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[nongnu] elpa/request c5a1068 7/7: Merge pull request #198 from dickmao/

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [nongnu] elpa/request c5a1068 7/7: Merge pull request #198 from dickmao/conao3-fix-readme
Date: Fri, 12 Feb 2021 14:57:10 -0500 (EST)

branch: elpa/request
commit c5a10680f38cd9b60057a7d213eb9bc7dcec918b
Merge: 996a87d 705dd98
Author: dickmao <7578770+dickmao@users.noreply.github.com>
Commit: GitHub <noreply@github.com>

    Merge pull request #198 from dickmao/conao3-fix-readme
    Conao3 fix readme
 .github/workflows/test.yml |   9 +-
 Makefile                   |  26 ++++--
 README.rst                 | 213 +++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
 tools/install-evm.sh       |  19 ----
 4 files changed, 125 insertions(+), 142 deletions(-)

diff --git a/.github/workflows/test.yml b/.github/workflows/test.yml
index 51d38f9..a51caa6 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/test.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/test.yml
@@ -96,8 +96,11 @@ jobs:
         sh tools/install-cask.sh
         cask link list
+    - name: test-install
+      if: startsWith(runner.os, 'Linux')
+      run: make test-install
+      continue-on-error: ${{ matrix.emacs_version == 'snapshot' }}
     - name: test
-      run: |
-        make test-install
-        make test
+      run: make test
       continue-on-error: ${{ matrix.emacs_version == 'snapshot' }}
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 0a29ad0..90557d2 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -67,12 +67,16 @@ install: compile dist
        $(EMACS) -Q --batch --eval "(package-initialize)" \
          --eval "(package-install-file \"dist/request-$(shell $(CASK) 
-       GITHUB_REPOSITORY := $(shell git config user.name)/$(shell basename 
`git rev-parse --show-toplevel`)
+ifeq ($(GITHUB_ACTOR),)
+GITHUB_ACTOR := $(shell git config user.name)
+GITHUB_ACTOR_REPOSITORY := $(GITHUB_ACTOR)/$(shell basename `git rev-parse 
 ifeq ($(GITHUB_HEAD_REF),)
 GITHUB_HEAD_REF := $(shell git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)
@@ -81,15 +85,23 @@ endef
 define SET_GITHUB_SHA =
 ifeq ($(GITHUB_SHA),)
-GITHUB_SHA := $(shell if git show-ref --quiet --verify 
origin/$(GITHUB_HEAD_REF) ; then git rev-parse origin/$(GITHUB_HEAD_REF) ; fi)
+GITHUB_SHA := $(shell git rev-parse origin/`git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD`)
+GITHUB_COMMIT := $(shell if git show -s --format=%s "${GITHUB_SHA}" | egrep -q 
"^Merge .* into" ; then git show -s --format=%s "${GITHUB_SHA}" | cut -d " " 
-f2 ; else echo "${GITHUB_SHA}" ; fi)
 .PHONY: test-install-vars
-       $(eval $(call SET_GITHUB_REPOSITORY))
+       $(eval $(call SET_GITHUB_ACTOR))
+       $(eval $(call SET_GITHUB_ACTOR_REPOSITORY))
        $(eval $(call SET_GITHUB_HEAD_REF))
        $(eval $(call SET_GITHUB_SHA))
+       $(eval $(call SET_GITHUB_COMMIT))
+       git show -s --format=%s $(GITHUB_COMMIT)
+       git show -s --format=%s $(GITHUB_SHA)
 .PHONY: test-install
@@ -111,9 +123,9 @@ test-install: test-install-vars
        --eval "(setq rcp (package-recipe-lookup \"request\"))" \
        --eval "(unless (file-exists-p package-build-archive-dir) \
                   (make-directory package-build-archive-dir))" \
-       --eval "(let* ((my-repo \"$(GITHUB_REPOSITORY)\") \
+       --eval "(let* ((my-repo \"$(GITHUB_ACTOR_REPOSITORY)\") \
                       (my-branch \"$(GITHUB_HEAD_REF)\") \
-                      (my-commit \"$(GITHUB_SHA)\")) \
+                      (my-commit \"$(GITHUB_COMMIT)\")) \
                   (oset rcp :repo my-repo) \
                   (oset rcp :branch my-branch) \
                   (oset rcp :commit my-commit))" \
diff --git a/README.rst b/README.rst
index 28e2b7d..6f06906 100644
--- a/README.rst
+++ b/README.rst
@@ -29,45 +29,41 @@ GET:
 .. code:: emacs-lisp
-  (request
-   "http://httpbin.org/get";
-   :params '(("key" . "value") ("key2" . "value2"))
-   :parser 'json-read
-   :success (cl-function
-             (lambda (&key data &allow-other-keys)
-               (message "I sent: %S" (assoc-default 'args data)))))
+  (request "http://httpbin.org/get";
+    :params '(("key" . "value") ("key2" . "value2"))
+    :parser 'json-read
+    :success (cl-function
+              (lambda (&key data &allow-other-keys)
+                (message "I sent: %S" (assoc-default 'args data)))))
 .. code:: emacs-lisp
-  (request
-   "http://httpbin.org/post";
-   :type "POST"
-   :data '(("key" . "value") ("key2" . "value2"))
-   ;; :data "key=value&key2=value2"  ; this is equivalent
-   :parser 'json-read
-   :success (cl-function
-             (lambda (&key data &allow-other-keys)
-               (message "I sent: %S" (assoc-default 'form data)))))
+  (request "http://httpbin.org/post";
+    :type "POST"
+    :data '(("key" . "value") ("key2" . "value2"))
+    ;; :data "key=value&key2=value2"  ;; this is equivalent
+    :parser 'json-read
+    :success (cl-function
+              (lambda (&key data &allow-other-keys)
+                (message "I sent: %S" (assoc-default 'form data)))))
 Block until completion:
 .. code:: emacs-lisp
-  (request
-   "http://httpbin.org/get";
-   :sync t
-   :complete (cl-function
-             (lambda (&key response &allow-other-keys)
-               (message "Done: %s" (request-response-status-code response)))))
+  (request "http://httpbin.org/get";
+    :sync t
+    :complete (cl-function
+              (lambda (&key response &allow-other-keys)
+                (message "Done: %s" (request-response-status-code response)))))
 Curl authentication:
 .. code:: emacs-lisp
-  (request
-   "http://httpbin.org/get";
+  (request "http://httpbin.org/get";
    :auth "digest" ;; or "basic", "anyauth", etc., which see curl(1)
    :complete (cl-function
               (lambda (&key response &allow-other-keys)
@@ -77,99 +73,93 @@ Request binary data:
 .. code:: emacs-lisp
-  (request
-   "http://httpbin.org/get";
-   :encoding 'binary
-   :complete (cl-function
-              (lambda (&key response &allow-other-keys)
-                (message "Done: %s" (request-response-status-code response)))))
+  (request "http://httpbin.org/get";
+    :encoding 'binary
+    :complete (cl-function
+               (lambda (&key response &allow-other-keys)
+                 (message "Done: %s" (request-response-status-code 
 POST file (**WARNING**: it will send the contents of the current buffer!):
 .. code:: emacs-lisp
-  (request
-   "http://httpbin.org/post";
-   :type "POST"
-   :files `(("current buffer" . ,(current-buffer)))
-   :parser 'json-read
-   :success (cl-function
-             (lambda (&key data &allow-other-keys)
-               (message "I sent: %S" (assoc-default 'files data)))))
+  (request "http://httpbin.org/post";
+    :type "POST"
+    :files `(("current buffer" . ,(current-buffer)))
+    :parser 'json-read
+    :success (cl-function
+              (lambda (&key data &allow-other-keys)
+                (message "I sent: %S" (assoc-default 'files data)))))
 Rich callback dispatch (like `jQuery.ajax`):
 .. code:: emacs-lisp
-  (request
-   "http://httpbin.org/status/418";     ; try other codes, for example:
-   ;; "http://httpbin.org/status/200";  ; success callback will be called.
-   ;; "http://httpbin.org/status/400";  ; you will see "Got 400."
-   :parser 'buffer-string
-   :success
-   (cl-function (lambda (&key data &allow-other-keys)
-                  (when data
-                    (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create "*request demo*")
-                      (erase-buffer)
-                      (insert data)
-                      (pop-to-buffer (current-buffer))))))
-   :error
-   (cl-function (lambda (&rest args &key error-thrown &allow-other-keys)
-                  (message "Got error: %S" error-thrown)))
-   :complete (lambda (&rest _) (message "Finished!"))
-   :status-code '((400 . (lambda (&rest _) (message "Got 400.")))
-                  (418 . (lambda (&rest _) (message "Got 418.")))))
+  (request "http://httpbin.org/status/418";
+    ;; "http://httpbin.org/status/200";  ;; success callback will be called.
+    ;; "http://httpbin.org/status/400";  ;; you will see "Got 400."
+    :parser 'buffer-string
+    :success
+    (cl-function (lambda (&key data &allow-other-keys)
+                   (when data
+                     (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create "*request demo*")
+                       (erase-buffer)
+                       (insert data)
+                       (pop-to-buffer (current-buffer))))))
+    :error
+    (cl-function (lambda (&rest args &key error-thrown &allow-other-keys)
+                   (message "Got error: %S" error-thrown)))
+    :complete (lambda (&rest _) (message "Finished!"))
+    :status-code '((400 . (lambda (&rest _) (message "Got 400.")))
+                   (418 . (lambda (&rest _) (message "Got 418.")))))
 Flexible PARSER option:
 .. code:: emacs-lisp
-  (request
-   "https://github.com/tkf/emacs-request/commits/master.atom";
-   ;; Parse XML in response body:
-   :parser (lambda () (libxml-parse-xml-region (point) (point-max)))
-   :success (cl-function
-             (lambda (&key data &allow-other-keys)
-               ;; Just don't look at this function....
-               (let ((get (lambda (node &rest names)
-                            (if names
-                                (apply get
-                                       (first (xml-get-children
-                                               node (car names)))
-                                       (cdr names))
-                              (first (xml-node-children node))))))
-                 (message "Latest commit: %s (by %s)"
-                          (funcall get data 'entry 'title)
-                          (funcall get data 'entry 'author 'name))))))
+  (request "https://github.com/tkf/emacs-request/commits/master.atom";
+    ;; Parse XML in response body:
+    :parser (lambda () (libxml-parse-xml-region (point) (point-max)))
+    :success (cl-function
+              (lambda (&key data &allow-other-keys)
+                ;; Just don't look at this function....
+                (let ((get (lambda (node &rest names)
+                             (if names
+                                 (apply get
+                                        (first (xml-get-children
+                                                node (car names)))
+                                        (cdr names))
+                               (first (xml-node-children node))))))
+                  (message "Latest commit: %s (by %s)"
+                           (funcall get data 'entry 'title)
+                           (funcall get data 'entry 'author 'name))))))
 PUT JSON data:
 .. code:: emacs-lisp
-  (request
-   "http://httpbin.org/put";
-   :type "PUT"
-   :data (json-encode '(("key" . "value") ("key2" . "value2")))
-   :headers '(("Content-Type" . "application/json"))
-   :parser 'json-read
-   :success (cl-function
-             (lambda (&key data &allow-other-keys)
-               (message "I sent: %S" (assoc-default 'json data)))))
+  (request "http://httpbin.org/put";
+    :type "PUT"
+    :data (json-encode '(("key" . "value") ("key2" . "value2")))
+    :headers '(("Content-Type" . "application/json"))
+    :parser 'json-read
+    :success (cl-function
+              (lambda (&key data &allow-other-keys)
+                (message "I sent: %S" (assoc-default 'json data)))))
 PUT JSON data including non-ascii strings:
 .. code:: emacs-lisp
-  (request
-   "http://httpbin.org/put";
-   :type "PUT"
-   :data (json-encode '(("key" . "値1") ("key2" . "値2")))
-   :headers '(("Content-Type" . "application/json"))
-   :parser 'json-read
-   :encoding 'utf-8
-   :success (cl-function
-             (lambda (&key data &allow-other-keys)
-               (message "I sent: %S" (assoc-default 'json data)))))
+  (request "http://httpbin.org/put";
+    :type "PUT"
+    :data (json-encode '(("key" . "値1") ("key2" . "値2")))
+    :headers '(("Content-Type" . "application/json"))
+    :parser 'json-read
+    :encoding 'utf-8
+    :success (cl-function
+              (lambda (&key data &allow-other-keys)
+                (message "I sent: %S" (assoc-default 'json data)))))
 Another PUT JSON example (nested JSON using alist structure, how to represent 
a boolean & how to selectively evaluate lisp):
@@ -179,29 +169,27 @@ Another PUT JSON example (nested JSON using alist 
structure, how to represent a
   ;;     to allow elisp evaluation of selected elements prefixed with a comma 
   ;; (2) This value is expected as a boolean so use the nil / t elisp alist 
   ;; (3) The function will be evaluated as it has been prefixed with a comma 
-  (request
-   "http://httpbin.org/put";
-   :type "PUT"
-   :data (json-encode `(("jsonArray" . (("item1" . "value 1") ;; (1)
-                                        ("item2" . t)         ;; (2)
-                                        ("item3" . 
,(your-custom-elisp-function)))))) ;; (3)
-   :headers '(("Content-Type" . "application/json"))
-   :parser 'json-read
-   :success (cl-function
-             (lambda (&key data &allow-other-keys)
-               (message "I sent: %S" (assoc-default 'json data)))))
+  (request "http://httpbin.org/put";
+    :type "PUT"
+    :data (json-encode `(("jsonArray" . (("item1" . "value 1") ;; (1)
+                                         ("item2" . t)         ;; (2)
+                                         ("item3" . 
,(your-custom-elisp-function)))))) ;; (3)
+    :headers '(("Content-Type" . "application/json"))
+    :parser 'json-read
+    :success (cl-function
+              (lambda (&key data &allow-other-keys)
+                (message "I sent: %S" (assoc-default 'json data)))))
 GET with Unix domain socket data:
 .. code:: emacs-lisp
-  (request
-   "http:/hello.txt"
-   :unix-socket "/tmp/app.sock"
-   :parser (lambda () (buffer-string))
-   :success (cl-function
-             (lambda (&key data &allow-other-keys)
-               (message "Got: %s" data))))
+  (request "http:/hello.txt"
+    :unix-socket "/tmp/app.sock"
+    :parser (lambda () (buffer-string))
+    :success (cl-function
+              (lambda (&key data &allow-other-keys)
+                (message "Got: %s" data))))
 Legacy documentation
@@ -209,9 +197,8 @@ Legacy documentation
 * `Github Pages <http://tkf.github.com/emacs-request/>`
 .. |build-status|
-   image:: https://secure.travis-ci.org/tkf/emacs-request.svg
-           ?branch=master
-   :target: http://travis-ci.org/tkf/emacs-request
+   image:: https://github.com/tkf/emacs-request/workflows/CI/badge.svg
+   :target: https://github.com/tkf/emacs-request/actions
    :alt: Build Status
 .. |melpa-badge|
    image:: http://melpa.org/packages/request-badge.svg
diff --git a/tools/install-evm.sh b/tools/install-evm.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d6c737..0000000
--- a/tools/install-evm.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-# Install evm for Travis CI
-# or if already installed, then check for updates
-# Author: gonewest818 https://github.com/clojure-emacs/cider/pull/2139
-set -x
-. tools/retry.sh
-if [ -d $EVMDIR ]
-    cd $EVMDIR
-    git pull origin master
-    git clone https://github.com/rejeep/evm.git $EVMDIR

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