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Re: [gNewSense-users] Cleaning vanilla kernel

From: Karl Goetz
Subject: Re: [gNewSense-users] Cleaning vanilla kernel
Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2007 19:13:38 +1030
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20070104)

jeff wrote:
I am interested in building a cleaned out kernel for the distro that does not exist. ;)

I've been going through the firmware-removed[1] list. Some strike me as a bit odd for being removed, but perhaps it is because gnewsense is using the upstream ubuntu kernel which may have more 0xFF in it than the vanilla kernel. In fact, a number of files listed in firmware-removed don't appear in the kernel.

What I am wondering is if there is any patch that gnewsense applies to remove all of these bits. If there is, where is it? I went through the source trees in archive, but I could only find ubuntu kernel patches. Admittedly I'm not as familiar with how .deb builds it's packages so perhaps that patch is just sitting there.

In sum, how can I apply the gnewsense kernel patch to a vanilla kernel?




download the builder source and look at the kernel-dev scrip (spelling is roughly that). The script is written for the .15 kernel from dapper, so the .19 may or may not work with it.

Karl Goetz
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