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[ft] memory leak?

From: Martin Olbrich
Subject: [ft] memory leak?
Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2006 19:31:58 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20060719)


I am new to this list so my problem may be an old one.

After using Freetype in my program i have a bad memory leak. So i tried a sample program with just the freetype commands:

#include <ft2build.h>
#include FT_FREETYPE_H

int main( int argc, char**  argv )
  FT_Library library;

  FT_Face face;

//breakpoint 1

  FT_New_Face(library, "somepath/arial.ttf", 0, &face);


  FT_Done_FreeType( library );
//breakpoint 2

  return 0;

At breakpoint 2 there is about 200kb more memory in use than at breakpoint 1. How can that be possible? Am I missing any commands that tidy up the freetype memory? I also tried with _just_ the FT_Init_FreeType and FT_Done_FreeType commands and get the same results.

Some more info of my system:
I checked the memory with the windows task manager and compiled Freetype 2.2.1 with MS VS2005.

Thx for any help


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