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<bug>: testen

From: mgonzalez
Subject: <bug>: testen
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2024 21:20:29 +0100

Report sent via GNUmed's handler for unexpected exceptions.

user comment  : testen

client version: 1.8.7

system account: mgonzalez
staff member  : mgonzalez
sender email  : <E-Mail eintragen für Rückmeldungen zum Fehler>

 # enable Launchpad bug tracking
 affects gnumed
 tag automatic-report
 importance medium


 type: <class 'psycopg2.errors.AmbiguousFunction'>
 value: operator is not unique: unknown || "char"
LINE 5:       || tbl.contype || ':'
HINT:  Could not choose a best candidate operator. You might need to add 
explicit type casts.
QUERY:  select * from
                                                || tbl.contype || ':'
replace(pg_catalog.pg_get_constraintdef(tbl.oid, true), ' ', '_')
                                                || '::active='
                                                || tbl.convalidated
                                         as condef
                                from pg_catalog.pg_constraint tbl
                                        tbl.conrelid = 
(_table_desc.table_schema || '.' || _table_desc.table_name)::regclass
                                        -- include FKs only because we may have 
to add/remove
                                        -- other (say, check) constraints in a 
minor release
                                        -- for valid reasons which we do not 
want to affect
                                        -- the hash, if however we need to 
modify a foreign
                                        -- key that would, indeed, warrant a 
hash change
                                        tbl.contype = 'f'
                                ) as CONSTRAINTs
                        order by
                                decode(md5(CONSTRAINTs.condef), 'hex')
CONTEXT:  PL/pgSQL function gm.concat_table_structure_v19_and_up() line 67 at 
FOR over SELECT rows
SQL statement "select              gm.concat_table_structure_v19_and_up()"
PL/pgSQL function gm.concat_table_structure(integer) line 30 at SQL statement


  File "/usr/share/gnumed/Gnumed/wxpython/", line 3455, in OnInit
    if not self.__establish_backend_connection():
  File "/usr/share/gnumed/Gnumed/wxpython/", line 3628, in 
    connected = gmAuthWidgets.connect_to_database (
  File "/usr/share/gnumed/Gnumed/wxpython/", line 238, in 
    compatible = gmPG2.database_schema_compatible(version = expected_version)
  File "/usr/share/gnumed/Gnumed/pycommon/", line 382, in 
    rows, idx = run_ro_queries (
  File "/usr/share/gnumed/Gnumed/pycommon/", line 1620, in 
    curs.execute(query['cmd'], args)
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/psycopg2/", line 146, in execute
    return super().execute(query, vars)

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