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[elpa] externals/url-http-oauth-demo d14fc3e005 07/13: Update url-http-o

From: Thomas Fitzsimmons
Subject: [elpa] externals/url-http-oauth-demo d14fc3e005 07/13: Update url-http-oauth-interpose call
Date: Mon, 8 May 2023 21:25:11 -0400 (EDT)

branch: externals/url-http-oauth-demo
commit d14fc3e005bd3c7dc004406b7089451e6e62f99b
Author: Thomas Fitzsimmons <fitzsim@fitzsim.org>
Commit: Thomas Fitzsimmons <fitzsim@fitzsim.org>

    Update url-http-oauth-interpose call
    * url-http-oauth-demo.el: Update url-http-oauth-interpose call to
    provide single alist settings argument.
 url-http-oauth-demo.el | 58 +++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------
 1 file changed, 29 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-)

diff --git a/url-http-oauth-demo.el b/url-http-oauth-demo.el
index 890641e207..d0a0125282 100644
--- a/url-http-oauth-demo.el
+++ b/url-http-oauth-demo.el
@@ -105,35 +105,35 @@
 ;;; authentication and authorization.
- ;; This is the URL that the `url-http-oauth-demo' package wants to do
- ;; stuff with.  Everything else is authentication and authorization
- ;; to satisfy OAuth 2.0 requirements.
- "https://meta.sr.ht/query";
- ;; These are the authorization and token endpoints, published in
- ;; "https://man.sr.ht/meta.sr.ht/oauth.md";.  There is no way to
- ;; autodiscover them from "https://meta.sr.ht/query";.
- "https://meta.sr.ht/oauth2/authorize";
- "https://meta.sr.ht/oauth2/access-token";
- ;; This is the client identifier, which can be generated by the user,
- ;; or by the Emacs library developer, at
- ;; "https://meta.sr.ht/oauth2/client-registration";.
- "107ba4a9-2a96-4420-8818-84ec1f112405"
- ;; This is the list of features to which Emacs is requesting the
- ;; server grant it access.
- "meta.sr.ht/PROFILE:RO"
- ;; This is the client secret, which will be generated as part of
- ;; client registration, at
- ;; "https://meta.sr.ht/oauth2/client-registration";.  If the user
- ;; generates the client secret, they should note it down.  If the
- ;; Emacs library developer generates it, they should make it
- ;; available to the users of their library somehow.  In either case,
- ;; Emacs will prompt for it, and store it, ideally GPG-encrypted,
- ;; using `auth-source'.  An example, no-longer-active client secret
- ;; string is "CeuivTBzZbqJ4iTc+VEdPZJODkBHhuCj4bIqQQAONYaOUGubNM0yG
- ;; ZU3P7ant959W1RkzgvXSeNf2mdxuk5EfA==".  The user would paste this
- ;; 88 character client secret string into the minibuffer when
- ;; prompted.
- 'prompt)
+   ;; This is the URL at which the `url-http-oauth-demo' package will
+   ;; access resources.  Everything that follows is for authentication
+   ;; and authorization to satisfy OAuth 2.0 requirements.
+ '(("url" "https://meta.sr.ht/query";)
+   ;; These are the authorization and token endpoints, published in
+   ;; "https://man.sr.ht/meta.sr.ht/oauth.md";.  There is no way to
+   ;; autodiscover them from "https://meta.sr.ht/query";.
+   ("authorization-endpoint" "https://meta.sr.ht/oauth2/authorize";)
+   ("access-token-endpoint" "https://meta.sr.ht/oauth2/access-token";)
+   ;; This is the client identifier, which can be generated by the user,
+   ;; or by the Emacs library developer, at
+   ;; "https://meta.sr.ht/oauth2/client-registration";.
+   ("client-identifier" "107ba4a9-2a96-4420-8818-84ec1f112405")
+   ;; This is the list of features to which Emacs is requesting the
+   ;; server grant it access.
+   ("scope" "meta.sr.ht/PROFILE:RO")
+   ;; This is the client secret, which will be generated as part of
+   ;; client registration, at
+   ;; "https://meta.sr.ht/oauth2/client-registration";.  If the user
+   ;; generates the client secret, they should note it down.  If the
+   ;; Emacs library developer generates it, they should make it
+   ;; available to the users of their library somehow.  In either case,
+   ;; Emacs will prompt for it, and store it, ideally GPG-encrypted,
+   ;; using `auth-source'.  An example, no-longer-active client secret
+   ;; string is "CeuivTBzZbqJ4iTc+VEdPZJODkBHhuCj4bIqQQAONYaOUGubNM0yG
+   ;; ZU3P7ant959W1RkzgvXSeNf2mdxuk5EfA==".  The user would paste this
+   ;; 88 character client secret string into the minibuffer when
+   ;; prompted.
+   ("client-secret-method" prompt)))
 (defun url-http-oauth-demo-get-profile-name ()

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