disadvantage is we are going to make a lot of requests to draw 
> little strings to the X server.  But if we XFlush only at the end - it
> shouldn't be a problem, should it ?
> Another big disadvantage is that this scheme is different from the one
> exposed in the NSLayoutManager documentation.  It wouldn't break at all
> the rest of the text system I think - but need to inspect about this thing
> - just the layout methods in NSLayoutManager would be different.
> My opinions on this point are: 
>  1. It's very nice to have the separate text classes to do all the nice 
>     effects documented - text displayed in multiple shapes or across 
>     columns or etc. so we should stricly adhere to these doc in general;
>  2. But most of the NSLayoutManager API is actually private stuff which
>     should IMHO not be public.  Many of the documented methods are not 
>     for standalone use - you can't call them directly.  The description 
>     is complicated and obscure and it's about obscure things you really
>     don't want to know about - the way in which characters and glyphs 
>     are managed and mapped in memory, rendered, in which line fragments 
>     are dealt with etc.  It's very difficult to subclass this stuff and 
>     not very meaningful.  Also - in general - this should not be public 
>     because they - or us - would want to redesign the internals of this 
>     layout and rendering engine without changing the API.  I read that 
>     MacOSX is now using ATSUI to render the text - I don't know how 
>     this is coped with.  So - I think glyphs should not be public.
>     So I think we should only implement a subset of the MacOSX doc 
>     for NSLayoutManager.  We should include all meaningful methods - 
>     but no methods regarding the way glyphs are actually drawn.
>     Or simply - we implement placeholder methods which, when you ask for
>     glyphs, return the corresponding chars - ignoring the difference
>     between glyphs and chars.  We implement these methods for MacOS X
>     compatibility (even if, if they are using ATSUI, I don't understand 
>     how they manage to expose glyphs internals themselves, since ATSUI
>     has an opaque interface to its own layout functions, and does these
>     things internally - it's a completely different layout system).
>     At this point, we can also implement drawing/sizing in cells by simply
>     calling directly the basic word functions.  The advantage is that when
>     someone implements arabic ligatures in the two word-based functions,
>     the ligatures can be used as well by cells automatically, and cell
>     drawing system can immediately render arabic as well.
> Now - this outline would be OK for simple drawing, but forgets about
> editing.  During editing, we need to keep track of the cursor position,
> and to manage editing commands.  Again, I'd like the text system to be
> able to manage this very simply and directly - but allowing arbitrarily
> complex input and editing stuff to be implemented later on.
> We need to: 
>  - position the cursor at a certain index of the string - whatever this 
>    means.  Possibly, we have a `basic' function - we pass the word, and 
>    the index of a character in the word, and the function returns the
>    position of the cursor in the word.  There we draw the cursor.  This 
>    is needed even just for ligatures and kerning in latin characters.  In 
>    the case of fancy languages,  I have not even idea how the cursor would 
>    be moved - so having a function - which can be refined by someone who 
>    knows how to move the cursor in his own language - seems good.
>  - get an index in the string corresponding to a mouse click somewhere 
>    in the text (for selections etc).  Again, we get the word under the 
>    mouse, the position of the mouse inside the word, and ask a `basic' 
>    function to tell us a location inside the word string.
>  - editing.  This is a mess.  For example, when the user presses `Right
>    Arrow', we need to: 
>    - move by one character to the right for simple character such as 'f'
>      in English;
>    - move by two (or more) characters to the right for some characters
>      which are grouped when are displayed (eg, letter + modifier in 
>      fancy languages);
>    - move by one character to the right for some characters which are 
>      grouped when are displayed but are still separate entities (eg 
>      the `fi' ligature - I don't know how NSLayoutManager manages moving 
>      with this, since `fi' is a glyph, but moving right should move the
>      cursor after the `f' but before the `i' while the documentation says 
>      the text system moves by glyphs when the user moves the cursor - this 
>      instead is a movement of half-a-glyph - unless the ligature is
>      destroyed when the user moves the cursor on it, and recreated when 
>      the cursor goes away - anyway I don't know).
>   again, I would delegate decisions to a `basic' function, which can be 
>   made arbitrarily complex or made to load dynamic code to manage foreign 
>   languages.  So - you call a basic function, tell it that the cursor is 
>   in a certain position in a certain word, and that the user has pressed 
>   the right arrow key.  The function returns the new cursor index 
>   inside the word, from which we then compute the cursor position by 
>   calling one of the preceding functions.
> We can clean this and make it OO by doing the following: 
> we have a locale layoutmanager object.  This object has methods to: 
> compute the bounding box of a word in a certain font, draw a word in a
> certain font somewhere in a certain view, compute the index in a word
> string from a cursor position inside the word rendering, and viceversa; 
> return the resulting new position in the string after the user moves left
> or rigth, and other editing stuff depending on the language.  We assume
> all this editing is localized to a single word - so when the locale layout
> manager is called, it is always given a single word to work on.
> We can provide a basic implementation of this class which just works for
> latin1 stuff without any ligatures and kernings.  It would cache up to the
> last XXX words drawn, and possibly the bounding boxes of up to the last
> YYY characters which had been to be computed to move the cursor.  If YYY
> == 100, for example, if you use mainly say 15 lowercase letters + 10
> uppercase letters and have 4 fonts, all the letter bounding boxes are
> cached when the stuff is running, and the thing should even be fast. It
> should not take too much memory to make this cache bigger - a bounding box
> is a NSSize, so we can probably go up to YYY == 1000, and characters
> bounding boxes are then possibly never recomputed - to move the cursor we
> look up the table by character number, get the bounding box, and move the
> cursor of the bounding box width. 
> NB: When the user presses the `down arrow', we would probably move the
> cursor in vertical down, find the word it's on, then call the basic
> function to get the new string index corresponding to cursor position,
> then recompute cursor position based on the string index.  Yep - quite
> possible actually to make quickly if we are caching character bounding
> boxes in the word layout object. 
> In general, the idea is that while NSText, NSTextStorage, NSTextContainer,
> and the non-glyph methods of NSLayoutManager would be as per-MacOSX-spec,
> we would hide the internals of NSLayoutManager, and actually implement
> them in quite a different way - we encapsulate all kerning, ligature,
> language/locale-dependent cursor movements and editing inside a class, so
> that people can write loadable bundles to support their own language.  We
> can still make available the macos-x glyphs methods with trivial
> implementations not to break MacOSX portability - but I think these
> methods should have been very rarely used - only in the trivial example of
> drawing a string by using NSLayoutManager - but that should work with
> glyphs==chars.
> A thing I've not informed myself about - but which is quite important - is
> how NSText* stuff is customized/subclassed in practice eg to color strings
> basing on syntax, to indent things in particular ways etc.  In any case,
> this should have nothing to do with the glyphs stuff. 
> I'd like to know other opinions - particularly opinions against this
> solution.  :-) 
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