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New LB/EK implementations on the python branch

From: Jean-Noël Grad
Subject: New LB/EK implementations on the python branch
Date: Mon, 15 May 2023 21:15:42 +0200
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Dear users,

As you know, the ESPResSo team has been working for the past few years on replacing the original ESPResSo implementations of the lattice-Boltzmann method (LB) and advection-diffusion-reaction equation (EK) with waLBerla, a high-performance library for lattice-based methods. Today, we are making the switch on the python branch. This is going to affect the way you build and use the software, so please read on if you are using the development version of ESPResSo.

Build system changes

This affects all users. The list of ESPResSo features has changed, therefore your myconfig.hpp file might no longer work. In addition, new CMake flags have been introduced. We recommend that you use a fresh build folder to avoid dealing with CMake error messages, and that you adapt your myconfig.hpp if you didn't use the default one.

If you are not a LB or EK user, nothing else will affect you, and you can stop reading now.

LB and EK users need to pass option -DESPRESSO_BUILD_WITH_WALBERLA=ON to build ESPResSo with the new LB and EK implementations. The waLBerla dependency will be automatically downloaded by CMake and built alongside ESPResSo. We currently pin the waLBerla version to a specific commit at the CMake level. This commit will periodically get updated, whenever waLBerla gets bugfixes that are relevant to ESPResSo. When this happens, you will need to delete the "_deps" folder in the build directory to trigger a new download.

When building ESPResSo on a workstation with restricted internet access, for example a university cluster or a HPC system, CMake might find itself unable to download the waLBerla dependency. You can always manually edit the URL of the waLBerla project in the top-level CMakeLists.txt file of ESPResSo and replace it with an absolute path to a local clone of waLBerla, as explained in the user guide section [1].

LB users can pass an extra option -DESPRESSO_BUILD_WITH_WALBERLA_AVX=ON to build LB kernels using SIMD instructions on microprocessors that support AVX2 (run `lscpu | grep avx2` to check if your workstation supports it). The SIMD kernels have better performance over the regular kernels, because the streaming and collision steps carry out the mathematical operations in batches of 4 values at a time (in double-precision mode) or 8 values at a time (single-precision mode) along the x-axis. EK users can pass an extra option -DESPRESSO_BUILD_WITH_WALBERLA_FFT=ON to include a Poisson solver for electrostatics, but this requires a local installation of the pfft library [2].

Script interface changes

This only affects LB and EK users. The old LB and EK classes have been completely replaced by new classes called and espressomd.electrokinetics.EKSpecies. The list of parameters differs significantly from previous ESPResSo releases, so you will need to double-check the documentation when adapting your scripts. Both methods take an espressomd.electrokinetics.LatticeWalberla object as argument that defines the agrid and ghost layer thickness. The LB implementation supports Lees-Edwards boundary conditions. VTK output is now written in multi-piece XML format. While ParaView can read those files just fine, parsing them with vtk.vtkXMLUnstructuredGridReader() is not straightforward. Use instead the new parser.

There is currently no support for GPU-accelerated LB or EK. We are currently developing a LB GPU implementation and will make it available in a draft pull request in the next few months. There is currently no functionality to calculate forces exerted by the fluid on LB boundaries.

While the new LB and EK methods have been extensively tested by a small group of users and developers, it is not ready for a full release yet. As a part of the python development branch, it will be continuously improved and expanded by the community, with occasional API changes. Please bring our attention to issues by sending us feedback in GitHub tickets or on the mailing list, if the issue hasn't been described before. We also welcome code contributions.

Prototyping new LB and EK methods

The LB and EK kernels are based on waLBerla and are automatically generated from sympy symbols in a Python script. Please refer to the user guide sections 13.10 [3] resp. 14.6 [4] for instructions on how to modify the LB resp. EK kernels.

Best regards,
Jean-Noël Grad


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