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[Erc-commit] [commit][master] Doc fix for a lot of server response handl

From: mwolson
Subject: [Erc-commit] [commit][master] Doc fix for a lot of server response handlers.
Date: Thu, 13 Dec 2007 16:00:09 -0500

commit 5761dfed840cdc68336c911047527452a1117b31
Author: Diane Murray <address@hidden>
Date:   Thu Dec 13 21:59:59 2007 +0100

    Doc fix for a lot of server response handlers.
    * erc-backend.el (PRIVMSG, QUIT, TOPIC, WALLOPS, 376, 004, 221)
    (312, 315, 319, 330, 331, 333, 367, 368, 391, 405, 406, 412)
    (421, 432, 433, 437, 442, 461, 474, 477, 482, 431): Doc fix.

diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index 7f0cad3..be111fd 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+2007-12-13  Diane Murray  <address@hidden>
+       * erc-backend.el (PRIVMSG, QUIT, TOPIC, WALLOPS, 376, 004, 221)
+       (312, 315, 319, 330, 331, 333, 367, 368, 391, 405, 406, 412)
+       (421, 432, 433, 437, 442, 461, 474, 477, 482, 431): Doc fix.
 2007-12-09  Michael Olson  <address@hidden>
        * erc-services.el (erc-nickserv-alist): Fix regexps for GRnet.
diff --git a/erc-backend.el b/erc-backend.el
index 5d94408..62b73f0 100644
--- a/erc-backend.el
+++ b/erc-backend.el
@@ -1349,7 +1349,7 @@ add things to `%s' instead."
 (define-erc-response-handler (PRIVMSG NOTICE)
-  nil nil
+  "Handle private messages, including messages in channels." nil
   (let ((sender-spec (erc-response.sender parsed))
         (cmd (erc-response.command parsed))
         (tgt (car (erc-response.command-args parsed)))
@@ -1413,7 +1413,7 @@ add things to `%s' instead."
 (add-hook 'erc-server-PRIVMSG-functions 'erc-auto-query)
 (define-erc-response-handler (QUIT)
-  nil nil
+  "Another user has quit IRC." nil
   (let ((reason (erc-response.contents parsed))
     (multiple-value-bind (nick login host)
@@ -1426,7 +1426,7 @@ add things to `%s' instead."
                            ?h host ?r reason))))
 (define-erc-response-handler (TOPIC)
-  nil nil
+  "The channel topic has changed." nil
   (let* ((ch (first (erc-response.command-args parsed)))
          (topic (erc-trim-string (erc-response.contents parsed)))
          (time (format-time-string "%T %m/%d/%y" (current-time))))
@@ -1439,7 +1439,7 @@ add things to `%s' instead."
                            ?c ch ?T topic))))
 (define-erc-response-handler (WALLOPS)
-  nil nil
+  "Display a WALLOPS message." nil
   (let ((message (erc-response.contents parsed)))
     (multiple-value-bind (nick login host)
         (erc-parse-user (erc-response.sender parsed))
@@ -1465,12 +1465,12 @@ add things to `%s' instead."
    (erc-response.contents parsed)))
 (define-erc-response-handler (376 422)
-  nil nil
+  "End of MOTD/MOTD is missing." nil
   (erc-server-MOTD proc parsed)
   (erc-connection-established proc parsed))
 (define-erc-response-handler (004)
-  nil nil
+  "Display the server's identification." nil
   (multiple-value-bind (server-name server-version)
       (cdr (erc-response.command-args parsed))
     (setq erc-server-version server-version)
@@ -1510,7 +1510,7 @@ A server may send more than one 005 message."
     (erc-display-message parsed 'notice proc line)))
 (define-erc-response-handler (221)
-  nil nil
+  "Display the current user modes." nil
   (let* ((nick (first (erc-response.command-args parsed)))
          (modes (mapconcat 'identity
                            (cdr (erc-response.command-args parsed)) " ")))
@@ -1596,7 +1596,7 @@ See `erc-display-server-message'." nil
        ?n nick ?f fname ?u user ?h host))))
 (define-erc-response-handler (312)
-  nil nil
+  "Server name response in WHOIS." nil
   (multiple-value-bind (nick server-host)
       (cdr (erc-response.command-args parsed))
@@ -1614,7 +1614,7 @@ See `erc-display-server-message'." nil
   ;; 318 - End of WHOIS list
   ;; 323 - End of channel LIST
   ;; 369 - End of WHOWAS
-  nil nil
+  "End of WHO/WHOIS/LIST/WHOWAS notices." nil
   (ignore proc parsed))
 (define-erc-response-handler (317)
@@ -1635,7 +1635,7 @@ See `erc-display-server-message'." nil
        ?n nick ?i (erc-sec-to-time (string-to-number seconds-idle))))))
 (define-erc-response-handler (319)
-  nil nil
+  "Channel names in WHOIS response." nil
    parsed 'notice 'active 's319
    ?n (second (erc-response.command-args parsed))
@@ -1683,7 +1683,7 @@ See `erc-display-server-message'." nil
      's329 ?c channel ?t (format-time-string "%A %Y/%m/%d %X" time))))
 (define-erc-response-handler (330)
-  nil nil
+  "Nick is authed as (on Quakenet network)." nil
   ;; FIXME: I don't know what the magic numbers mean.  Mummy, make
   ;; the magic numbers go away.
   ;; No seriously, I have no clue about the format of this command,
@@ -1699,10 +1699,9 @@ See `erc-display-server-message'." nil
                          ?n nick ?a authmsg ?i authaccount)))
 (define-erc-response-handler (331)
-  "Channel topic." nil
+  "No topic set for channel." nil
   (let ((channel (second (erc-response.command-args parsed)))
         (topic (erc-response.contents parsed)))
-    ;; FIXME: why don't we do anything with the topic? -- Lawrence 2004/05/10
     (erc-display-message parsed 'notice (erc-get-buffer channel proc)
                          's331 ?c channel)))
@@ -1715,8 +1714,7 @@ See `erc-display-server-message'." nil
                          's332 ?c channel ?T topic)))
 (define-erc-response-handler (333)
-  ;; Who set the topic, and when
-  nil nil
+  "Who set the topic, and when." nil
   (multiple-value-bind (channel nick time)
       (cdr (erc-response.command-args parsed))
     (setq time (format-time-string "%T %Y/%m/%d"
@@ -1766,7 +1764,7 @@ See `erc-display-server-message'." nil
 (define-erc-response-handler (367)
-  "Channel ban list entries" nil
+  "Channel ban list entries." nil
   (multiple-value-bind (channel banmask setter time)
       (cdr (erc-response.command-args parsed))
     ;; setter and time are not standard
@@ -1781,7 +1779,7 @@ See `erc-display-server-message'." nil
                            ?b banmask))))
 (define-erc-response-handler (368)
-  "End of channel ban list" nil
+  "End of channel ban list." nil
   (let ((channel (second (erc-response.command-args parsed))))
     (erc-display-message parsed 'notice 'active 's368
                          ?c channel)))
@@ -1797,7 +1795,7 @@ See `erc-display-server-message'." nil
                          's379 ?c from ?f to)))
 (define-erc-response-handler (391)
-  "Server's time string" nil
+  "Server's time string." nil
    parsed 'notice 'active
    's391 ?s (second (erc-response.command-args parsed))
@@ -1824,56 +1822,47 @@ See `erc-display-server-message'." nil
 (define-erc-response-handler (405)
-  ;; Can't join that many channels.
-  nil nil
+  "Can't join that many channels." nil
   (erc-display-message parsed '(notice error) 'active
                        's405 ?c (second (erc-response.command-args parsed))))
 (define-erc-response-handler (406)
-  ;; No such nick
-  nil nil
+  "No such nick." nil
   (erc-display-message parsed '(notice error) 'active
                        's406 ?n (second (erc-response.command-args parsed))))
 (define-erc-response-handler (412)
-  ;; No text to send
-  nil nil
+  "No text to send." nil
   (erc-display-message parsed '(notice error) 'active 's412))
 (define-erc-response-handler (421)
-  ;; Unknown command
-  nil nil
+  "Unknown command." nil
   (erc-display-message parsed '(notice error) 'active 's421
                        ?c (second (erc-response.command-args parsed))))
 (define-erc-response-handler (432)
-  ;; Bad nick.
-  nil nil
+  "Bad nick." nil
   (erc-display-message parsed '(notice error) 'active 's432
                        ?n (second (erc-response.command-args parsed))))
 (define-erc-response-handler (433)
-  ;; Login-time "nick in use"
-  nil nil
+  "Login-time \"nick in use\"." nil
   (erc-nickname-in-use (second (erc-response.command-args parsed))
                        "already in use"))
 (define-erc-response-handler (437)
-  ;; Nick temporarily unavailable (IRCnet)
-  nil nil
+  "Nick temporarily unavailable (on IRCnet)." nil
   (let ((nick/channel (second (erc-response.command-args parsed))))
     (unless (erc-channel-p nick/channel)
       (erc-nickname-in-use nick/channel "temporarily unavailable"))))
 (define-erc-response-handler (442)
-  ;; Not on channel
-  nil nil
+  "Not on channel." nil
   (erc-display-message parsed '(notice error) 'active 's442
                        ?c (second (erc-response.command-args parsed))))
 (define-erc-response-handler (461)
-  ;; Not enough params for command.
-  nil nil
+  "Not enough parameters for command." nil
   (erc-display-message parsed '(notice error)  'active 's461
                        ?c (second (erc-response.command-args parsed))
                        ?m (erc-response.contents parsed)))
@@ -1887,7 +1876,7 @@ See `erc-display-server-message'." nil
    (erc-response.contents parsed)))
 (define-erc-response-handler (474)
-  "Banned from channel errors" nil
+  "Banned from channel errors." nil
   (erc-display-message parsed '(notice error) nil
                        (intern (format "s%s"
                                        (erc-response.command parsed)))
@@ -1906,14 +1895,14 @@ See `erc-display-server-message'." nil
           (erc-cmd-JOIN channel key)))))
 (define-erc-response-handler (477)
-  nil nil
+  "Channel doesn't support modes." nil
   (let ((channel (second (erc-response.command-args parsed)))
         (message (erc-response.contents parsed)))
     (erc-display-message parsed 'notice (erc-get-buffer channel proc)
                          (format "%s: %s" channel message))))
 (define-erc-response-handler (482)
-  nil nil
+  "You need to be a channel operator to do that." nil
   (let ((channel (second (erc-response.command-args parsed)))
         (message (erc-response.contents parsed)))
     (erc-display-message parsed '(error notice) 'active 's482
@@ -1935,7 +1924,9 @@ See `erc-display-server-message'." nil
   ;; 491 - No O-lines for your host
   ;; 501 - Unknown MODE flag
   ;; 502 - Cannot change mode for other users
-  nil nil
+  "Generic display of server error messages.
+See `erc-display-error-notice'." nil
    (intern (format "s%s" (erc-response.command parsed)))))

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