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[elpa] externals/consult 9c4c75daeb 1/2: consult-completion-in-region: R

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [elpa] externals/consult 9c4c75daeb 1/2: consult-completion-in-region: Remove :completion-styles override
Date: Sun, 25 Feb 2024 06:57:36 -0500 (EST)

branch: externals/consult
commit 9c4c75daeb99ad36feb350236be3ba310582adec
Author: Daniel Mendler <mail@daniel-mendler.de>
Commit: Daniel Mendler <mail@daniel-mendler.de>

    consult-completion-in-region: Remove :completion-styles override
 consult.el | 79 ++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 28 insertions(+), 51 deletions(-)

diff --git a/consult.el b/consult.el
index 593c3d6c94..d66bcf7729 100644
--- a/consult.el
+++ b/consult.el
@@ -3011,58 +3011,35 @@ of functions and in `consult-completion-in-region'."
 (defun consult-completion-in-region (start end collection &optional predicate)
   "Use minibuffer completion as the UI for `completion-at-point'.
-The function is called with 4 arguments: START END COLLECTION PREDICATE.
-The arguments and expected return value are as specified for
-`completion-in-region'.  Use as a value for `completion-in-region-function'.
-The function can be configured via `consult-customize'.
-    (consult-customize consult-completion-in-region
-                       :completion-styles (basic)
-                       :cycle-threshold 3)
-These configuration options are supported:
-    * :cycle-threshold - Cycling threshold (def: `completion-cycle-threshold')
-    * :completion-styles - Use completion styles (def: `completion-styles')
-    * :require-match - Require matches when completing (def: nil)
-    * :prompt - The prompt string shown in the minibuffer"
+The function is called with 4 arguments: START END COLLECTION
+PREDICATE.  The arguments and expected return value are as
+specified for `completion-in-region'.  Use this function as a
+value for `completion-in-region-function'."
-  (cl-letf* ((config (consult--customize-get #'consult-completion-in-region))
-             ;; Overwrite both the local and global value of
-             ;; `completion-styles', such that the `completing-read' minibuffer
-             ;; sees the overwritten value in any case.  This is necessary if
-             ;; `completion-styles' is buffer-local.  Be aware that the 
-             ;; also affects recursive editing sessions.
-             (cs (or (plist-get config :completion-styles) completion-styles))
-             (completion-styles cs)
-             ((default-value 'completion-styles) cs)
-             (initial (buffer-substring-no-properties start end))
-             (metadata (completion-metadata initial collection predicate))
-             ;; TODO: `minibuffer-completing-file-name' is mostly deprecated,
-             ;; but still in use. Packages should instead use the completion
-             ;; metadata.
-             (minibuffer-completing-file-name
-              (eq 'file (completion-metadata-get metadata 'category)))
-             (threshold (or (plist-get config :cycle-threshold)
-                            (completion--cycle-threshold metadata)))
-             (all (completion-all-completions initial collection predicate 
(length initial)))
-             ;; Wrap all annotation functions to ensure that they are executed
-             ;; in the original buffer.
-             (exit-fun (plist-get completion-extra-properties :exit-function))
-             (ann-fun (plist-get completion-extra-properties 
-             (aff-fun (plist-get completion-extra-properties 
-             (docsig-fun (plist-get completion-extra-properties 
-             (completion-extra-properties
-              `(,@(and ann-fun (list :annotation-function (consult--in-buffer 
-                ,@(and aff-fun (list :affixation-function (consult--in-buffer 
-                ;; Provide `:annotation-function' if `:company-docsig' is 
-                ,@(and docsig-fun (not ann-fun) (not aff-fun)
-                       (list :annotation-function
-                             (consult--in-buffer
-                              (lambda (cand)
-                                (concat (propertize " " 'display '(space 
:align-to center))
-                                        (funcall docsig-fun cand)))))))))
+  (let* ((initial (buffer-substring-no-properties start end))
+         (metadata (completion-metadata initial collection predicate))
+         ;; TODO: `minibuffer-completing-file-name' is mostly deprecated, but
+         ;; still in use. Packages should instead use the completion metadata.
+         (minibuffer-completing-file-name
+          (eq 'file (completion-metadata-get metadata 'category)))
+         (threshold (completion--cycle-threshold metadata))
+         (all (completion-all-completions initial collection predicate (length 
+         ;; Wrap all annotation functions to ensure that they are executed
+         ;; in the original buffer.
+         (exit-fun (plist-get completion-extra-properties :exit-function))
+         (ann-fun (plist-get completion-extra-properties :annotation-function))
+         (aff-fun (plist-get completion-extra-properties :affixation-function))
+         (docsig-fun (plist-get completion-extra-properties :company-docsig))
+         (completion-extra-properties
+          `(,@(and ann-fun (list :annotation-function (consult--in-buffer 
+            ,@(and aff-fun (list :affixation-function (consult--in-buffer 
+            ;; Provide `:annotation-function' if `:company-docsig' is 
+            ,@(and docsig-fun (not ann-fun) (not aff-fun)
+                   (list :annotation-function
+                         (consult--in-buffer
+                          (lambda (cand)
+                            (concat (propertize " " 'display '(space :align-to 
+                                    (funcall docsig-fun cand)))))))))
     ;; error if `threshold' is t or the improper list `all' is too short
     (if (and threshold
              (or (not (consp (ignore-errors (nthcdr threshold all))))

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