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[elpa] externals/auctex 235f420c1d 7/8: Delete Makefile.in and auctex.el

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [elpa] externals/auctex 235f420c1d 7/8: Delete Makefile.in and auctex.el.in
Date: Fri, 26 Apr 2024 12:57:38 -0400 (EDT)

branch: externals/auctex
commit 235f420c1dc4c8a8109f6edd04a035fb36236e3e
Author: Tassilo Horn <tsdh@gnu.org>
Commit: Tassilo Horn <tsdh@gnu.org>

    Delete Makefile.in and auctex.el.in
    They are not used on the main branch.
 Makefile.in  | 632 -----------------------------------------------------------
 auctex.el.in |  47 -----
 2 files changed, 679 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Makefile.in b/Makefile.in
deleted file mode 100644
index bc2ea9510f..0000000000
--- a/Makefile.in
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,632 +0,0 @@
-# Makefile for AUCTeX
-# Maintainer: auctex-devel@gnu.org
-# Copyright (C) 2003-2008, 2010, 2013-2015, 2018-2024 Free Software
-#   Foundation, Inc.
-# This file is part of AUCTeX.
-# AUCTeX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
-# any later version.
-# AUCTeX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with AUCTeX; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free
-# Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
-# MA 02110-1301, USA.
-prefix = @prefix@$(null)
-exec_prefix = @exec_prefix@$(null)
-libdir = @libdir@$(null)
-packagedatadir = @packagedatadir@$(null)
-datarootdir = @datarootdir@$(null)
-datadir = @datadir@$(null)
-localstatedir = @localstatedir@$(null)
-infodir = @infodir@$(null)
-lispdir = @lispdir@$(null)
-previewstartfile = @previewstartfile@
-packagelispdir = @packagelispdir@$(null)
-packagedatadir = @packagedatadir@$(null)
-autodir = @autodir@$(null)
-styledir = $(packagedatadir)/style
-MKINSTALLDIRS = ./mkinstalldirs
-PACKAGE_INFO=auctex preview-latex
-ELCC=$(EMACS) -batch -q -no-site-file -no-init-file -l lpath.el
-AUTOLOAD=--eval '\
-(let* ((autoload-file (expand-file-name "$@")) \
-       (autoload-file-dir (file-name-directory autoload-file))) \
-  (if (fboundp (quote loaddefs-generate)) \
-      (loaddefs-generate autoload-file-dir autoload-file \
-                        (list "preview.el" "tex-wizard.el")) \
-    (mapcar (lambda (file) \
-             (update-file-autoloads file nil autoload-file)) \
-           command-line-args-left)) \
-  (save-buffers-kill-emacs t))'
-(let* ((autoload-file (expand-file-name "$@")) \
-       (autoload-file-dir (file-name-directory autoload-file))) \
-  (if (fboundp (quote loaddefs-generate)) \
-      (loaddefs-generate autoload-file-dir autoload-file \
-                        (mapcar (function symbol-name) \
-                                (quote ($(AUCSRC) tex-wizard.el)))) \
-    (update-file-autoloads "preview.el" nil autoload-file)) \
-  (save-buffers-kill-emacs t))'
-# Files and directories excluded from distributed tar ball.
-EXCLUDEDFILES=autogen.sh .gitignore doc/.gitignore doc/tex-ref.log \
-       latex/.gitignore README.GIT tests build-aux
-.SUFFIXES: .el .elc .texi
-SHELL = /bin/sh
-CP = cp -p
-CP_A = $(CP) -R
-PREVIEW_BUILD_DIR = preview-build
-COMMITTER="`git config --get user.name`\ \ \<`git config --get user.email`\>"
-AUCSRC = tex.el tex-style.el plain-tex.el latex.el tex-info.el \
-       texmathp.el multi-prompt.el tex-mik.el font-latex.el tex-font.el \
-       context.el context-en.el context-nl.el tex-fold.el tex-jp.el \
-       toolbar-x.el tex-bar.el bib-cite.el tex-ispell.el latex-flymake.el
-AUCELC = $(AUCSRC:.el=.elc)
-STYLESRC = style/prosper.el \
-          style/slides.el    style/foils.el     style/amstex.el \
-          style/article.el   style/book.el      style/letter.el \
-          style/report.el    style/amsart.el    style/amsbook.el \
-          style/epsf.el      style/psfig.el                      \
-          style/dutch.el     style/german.el    style/dk.el \
-          style/j-article.el style/j-book.el    style/j-report.el \
-          style/jarticle.el  style/jbook.el     style/jreport.el \
-          style/tarticle.el  style/tbook.el     style/treport.el \
-          style/jsarticle.el style/jsbook.el    style/jsreport.el \
-          style/dinbrief.el  style/virtex.el    style/plfonts.el \
-          style/plhb.el      style/harvard.el   style/swedish.el \
-          style/danish.el    style/slovak.el    style/czech.el \
-          style/amsmath.el   style/amstext.el   style/amsbsy.el \
-          style/amsopn.el    style/amsthm.el    style/natbib.el \
-          style/index.el     style/makeidx.el   style/multind.el \
-          style/varioref.el  style/fancyref.el  style/mdwlist.el \
-          style/ngerman.el   style/graphicx.el  style/graphics.el \
-          style/verbatim.el  style/scrbase.el   style/scrartcl.el \
-          style/scrbook.el   style/scrreprt.el  style/scrlttr2.el \
-          style/scrpage2.el  style/captcont.el  style/subfigure.el \
-          style/paralist.el  style/booktabs.el  style/emp.el \
-          style/jura.el      style/alphanum.el  style/beamer.el \
-          style/alltt.el     style/italian.el   style/doc.el \
-          style/ltxdoc.el    style/ltx-base.el  style/units.el \
-          style/nicefrac.el  style/url.el       style/listings.el \
-          style/inputenc.el  style/frenchb.el   style/francais.el \
-          style/MinionPro.el style/pdfsync.el   style/polish.el \
-          style/polski.el    style/icelandic.el style/comment.el \
-          style/flashcards.el style/pstricks.el style/nomencl.el \
-          style/hyperref.el  style/bulgarian.el style/CJK.el \
-          style/ruby.el      style/CJKutf8.el   style/tabularx.el \
-          style/multido.el   style/pst-grad.el  style/pst-node.el \
-          style/pst-plot.el  style/pst-slpe.el  style/shortvrb.el \
-          style/austrian.el  style/naustrian.el style/french.el \
-          style/lettrine.el  style/multicol.el  style/xspace.el \
-          style/setspace.el  style/biblatex.el  style/siunitx.el \
-          style/bm.el        style/footmisc.el  style/ulem.el \
-          style/bigdelim.el  style/bigstrut.el  style/everysel.el \
-          style/mathtools.el style/ragged2e.el  style/amssymb.el \
-          style/lscape.el    style/epigraph.el  style/mflogo.el \
-          style/multirow.el  style/imakeidx.el  style/afterpage.el \
-          style/longtable.el style/lipsum.el    style/kantlipsum.el \
-          style/memoir.el    style/placeins.el  style/nameref.el \
-          style/fancynum.el  style/fancyhdr.el  style/filecontents.el \
-          style/array.el     style/kpfonts.el   style/acro.el \
-          style/acronym.el   style/xparse.el    style/fancyvrb.el \
-          style/tabulary.el  style/fontspec.el  style/unicode-math.el \
-          style/luacode.el   style/metalogo.el  style/english.el \
-          style/exercise.el  style/plext.el     style/cleveref.el \
-          style/eso-pic.el   style/fontaxes.el  style/AnonymousPro.el \
-          style/mdsymbol.el  style/MyriadPro.el style/textcomp.el \
-          style/XCharter.el  style/zlmtt.el     style/ifluatex.el \
-          style/luatextra.el style/erewhon.el   style/baskervaldx.el \
-          style/fbb.el       style/newtxmath.el style/newtxsf.el \
-          style/newtxtext.el style/newtxttt.el  style/minted.el \
-          style/wrapfig.el   style/relsize.el   style/currvita.el \
-          style/tcolorbox.el style/color.el     style/expl3.el \
-          style/bidibeamer.el style/enumitem.el style/caption.el \
-          style/geometry.el  style/ltablex.el   style/ltxtable.el \
-          style/mn2e.el      style/colortbl.el  style/attachfile.el \
-          style/newpxtext.el style/newpxmath.el style/pdfpages.el \
-          style/mnras.el     style/environ.el   style/polyglossia.el \
-          style/vwcol.el     style/textpos.el   style/transparent.el \
-          style/fontenc.el   style/Alegreya.el  style/gloss-italian.el \
-          style/newfloat.el  style/subcaption.el style/AlegreyaSans.el \
-          style/hologo.el    style/theorem.el   style/ntheorem.el \
-          style/splitidx.el  style/tikz.el      style/xcolor.el \
-          style/pdflscape.el style/commath.el   style/empheq.el \
-          style/framed.el    style/paracol.el   style/menukeys.el \
-          style/bidi.el      style/FiraMono.el  style/FiraSans.el \
-          style/bicaption.el style/amsfonts.el  style/subfiles.el \
-          style/dcolumn.el   style/mdframed.el  style/tcolorboxlib-raster.el \
-          style/titleps.el   style/titlesec.el  style/titletoc.el \
-          style/exam.el      style/breqn.el     style/sourcecodepro.el \
-          style/preview.el   style/fvextra.el   style/jurabib.el \
-          style/csquotes.el  style/babel.el     style/dk-bib.el \
-          style/floatrow.el  style/moodle.el    style/canadian.el \
-          style/arabxetex.el style/australian.el style/newzealand.el \
-          style/xltabular.el style/marginnote.el style/thmtools.el \
-          style/ocg-p.el     style/ocgx.el      style/thm-restate.el \
-          style/pythontex.el style/dashundergaps.el style/beamerarticle.el \
-          style/changelog.el style/ltugboat.el  style/beamerswitch.el \
-          style/multitoc.el  style/fbox.el      style/xkcdcolors.el \
-          style/ltxguide.el  style/revtex4-2.el style/overpic.el \
-          style/tex-live.el  style/algorithm.el style/algpseudocode.el \
-          style/appendix.el  style/scholax.el   style/extramarks.el \
-          style/truncate.el  style/changes.el   style/footnotehyper.el \
-          style/brazil.el    style/brazilian.el style/portuguese.el \
-          style/portuges.el  style/backref.el   style/xr-hyper.el \
-          style/xr.el        style/cancel.el    style/unicodefonttable.el \
-          style/cuted.el     style/floatpag.el  style/flushend.el \
-          style/midfloat.el  style/stabular.el  style/stfloats.el \
-          style/rotating.el  style/sidecap.el   style/l3doc.el \
-          style/ifthen.el    style/etoolbox.el  style/ifetex.el \
-          style/ifpdf.el     style/iftex.el     style/ifvtex.el \
-          style/ifxetex.el   style/multibib.el  style/ltcaption.el \
-          style/keyval.el    style/kvoptions.el style/kvsetkeys.el \
-          style/proc.el      style/microtype.el style/tcolorboxlib-theorems.el 
-          style/amsaddr.el   style/parskip.el   style/catchfilebetweentags.el \
-          style/physics.el   style/soul.el      style/algpseudocodex.el \
-          style/wasysym.el   style/refcount.el  style/simpleicons.el \
-          style/changebar.el
-STYLEELC = $(STYLESRC:.el=.elc)
-ifeq (@preview_enabled@,yes)
-   PREVIEWSRC = preview.el
-   PREVIEWLATEX = $(MAKE) preview-latex.el
-   TEXMF = (cd latex ; $(MAKE) all)
-   # Install actions
-   INS_TEXMF = (cd latex ; $(MAKE) DESTDIR=$(DESTDIR) install)
-     $(INSTALL_DATA) preview-latex.el $(DESTDIR)$(previewstartfile)
-   # Don't do anything with preview if the user doesn't want the
-   # preview component.
-   TEXMF =
-DISTCLEANFILES = Makefile tex-site.el tex-site.el.out auctex.el \
-       auto-loads.el config.* preview.el
-DYNVARSFILES = *.dynvars style/*.dynvars auctex-dynvars
-NOSEARCH = style/.nosearch
-all: texmf lisp docs
-.PHONY: all lisp info dvi some install install-el install-lisp docs    \
-       install-docs install-auto install-startup                       \
-       clean distclean maintainer-clean extraclean                     \
-       tar-ball-clean check-tag check release-commit dist snapshot     \
-       patch tar-ball wc \
-       release-sign release-upload preview-ball uninstall
-texmf: latex/Makefile
-       $(TEXMF)
-lisp:  tex-site.el $(AUCSRC) $(STYLESRC) $(PREVIEWSRC)
-       $(ELCC) -f batch-byte-compile $(AUCSRC) $(STYLESRC) $(PREVIEWSRC)
-preview-latex.el: preview.el
-       rm -f preview-latex.el
-       -$(EMACS) -batch -no-site-file -no-init-file $(PREVIEW_AUTOLOAD) ; \
-       test -r $@ || { \
-         echo ";; Auto-generated preview-latex.el" > $@ ; \
-         echo "" >> $@ ; \
-         $(EMACS) -batch -no-site-file -no-init-file $(PREVIEW_AUTOLOAD) ; \
-       }
-       cd doc ; $(MAKE) all
-       cd doc ; $(MAKE) info
-       cd doc ; $(MAKE) dvi
-tex-site.el: tex-site.el.out auto-loads.el Makefile
-       cat tex-site.el.out >$@
-       cat auto-loads.el >>$@
-       echo "(provide 'tex-site)" >>$@ ; \
-       echo ";;; tex-site.el ends here" >>$@
-       sed -i'.tmp' \
-           -e "/^(provide 'auto-loads)/d" \
-           -e '/^;;; auto-loads.el ends here/d' \
-           -e 's/^\(;;; auto-loads.el.*\)\(   -\*- lexical-binding: t 
-\*-\)/\1/' $@
-       -rm -f $@.tmp
-tex-site.el.out: tex-site.el.in Makefile config.status
-       ./config.status
-auctex.el: auctex.el.in config.status
-       ./config.status
-latex/Makefile: latex/Makefile.in Makefile config.status
-       ./config.status
-configure: configure.ac aclocal.m4
-       autoconf
-Makefile: Makefile.in config.status
-       ./config.status
-doc/Makefile: doc/Makefile.in config.status ChangeLog.1
-       ./config.status
-config.status: configure
-       ./config.status --recheck
-auto-loads.el: $(AUCSRC) Makefile
-       rm -f $@
-       -$(ELCC) $(AUTOLOAD) $(AUCSRC)
-       test -r $@ || { \
-         echo ";; Auto-generated part of tex-site.el" > $@ ; \
-         echo "" >> $@ ; \
-         $(ELCC) $(AUTOLOAD) $(AUCSRC) ; \
-       }
-some:  $(AUCELC) $(STYLEELC)
-install: install-texmf install-lisp install-docs install-images \
-         install-startup
-       $(INSTALL_DATA) auctex.el $(DESTDIR)$(auctexstartfile)
-       $(INS_TEXMF)
-       -$(MKINSTALLDIRS) $(DESTDIR)$(lispdir)
-       rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(packagelispdir)/tex-site.el # Remove old 
(Git-version) mistakes
-       test ! -f $(DESTDIR)$(lispdir)/tex-site.el || { \
-          if grep -q "tex-site.*Don't edit." $(DESTDIR)$(lispdir)/tex-site.el; 
then \
-           echo "Overwriting old tex-site.el" ; \
-          else \
-           echo "Renaming old tex-site.el to tex-site.el.save" ; \
-           mv $(DESTDIR)$(lispdir)/tex-site.el 
$(DESTDIR)$(lispdir)/tex-site.el.save ; \
-          fi; \
-       }
-       $(INSTALL_DATA) tex-site.el $(DESTDIR)$(lispdir)
-       -$(MKINSTALLDIRS) $(DESTDIR)$(packagelispdir)
-       @: $(MAKE) ; for x in $(AUCSRC) $(PREVIEWSRC); do \
-         echo '$(INSTALL_DATA)' $$x '$(DESTDIR)$(packagelispdir)' ; \
-       done
-       @for x in $(AUCSRC) $(PREVIEWSRC); do \
-         $(INSTALL_DATA) $$x $(DESTDIR)$(packagelispdir) ; \
-       done;
-       -$(MKINSTALLDIRS) $(DESTDIR)$(styledir)
-       $(INSTALL_DATA) $(NOSEARCH) $(DESTDIR)$(styledir)
-       @: $(MAKE) ; for x in $(STYLESRC) ; do \
-         echo '$(INSTALL_DATA)' $$x '$(DESTDIR)$(styledir)' ; \
-       done;
-       @for x in $(STYLESRC) ; do \
-         $(INSTALL_DATA) $$x $(DESTDIR)$(styledir) ; \
-       done;
-       -$(MKINSTALLDIRS) $(DESTDIR)$(autodir)
-       -$(INSTALL_DATA) $(NOSEARCH) $(DESTDIR)$(autodir)
-install-lisp: some install-el
-       @: $(MAKE) ; for x in $(AUCSRC) $(PREVIEWSRC); do \
-         echo '$(INSTALL_DATA)' $${x}c '$(DESTDIR)$(packagelispdir)' ; \
-       done
-       @for x in $(AUCSRC) $(PREVIEWSRC); do \
-         $(INSTALL_DATA) $${x}c $(DESTDIR)$(packagelispdir) ; \
-       done
-       @: $(MAKE) ; for x in $(STYLESRC) ; do \
-         echo '$(INSTALL_DATA)' $${x}c '$(DESTDIR)$(styledir)' ; \
-       done
-       @for x in $(STYLESRC) ; do \
-         $(INSTALL_DATA) $${x}c $(DESTDIR)$(styledir) ; \
-       done
-       -$(MKINSTALLDIRS) $(DESTDIR)$(packagedatadir)/images
-       @: $(MAKE) ; for x in images/*.xpm ; do \
-         echo '$(INSTALL_DATA)' $${x} '$(DESTDIR)$(packagedatadir)/images' ; \
-       done
-       @for x in images/*.xpm ; do \
-         $(INSTALL_DATA) $${x} $(DESTDIR)$(packagedatadir)/images ; \
-       done
-install-docs:  doc/Makefile
-       cd doc ; $(MAKE) DESTDIR=$(DESTDIR) install-auctex
-       test "x$(preview_enabled)" != xyes || { \
-               cd doc ; $(MAKE) DESTDIR=$(DESTDIR) install-preview; }
-       @echo "Use \"M-x TeX-auto-generate-global RET\" instead."
-       rm -rf $(DESTDIR)$(packagelispdir) $(DESTDIR)$(packagedatadir) \
-               $(DESTDIR)$(autodir)
-       rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(lispdir)/tex-site.el $(DESTDIR)$(auctexstartfile)
-       cd doc ; $(MAKE) DESTDIR=$(DESTDIR) uninstall
-       rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(previewstartfile)
-       rm -rf $(DESTDIR)$(packagelispdir)
-       (cd latex ; $(MAKE) DESTDIR=$(DESTDIR) uninstall)
-%.elc: %.el
-       $(ELCC) -f batch-byte-compile $<
-       EMACS_GENERATE_DYNVARS=1 $(MAKE) some > /dev/null 2>&1
-       cat *.dynvars style/*.dynvars > auctex-dynvars
-       rm -f $(AUCELC) $(STYLEELC)
-       EMACS_DYNVARS_FILE=auctex-dynvars $(MAKE) some
-clean: doc/Makefile latex/Makefile
-       rm -f $(CLEANFILES)
-       cd doc && $(MAKE) clean
-       cd latex && $(MAKE) clean
-distclean: doc/Makefile latex/Makefile
-       cd doc && $(MAKE) distclean
-       cd latex && $(MAKE) distclean
-maintainer-clean: doc/Makefile latex/Makefile
-       rm -f $(DISTTEXTS)
-       rm -rf autom4te.cache
-       cd doc && $(MAKE) maintainer-clean
-       cd latex && $(MAKE) distclean
-       cd tests && $(MAKE) clean
-extraclean: maintainer-clean
-       rm -f *~ \#*\#
-tar-ball-clean: check-tag
-       rm -rf auctex-$(TAG)/
-       wc $(AUCSRC) $(STYLESRC)
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-# The targets below update the ChangeLog from git log
-# and are intended to be used only by the maintainers.
-# These rules are adapted from GNU Emacs Makefile.
-.PHONY: ChangeLog change-history change-history-commit change-history-nocommit
-.PHONY: preferred-branch-is-current unchanged-history-files
-CHANGELOG = ChangeLog
-auctexlog = build-aux/gitlog-to-auctexlog
-# The ChangeLog history files are called ChangeLog.1, ChangeLog.2, ...,
-# the newest (highest-numbered) ChangeLog history file.
-# Check that we are in a good state for changing history.
-       git branch | grep -q '^\* $(PREFERRED_BRANCH)$$'
-       x=$$(git diff-files --name-only $(CHANGELOG_N) $(auctexlog)) && \
-         test -z "$$x"
-# Convert git commit log to ChangeLog file.  make-dist uses this.
-# I guess this is PHONY so it always updates?
-         ./$(auctexlog) -o $(CHANGELOG) -n $(CHANGELOG_HISTORY_INDEX_MAX)
-# Regular expression that matches the newest commit covered by a ChangeLog.
-new_commit_regexp = ^commit [0123456789abcdef]* (inclusive)
-# Copy newer commit messages to the start of the ChangeLog history file,
-# and consider them to be older.
-change-history-nocommit: #preferred-branch-is-current unchanged-history-files
-       -rm -f ChangeLog.tmp
-       $(MAKE) ChangeLog CHANGELOG=ChangeLog.tmp
-       sed '/^This file records repository revisions/,$$d' \
-         ChangeLog.tmp > $(CHANGELOG_N).tmp
-       new_commit_line=`grep --text '$(new_commit_regexp)' ChangeLog.tmp` && \
-       sed 's/$(new_commit_regexp).*/'"$$new_commit_line/" \
-         $(CHANGELOG_N) >>$(CHANGELOG_N).tmp
-       rm ChangeLog.tmp
-       mv $(CHANGELOG_N).tmp $(CHANGELOG_N)
-change-history: change-history-nocommit
-       $(MAKE) $@-commit
-# If 'make change-history' fails because the newest ChangeLog history
-# file contains invalid text, fix the file by hand and then run
-# 'make change-history-commit'.
-       git commit -m'; make $@' $(CHANGELOG_N) $(auctexlog)
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-# The targets below are concerned with the release process and
-# intended to be used only by the maintainers.
-# Steps for making a release:
-# 0) check
-#    Run tests using ERT tool.  Not necessary but strongly suggested before a
-#    release.
-# 1) change-history
-#    Update the ChangeLog file.
-# 2) release-commit TAG=<tag> COMMITTER=<committer>
-#    Tag the release.
-#    Pass `COMMITTER=<committer>' argument only if it is different from
-#    your git name and email.  `<committer>' should be in the form
-#        "John Doe  <john.doe@example.com>"
-# 3) dist TAG=<tag>
-#    Create the tar ball and other release files and put them into $FTPDIR.
-# 4) release-sign TAG=<tag>
-#    Sign the tar ball and create directive files for upload.  NOTA BENE: you
-#    may need to use bash shell for this recipe to work.
-# 5) release-upload
-#    Upload files to GNU FTP server.
-# 6) www-doc TAG=<tag>
-#    Create documentation for AUCTeX home page.
-# 7) preview-ball TAG=<tag>
-#    Create preview package.  (Not for GNU FTP server but for CTAN.)
-dist: check-tag tar-ball
-snapshot: dist
-       @if [ "X$(TAG)" = "X" ]; then echo "*** Error: No TAG ***"; exit 1; fi
-       cd tests && $(MAKE) check
-release-commit: check-tag
-       @echo "Tagging release $(TAG) in Git ..."
-       sleep 5
-       mv $(CHANGELOG_N) ChangeLog.old
-       mv ChangeLog-preview ChangeLog-preview.old
-# Make sure the release ChangeLog entry is encoded with UTF-8.
-# This requires the `iconv' program.
-       echo `date "+%Y-%m-%d "`" ${COMMITTER}" | iconv -t UTF-8 - > 
-       echo >> $(CHANGELOG_N)
-       echo "  * Version" $(TAG) released. >> $(CHANGELOG_N)
-       echo >> $(CHANGELOG_N)
-       cp $(CHANGELOG_N) ChangeLog-preview
-       cat ChangeLog.old >> $(CHANGELOG_N)
-       cat ChangeLog-preview.old >> ChangeLog-preview
-       git commit -m '; Release_$(TAG)' -- $(CHANGELOG_N) ChangeLog-preview
-       git tag release_`echo $(TAG) | sed -e 's/[.]/_/g'`
-       @echo
-       @echo "Congratulations!  Release $(TAG) of AUCTeX is ready."
-       @echo "Please, remember to run"
-       @echo "    git push --tags origin master"
-       @echo "to propagate release commit and tag to the remote repository."
-tar-ball: doc/Makefile
-       test ! -d auctex-$(TAG) || rm -r auctex-$(TAG)
-       mkdir auctex-$(TAG)
-# Use TAG_EXPORT if set (for snapshots)
-       git archive $${TAG_EXPORT:=`echo release_$(TAG) | sed 's/[.]/_/g'`} | 
tar -xC auctex-$(TAG)
./autogen.sh && rm -rf $(EXCLUDEDFILES)
-       chmod -R go-w+rX auctex-$(TAG)
-       rm -rf $(FTPDIR)
-       mkdir -p $(FTPDIR)
-       tar -cf - --owner=root --group=root auctex-$(TAG) | gzip --best > 
-       -zip -r $(FTPDIR)/auctex-$(TAG).zip auctex-$(TAG)
-       $(CP) auctex-$(TAG)/CHANGES $(FTPDIR)/CHANGES
-       $(CP) auctex-$(TAG)/RELEASE $(FTPDIR)/RELEASE-$(TAG)
-# The following files aren't produced in auctex-$(TAG) since they
-# are not in the tarball and should not become part of the patch target.
-       $(CP) auctex-$(TAG)/doc/version.texi doc/version.texi
-       cd doc && $(MAKE) extradist
-       rm -f doc/version.texi
-       $(CP) doc/auctex.ps doc/auctex.pdf doc/tex-ref.ps doc/tex-ref.pdf 
-       $(CP) $(CHANGELOG_N) $(FTPDIR)
-       diff -u auctex-$(OLD) auctex-$(TAG) | gzip --best \
-               >$(FTPDIR)/auctex-$(OLD)-to-$(TAG).patch.gz
-release-sign: check-tag
-       rm -f $(FTPDIR)/*.{directive,asc,sig}
-       if [ "x$$GPG_AGENT_INFO" = "x" ]; then \
-         read -sp "Enter pass phrase: " phrase ; \
-         gpg_opt="--passphrase-fd 0"; \
-       else \
-         gpg_opt=""; phrase=""; \
-       fi; \
-       for i in $(FTPDIR)/*; do \
-          echo "$$phrase" | gpg --detach-sign $$gpg_opt $$i ; \
-          echo "version: 1.1" >$$i.directive; \
-          case $$i in *-$(TAG)*) echo "directory: auctex" >>$$i.directive;; \
-             *) echo "directory: auctex/$(TAG)-extra" >>$$i.directive ;; \
-          esac ; \
-          echo "filename: "`basename $$i` >>$$i.directive ; \
-          echo "$$phrase" | gpg $$gpg_opt --clearsign $$i.directive ; \
-       done
-       rm $(FTPDIR)/*.directive
-       @echo "Uploading everything in FTPDIR to GNU FTP server ..."
-       @sleep 5
-       ncftpput ftp-upload.gnu.org /incoming/ftp $(FTPDIR)/*
-# AUCTeX and preview-latex manuals for the home page
-www-doc: check-tag
-       rm -rf $(WWWDIR)
-       mkdir -p $(WWWDIR)/manual
-       $(CP) auctex-$(TAG)/doc/*.texi $(WWWDIR)/manual
-       cd $(WWWDIR)/manual \
-       && wget -O gendocs.sh 
-       && wget -O gendocs.sh.patch 
-       && patch <gendocs.sh.patch \
-       && chmod u+x gendocs.sh \
-       && wget -O gendocs_template 
-       && sed -i -e 's/html_node\/index\.html/%%PACKAGE%%\/index.html/' 
gendocs_template \
-       && mkdir .texinfo \
-       && echo -e "emacs split 
https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/emacs/\nemacs mono 
https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_mono/emacs.html\nreftex split 
https://www.gnu.org/software/auctex/manual/reftex/\nreftex mono 
https://www.gnu.org/software/auctex/manual/reftex.html\n"; > 
.texinfo/htmlxref.cnf \
-       && ./gendocs.sh --email bug-auctex@gnu.org --texi2html \
-         --html --use-nodes auctex "AUCTeX Manual" \
-       && ./gendocs.sh --email bug-auctex@gnu.org --texi2html \
-         --html --use-nodes preview-latex "preview-latex Manual"
-preview-ball: check-tag
-       test ! -d $(PREVIEW_BUILD_DIR) || rm -r $(PREVIEW_BUILD_DIR)
-       mkdir $(PREVIEW_BUILD_DIR)
-# Use TAG_EXPORT if set (for snapshots)
-       git archive $${TAG_EXPORT:=`echo release_$(TAG) | sed 's/[.]/_/g'`} \
-         latex/ | tar -xC $(PREVIEW_BUILD_DIR) --strip-components=1
-       cd $(PREVIEW_BUILD_DIR) && $(MAKE) -f ../latex/Makefile preview.ins 
-       chmod -R go-w+rX $(PREVIEW_BUILD_DIR)
-       test -d $(CTANDIR) || mkdir -p $(CTANDIR)
-# CTAN requires a top level directory "preview/" for the archive.
-       cd $(PREVIEW_BUILD_DIR) && mkdir -p preview && \
-       cp README preview.dtx preview.ins preview.pdf preview/ && \
-       tar -cf - --owner=root --group=root preview/ | gzip --best > 
diff --git a/auctex.el.in b/auctex.el.in
deleted file mode 100644
index a9c4b0c84d..0000000000
--- a/auctex.el.in
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-;;; auctex.el --- Integrated environment for *TeX*  -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
-;; Copyright (C) 2014-2024 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-;; URL: https://www.gnu.org/software/auctex/
-;; Maintainer: auctex-devel@gnu.org
-;; Notifications-To: auctex-diffs@gnu.org
-;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "27.1"))
-;; Keywords: TeX LaTeX Texinfo ConTeXt docTeX preview-latex
-;; This file is part of AUCTeX.
-;; AUCTeX is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-;; (at your option) any later version.
-;; AUCTeX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;; General Public License for more details.
-;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;; along with AUCTeX; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free
-;; Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
-;; 02110-1301, USA.
-;;; Commentary:
-;; This can be used for starting up AUCTeX.  The following somewhat
-;; strange trick causes tex-site.el to be loaded in a way that can be
-;; safely undone using (unload-feature 'tex-site).
-;;; Code:
-;; FIXME: I don't quite understand in which way this is better than less
-;; strange code such as
-;;     (require 'tex-site (expand-file-name "tex-site.el"
-;;                         (file-name-directory load-file-name))
-(autoload 'TeX-load-hack
-  @lisptexsite@)
-(provide 'auctex)
-;;; auctex.el ends here

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