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[nongnu] elpa/evil 2ce03d412c 3/3: Optimize Ex command completion

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [nongnu] elpa/evil 2ce03d412c 3/3: Optimize Ex command completion
Date: Tue, 14 Feb 2023 04:59:11 -0500 (EST)

branch: elpa/evil
commit 2ce03d412c4e93b0b89eb43d796c991806415b8a
Author: Axel Forsman <axelsfor@gmail.com>
Commit: Axel Forsman <axelsfor@gmail.com>

    Optimize Ex command completion
    With lexical binding it is possible to close over the list of Ex
    commands, instead of recomputing it on every keystroke while completing.
    Also, there is no need to call evil-ex-command-force-p on the command
    string, which uses try-completion, since the command functions are known
    as the evil-ex-commands alist values.
 evil-ex.el | 111 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------------
 1 file changed, 52 insertions(+), 59 deletions(-)

diff --git a/evil-ex.el b/evil-ex.el
index 0a00fcc078..81b7dd52a5 100644
--- a/evil-ex.el
+++ b/evil-ex.el
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-;;; evil-ex.el --- Ex-mode -*- lexical-binding: nil -*-
+;;; evil-ex.el --- Ex mode  -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
 ;; Author: Frank Fischer <frank fischer at mathematik.tu-chemnitz.de>
 ;; Maintainer: Vegard Øye <vegard_oye at hotmail.com>
@@ -561,47 +561,48 @@ in case of incomplete or unknown commands."
     (list beg end (evil-ex-completion-table) :exclusive 'no)))
 (defun evil-ex-completion-table ()
-  (cond
-   ((eq evil-ex-complete-emacs-commands nil)
-    #'evil-ex-command-collection)
-   ((eq evil-ex-complete-emacs-commands 'in-turn)
-    (completion-table-in-turn
-     #'evil-ex-command-collection
-     #'(lambda (str pred flag)
-         (completion-table-with-predicate
-          obarray #'commandp t str pred flag))))
-   (t
-    #'(lambda (str pred flag)
-        (evil-completion-table-concat
-         #'evil-ex-command-collection
-         #'(lambda (str pred flag)
-             (completion-table-with-predicate
-              obarray #'commandp t str pred flag))
-         str pred flag)))))
-(defun evil-completion-table-concat (table1 table2 string pred flag)
-  (cond
-   ((eq flag nil)
-    (let ((result1 (try-completion string table1 pred))
-          (result2 (try-completion string table2 pred)))
-      (cond
-       ((null result1) result2)
-       ((null result2) result1)
-       ((and (eq result1 t) (eq result2 t)) t)
-       (t result1))))
-   ((eq flag t)
-    (delete-dups
-     (append (all-completions string table1 pred)
-             (all-completions string table2 pred))))
-   ((eq flag 'lambda)
-    (and (or (eq t (test-completion string table1 pred))
-             (eq t (test-completion string table2 pred)))
-         t))
-   ((eq (car-safe flag) 'boundaries)
-    (or (completion-boundaries string table1 pred (cdr flag))
-        (completion-boundaries string table2 pred (cdr flag))))
-   ((eq flag 'metadata)
-    '(metadata (display-sort-function . evil-ex-sort-completions)))))
+  (let ((ex-cmds
+         (cl-loop
+          for (cmd . fun) in evil-ex-commands unless (stringp fun)
+          collect cmd
+          ;; Append ! to all commands that may take a bang argument
+          when (evil-get-command-property fun :ex-bang)
+          collect (concat cmd "!")))
+        (emacs-cmds
+         (lambda (str pred action)
+           (completion-table-with-predicate
+            obarray #'commandp t str pred action))))
+    (when (eq evil-ex-complete-emacs-commands t)
+      (setq ex-cmds
+            (mapcar (lambda (str) (propertize str 'face 'evil-ex-commands))
+                    ex-cmds)))
+    (cond
+     ((null evil-ex-complete-emacs-commands) ex-cmds)
+     ((eq evil-ex-complete-emacs-commands 'in-turn)
+      (completion-table-in-turn ex-cmds emacs-cmds))
+     (t (evil-completion-table-concat ex-cmds emacs-cmds)))))
+(defun evil-completion-table-concat (table1 table2)
+  (lambda (string pred action)
+    (cond
+     ((eq action nil)
+      (let (matches)
+        (dolist (table (list table1 table2) (try-completion string matches))
+          (let ((x (try-completion string table pred)))
+            (when x (push (if (eq x 't) string x) matches))))))
+     ((eq action t)
+      (delete-dups
+       (append (all-completions string table1 pred)
+               (all-completions string table2 pred))))
+     ((eq action 'lambda)
+      (when (or (test-completion string table1 pred)
+                (test-completion string table2 pred))
+        t))
+     ((eq (car-safe action) 'boundaries)
+      (or (completion-boundaries string table1 pred (cdr action))
+          (completion-boundaries string table2 pred (cdr action))))
+     ((eq action 'metadata)
+      '(metadata (display-sort-function . evil-ex-sort-completions))))))
 (defun evil-ex-sort-completions (completions)
   (sort completions
@@ -612,24 +613,16 @@ in case of incomplete or unknown commands."
                   (string< str1 str2)
-(defun evil-ex-command-collection (cmd predicate flag)
-  "Called to complete a command."
-  (let (commands)
-    ;; append ! to all commands that may take a bang argument
-    (dolist (cmd (mapcar #'car evil-ex-commands))
-      (push cmd commands)
-      (if (evil-ex-command-force-p cmd)
-          (push (concat cmd "!") commands)))
-    (when (eq evil-ex-complete-emacs-commands t)
-      (setq commands
-            (mapcar #'(lambda (str) (propertize str 'face 'evil-ex-commands))
-                    commands)))
+(defun evil-ex-command-collection (string predicate action)
+  (declare (obsolete evil-ex-completion-table "1.15.0"))
+  (let* (evil-ex-complete-emacs-commands
+         (commands (evil-ex-completion-table)))
-     ((eq flag nil) (try-completion cmd commands predicate))
-     ((eq flag t) (all-completions cmd commands predicate))
-     ((eq flag 'lambda) (test-completion cmd commands))
-     ((eq (car-safe flag) 'boundaries)
-      `(boundaries 0 . ,(length (cdr flag)))))))
+     ((eq action nil) (try-completion string commands predicate))
+     ((eq action t) (all-completions string commands predicate))
+     ((eq action 'lambda) (test-completion string commands))
+     ((eq (car-safe action) 'boundaries)
+      `(boundaries 0 . ,(length (cdr action)))))))
 (defun evil-ex-argument-completion-at-point ()
   (let ((context (evil-ex-syntactic-context)))

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