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Re: [Getfem-users] Large Sliding Contacts

From: Pablo Arturo Alvarez
Subject: Re: [Getfem-users] Large Sliding Contacts
Date: Fri, 26 Apr 2019 11:43:30 +0200

Dear Kostas,

I have reduced the load step size and convergence has been significantly improved. Now I am getting consistent results for different values of the augmentation parameter. 

Below, I have posted a snapshot of the master mesh and the normals of its faces. I have also attached the images in case they do not display properly.


The mesh was generated automatically. As you can see, there are regions where normals are crossing. I imagine this might also cause convergence problems which is why I would like to specify the normals myself.

So far I've been using the large contact bricks for the simulations. Is there a way to specify node/face normals and still use those bricks or do I have to do it using the weak form language ?

Thank you very much for your insightful comments, they've been of great help.


On Wed, Apr 3, 2019 at 1:04 PM Konstantinos Poulios <address@hidden> wrote:
Dear Pablo,

The idea with the augmentation parameter is that the result should be rather independent once you get a converged solution. If you have penetration though, this cannot be considered as a converged solution. Another possible option for overcoming convergence issues is to reduce the load/time step size.

If you could just send us a picture of your mesh, maybe we could comment on that.

Best regards

On Wed, Apr 3, 2019 at 10:17 AM Pablo Arturo Alvarez Corrales <address@hidden> wrote:
Dear Konstantinos,

Thank you for your quick response. As for the note in the documentation, I found it in this page It reads "Sorry, for the moment the brick is not working". However, now that I double check it, it actually appears to be related to the nodal contact brick with projection, I may have thought it to be related somehow to large sliding bricks in general at some point.

Regarding the problem with contacts, I did use the example you provided as a baseline for my code. I tried new values for the augmentation parameter as you recommended and now I am obtaining better results. The solution appears to be highly sensible to this parameter since I get either penetration or unexpected deformation after relatively small changes.

I'm still getting lots of these warning messages while solving

Level 1 Warning in, line 47: Inverted element !-0.20579

Is there a way of getting rid of it or is this normal behavior? 

As a related question, is there a way for specifying the normals of the master surface? My meshes are highly irregular and I think it may also be a source of problems.

Thank you very much for your help.




On Tue, Apr 2, 2019 at 3:04 PM Konstantinos Poulios <address@hidden> wrote:
Dear Pablo,

First of all I want to ask you about where you have read the statement that the brick is not functional. This must be some old leftover that we have to remove. The brick is in quite reasonable state and has been used to produced many different results.

The main trick for using the brick is the choice of the augmentation parameter and the release distance. The augmentation parameter should be in the order of the modulus of elasticity of the materials in contact (you can try values from 1000 times smaller to 1000 times larger). Your choice about the release distance sounds reasonable, maybe to be on the safe side you could increase it to 10 times the element size instead of 3 time the element size.

Have you checked the corresponding included demo


On Tue, Apr 2, 2019 at 10:46 AM Pablo Arturo Alvarez Corrales <address@hidden> wrote:
Dear getfem users,

I've been trying to implement an elastostatic problem with contacts using the python wrapper for GetFEM v5.3. At first, I tried the contact bricks with non-matching meshes without any issues. However, since my problem considers large deformation, this approximation to contacts is not satisfying. 

I then tried the large sliding large deformation contact brick as following:

md.add_filtered_fem_variable('lambda_n', mfu, CONTACT) 
contact_bid = md.add_integral_large_sliding_contact_brick_raytracing('r', release_dist)
md.add_slave_contact_boundary_to_large_sliding_contact_brick(contact_bid, mim, CONTACT, 'u', 'lambda_n')
md.add_master_contact_boundary_to_large_sliding_contact_brick(contact_bid, mim_c, CONTACT_C, 'u_c')

where u, u_c, CONTACT and CONTACT_C represent the displacements and contact boundaries for the slave and master meshes respectively. 

Even though I get no errors at solving, the result appears to be incorrect. After deformation, penetration between slave and master meshes is significant, and changing the release distance for the raytracing transformation does not seem to help (here I used three times the mean element size). Also, I get a bunch of these in the console:

Level 1 Warning in, line 47: Inverted element !-0.20579

I did read the note in the documentation saying that the brick is not working. However, it does not specify for which version so I wanted to be sure. 

Is this brick working properly and if not, is there any version of GetFEM in the repository that has one working version ?

Thank you in advance,


PD. Keep up the good work, this is an amazing library !

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