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Re: [GNU-linux-libre] Adding some scummvm game(s) to the "List of softwa

From: Richard Stallman
Subject: Re: [GNU-linux-libre] Adding some scummvm game(s) to the "List of software that does not respect the Free System Distribution Guidelines".
Date: Fri, 07 Jul 2023 05:06:09 -0400

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  > What I'm interested is also how precisely we justify the advise
  > to remove ScummVM

IF we find that the main effect of including ScummVM in free distros
is to promote nonfree games, the justification for the advice to
remove ScummVM would be simple: to avoid promoting nonfree games.

This is reason is simple and valid.  I don't think any more
justification is needed.

                      because the same rationale would also likely be
  > applied to other packages as well, to produce advises.

If there are similar cases, we would think about each case.

What we would decide in each case would depend on details.  We would
have no reason to make similar decisions in all the cases.  These
cases are similar in general structure, in what the options are and
HOW to decide, but that doesn't mean they all call for the same

                                                           And that would
  > at least impact people that read these these advises, distributions that
  > follow them, and the reputation of the FSDG criteria.

That is rather vague, I can't draw a conclusion from it.

Dr Richard Stallman (
Chief GNUisance of the GNU Project (
Founder, Free Software Foundation (
Internet Hall-of-Famer (

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