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[elpa] externals/emms f6687e89e7 01/15: Add an EMMS source for beets lib

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [elpa] externals/emms f6687e89e7 01/15: Add an EMMS source for beets library databases
Date: Fri, 1 Mar 2024 12:58:08 -0500 (EST)

branch: externals/emms
commit f6687e89e78f49bf74ca9700190962b653428673
Author: Daniel Semyonov <daniel@dsemy.com>
Commit: Daniel Semyonov <daniel@dsemy.com>

    Add an EMMS source for beets library databases
 emms-source-beets.el | 160 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 160 insertions(+)

diff --git a/emms-source-beets.el b/emms-source-beets.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f3531bb099
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emms-source-beets.el
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+;;; emms-source-beets.el --- EMMS source utilizing a beets library database 
-*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
+;; Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: Daniel Semyonov <daniel@dsemy.com>
+;; This file is part of EMMS.
+;; EMMS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; EMMS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+;; ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+;; or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public
+;; License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with EMMS; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+;; Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
+;; MA 02110-1301, USA.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; This file provides an EMMS source which utilizes Emacs' SQLite
+;; support to read a beets library database.
+;;; Code:
+(require 'emms)
+(defgroup emms-source-beets nil
+  "EMMS source for beets library databases."
+  :group 'emms-source
+  :prefix "emms-source-beets-")
+(defcustom emms-source-beets-database
+  (expand-file-name "beets/library.db"
+                    (or (getenv "XDG_CONFIG_HOME") "~/.config"))
+  "Database containing beets library information."
+  :type '(file :must-match t))
+(defcustom emms-source-beets-sort-columns
+  '(("albumartist_sort") ("album") ("track"))
+  "List of columns to sort by when adding tracks from a beets database.
+Each \"column\" should be cons cell whose car is the column name (a
+string), and the cdr, if non-nil, indicates a descending sort order
+for the column."
+  :type '( repeat
+           (cons :tag "Sort"
+                 (string
+                  :tag "Column"
+                  :validate (lambda (w)
+                              (unless (member (widget-value w)
+                                              emms-source-beets--items-columns)
+                                (widget-put w :error"Invalid column to sort 
+                                w)))
+                 (boolean :tag "Descending"))))
+(defconst emms-source-beets--items-columns
+  '("title" "artist" "artist_sort" "album" "albumartist"
+    "albumartist_sort" "genre" "composer" "composer_sort" "year" "track"
+    "tracktotal" "disc" "disctotal" "label" "original_year" "length")
+  "Columns to process in the \"items\" table.")
+;;;###autoload (autoload 'emms-play-beets "emms-source-beets" nil t)
+;;;###autoload (autoload 'emms-add-beets "emms-source-beets" nil t)
+(define-emms-source beets (filter)
+  "An EMMS source for beets library databases.
+With prefix argument FILTER, filter added tracks according to columns
+from the \"items\" table of the database."
+  (interactive (list (prog1 current-prefix-arg (setq current-prefix-arg nil
+                                                     prefix-arg nil))))
+  (unless (and (fboundp 'sqlite-available-p)
+               (sqlite-available-p))
+    (user-error
+     "SQLite support is not available (required to read beets databases)"))
+  (when-let ((db (sqlite-open emms-source-beets-database))
+             (where "")
+             (filter
+              (if (null filter) t
+                (setq filter nil)
+                (dolist ( col (completing-read-multiple
+                               "Filter by: "
+                               emms-source-beets--items-columns nil t)
+                          filter)
+                  (when-let ((dist (sqlite-select
+                                    db (format "select distinct %s from 
+                                               col (if (string-empty-p where) 
+                                                     (concat " where" where)))
+                                    filter))
+                             (dist (if (stringp (caar dist)) dist
+                                     (mapcar (lambda (val)
+                                               (number-to-string (car val)))
+                                             dist))))
+                    (setq where (format " %s in (%s)%s" col
+                                        (mapconcat
+                                         (lambda (_) "?")
+                                         (mapcar
+                                          (lambda (val) (push val filter))
+                                          (completing-read-multiple
+                                           (concat col ": ") dist nil t))
+                                         ", ")
+                                        (if (string-empty-p where) ""
+                                          (concat " and " where))))))))
+             (db (sqlite-select
+                  db (format "select path, %s from items%s order by %s"
+                             (mapconcat #'identity
+                                        emms-source-beets--items-columns
+                                        ", ")
+                             (if (string-empty-p where) ""
+                               (concat " where" where))
+                             (mapconcat
+                              (lambda (col)
+                                (if (cdr col) (concat (car col) " desc")
+                                  (car col)))
+                              emms-source-beets-sort-columns ", "))
+                  (unless (eq filter t) filter) 'set)))
+    (while-let ((item (sqlite-next db))
+                (track (emms-dictionary '*track))
+                (path (decode-coding-string (car item) 'utf-8 t))
+                (num 1))
+      (emms-dictionary-set track 'type 'file)
+      (emms-dictionary-set track 'name path)
+      (mapc (lambda (type)
+              (when-let (((not (string= type "path")))
+                         (val (nth num item)))
+                (cond ((string-match "_" type)
+                       (replace-match "" nil nil type))
+                      ((member type '("track" "disc"))
+                       (setq type (concat type "number"))))
+                (cond ((and (string= type "length")
+                            (numberp val))
+                       (setq val (ceiling val))
+                       (emms-dictionary-set
+                        track 'info-playing-time-min (/ val 60))
+                       (emms-dictionary-set
+                        track 'info-playing-time-sec (% val 60))
+                       (emms-dictionary-set
+                        track 'info-playing-time val))
+                      (t (and (numberp val)
+                              (setq val (number-to-string val)))
+                         (emms-dictionary-set
+                          track (intern (concat "info-" type)) val))))
+              (setq num (1+ num)))
+            emms-source-beets--items-columns)
+      (run-hook-with-args (remq 'emms-info-initialize-track
+                                emms-track-initialize-functions)
+                          track)
+      (when path
+        (emms-playlist-insert-track track)
+        (when (fboundp emms-cache-modified-function)
+          (funcall emms-cache-modified-function track))
+        (when (fboundp emms-cache-set-function)
+          (funcall emms-cache-set-function 'file path track))))))
+(provide 'emms-source-beets)
+;;; emms-source-beets.el ends here

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