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[ft]Some problem about FTC_Cache_RemoveFaceID

From: 于晨
Subject: [ft]Some problem about FTC_Cache_RemoveFaceID
Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2011 20:16:21 +0800 (CST)

Hello everyone,
      I found some strange thing when I used FTC_Cache_RemoveFaceID() to clear 
the cmap cache nodes, it seemed that there was a node can't be freed, as the 
code is:

    count = cache->p + cache->mask;
    for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
      FTC_Node*  bucket = cache->buckets + i;
      FTC_Node*  pnode  = bucket;

so I can  only free the nodes linked from cache->buckets to 
cache->buckets+count-1, but maybe there is a node recorded in  
cache->buckets+count, as the code in ftc_cache_resize():

        cache->buckets[p + mask + 1] = new_list;   //<---here: it may become the
        cache->slack += FTC_HASH_MAX_LOAD;
        if ( p >= mask )
          cache->mask = 2 * mask + 1;
          cache->p    = 0;
          cache->p = p + 1;

I noticed that in ftc_cache_resize() and FTC_Cache_Clear(), the "count" is 
calculated as " cache->p + cache->mask + 1", which can cover the range to the 

Does anyone know why FTC_Cache_RemoveFaceID uses cache->p + cache->mask to 
calculate the "count"?



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