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Re: [ft] Width of space element

From: Lawrence D'Oliveiro
Subject: Re: [ft] Width of space element
Date: Sat, 26 Nov 2016 08:11:26 +1300

I wrote:

> Watch out for hinting and size settings:
> ...
>         font.set_char_size(size = 1.0, resolution = freetype.base_dpi)

Sorry, try that again:

    import sys
    import freetype2 as freetype
    from freetype2 import \

    l = freetype.Library()
    font = l.new_face("corefonts/arial.ttf")
    sys.stdout.write("family name = %s\n" % font.family_name)
    for size in (1.0, 24.0) :
        font.set_char_size(size = size, resolution = freetype.base_dpi)
        for char in (" ", "W") :
            for hinting, load_flags in \
                    ("no", FT.LOAD_NO_HINTING),
                    ("yes", FT.LOAD_DEFAULT),
                ) \
                font.load_char(char_code = ord(char), load_flags = load_flags)
                sys.stdout.write \
                        "char %d, size = %.3g, hinting = %s, metrics = %s, 
glyph metrics = %s\n"
                        (ord(char), size, hinting, font.glyph.metrics, 
            #end for load_flags
        #end for char
    #end for size

producing output

    family name = Arial
    char 32, size = 1, hinting = no, metrics = {'width': 0.0, 'vertAdvance': 
0.9375, 'vertBearingY': 0.46875, 'vertBearingX': -0.140625, 'height': 0.0, 
'horiBearingX': 0.0, 'horiAdvance': 0.28125, 'horiBearingY': 0.0}, glyph 
metrics = {'width': 0.0, 'vertAdvance': 0.9375, 'vertBearingY': 0.46875, 
'vertBearingX': -0.140625, 'height': 0.0, 'horiBearingX': 0.0, 'horiAdvance': 
0.28125, 'horiBearingY': 0.0}
    char 32, size = 1, hinting = yes, metrics = {'width': 0.0, 'vertAdvance': 
1.0, 'vertBearingY': 0.0, 'vertBearingX': -1.0, 'height': 0.0, 'horiBearingX': 
0.0, 'horiAdvance': 0.0, 'horiBearingY': 0.0}, glyph metrics = {'width': 0.0, 
'vertAdvance': 1.0, 'vertBearingY': 0.0, 'vertBearingX': -1.0, 'height': 0.0, 
'horiBearingX': 0.0, 'horiAdvance': 0.0, 'horiBearingY': 0.0}
    char 87, size = 1, hinting = no, metrics = {'width': 0.921875, 
'vertAdvance': 0.9375, 'vertBearingY': 0.109375, 'vertBearingX': -0.453125, 
'height': 0.71875, 'horiBearingX': 0.015625, 'horiAdvance': 0.9375, 
'horiBearingY': 0.71875}, glyph metrics = {'width': 0.921875, 'vertAdvance': 
0.9375, 'vertBearingY': 0.109375, 'vertBearingX': -0.453125, 'height': 0.71875, 
'horiBearingX': 0.015625, 'horiAdvance': 0.9375, 'horiBearingY': 0.71875}
    char 87, size = 1, hinting = yes, metrics = {'width': 1.0, 'vertAdvance': 
1.0, 'vertBearingY': 0.0, 'vertBearingX': -1.0, 'height': 1.0, 'horiBearingX': 
0.0, 'horiAdvance': 1.0, 'horiBearingY': 1.0}, glyph metrics = {'width': 1.0, 
'vertAdvance': 1.0, 'vertBearingY': 0.0, 'vertBearingX': -1.0, 'height': 1.0, 
'horiBearingX': 0.0, 'horiAdvance': 1.0, 'horiBearingY': 1.0}
    char 32, size = 24, hinting = no, metrics = {'width': 0.0, 'vertAdvance': 
28.15625, 'vertBearingY': 14.078125, 'vertBearingX': -4.15625, 'height': 0.0, 
'horiBearingX': 0.0, 'horiAdvance': 8.328125, 'horiBearingY': 0.0}, glyph 
metrics = {'width': 0.0, 'vertAdvance': 28.15625, 'vertBearingY': 14.078125, 
'vertBearingX': -4.15625, 'height': 0.0, 'horiBearingX': 0.0, 'horiAdvance': 
8.328125, 'horiBearingY': 0.0}
    char 32, size = 24, hinting = yes, metrics = {'width': 0.0, 'vertAdvance': 
28.0, 'vertBearingY': 14.0, 'vertBearingX': -5.0, 'height': 0.0, 
'horiBearingX': 0.0, 'horiAdvance': 8.0, 'horiBearingY': 0.0}, glyph metrics = 
{'width': 0.0, 'vertAdvance': 28.0, 'vertBearingY': 14.0, 'vertBearingX': -5.0, 
'height': 0.0, 'horiBearingX': 0.0, 'horiAdvance': 8.0, 'horiBearingY': 0.0}
    char 87, size = 24, hinting = no, metrics = {'width': 27.625, 
'vertAdvance': 28.15625, 'vertBearingY': 3.34375, 'vertBearingX': -13.796875, 
'height': 21.46875, 'horiBearingX': 0.359375, 'horiAdvance': 28.3125, 
'horiBearingY': 21.46875}, glyph metrics = {'width': 27.625, 'vertAdvance': 
28.15625, 'vertBearingY': 3.34375, 'vertBearingX': -13.796875, 'height': 
21.46875, 'horiBearingX': 0.359375, 'horiAdvance': 28.3125, 'horiBearingY': 
    char 87, size = 24, hinting = yes, metrics = {'width': 29.0, 'vertAdvance': 
28.0, 'vertBearingY': 3.0, 'vertBearingX': -15.0, 'height': 22.0, 
'horiBearingX': 0.0, 'horiAdvance': 30.0, 'horiBearingY': 22.0}, glyph metrics 
= {'width': 29.0, 'vertAdvance': 28.0, 'vertBearingY': 3.0, 'vertBearingX': 
-15.0, 'height': 22.0, 'horiBearingX': 0.0, 'horiAdvance': 30.0, 
'horiBearingY': 22.0}

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