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[elpa] scratch/dired-git-info f9f8ab5 17/33: Cleanup

From: Clemens Radermacher
Subject: [elpa] scratch/dired-git-info f9f8ab5 17/33: Cleanup
Date: Sun, 17 Feb 2019 13:03:30 -0500 (EST)

branch: scratch/dired-git-info
commit f9f8ab5b27335397f97932704dc7d77ea734eec5
Author: Clemens Radermacher <address@hidden>
Commit: Clemens Radermacher <address@hidden>

 dired-git-info.el | 51 ++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------
 1 file changed, 24 insertions(+), 27 deletions(-)

diff --git a/dired-git-info.el b/dired-git-info.el
index 3c14f08..2a16dd1 100644
--- a/dired-git-info.el
+++ b/dired-git-info.el
@@ -29,7 +29,6 @@
 ;;; Code:
 (defface dgi-commit-message-face
   '((t (:inherit font-lock-comment-face)))
   "Face for commit message overlays.")
@@ -74,36 +73,37 @@ are (see git-log PRETTY FORMATS for all):
 (defvar-local dgi--commit-ovs nil
   "Overlays which show the commit messages.")
 (defun dgi--command-to-string (program &rest args)
   "Execute PROGRAM with arguments ARGS and return output string."
     (with-current-buffer standard-output
       (apply #'process-file program nil t nil args))))
 (defun dgi--get-commit-info (&optional file gitf)
   "Get commit message info.
 FILE default to current dired file. GITF determines the commit
 info format and defaults to `dgi-commit-message-format'."
-  (if (not (locate-dominating-file "." ".git"))
-      (user-error "Not inside a git repo")
-    (let* ((file (or file (dired-get-file-for-visit)))
-           (lfile (and (file-exists-p file)
-                       ;; get the actual displayed name, to make it work with
-                       ;; dired collapse for example
-                       (save-excursion
-                         (dired-goto-file file)
-                         (buffer-substring (point) (line-end-position))))))
-      (when (and lfile (not (member lfile '(".." "."))))
-        (let ((msg (dgi--command-to-string
-                    "git" "log" "-1"
-                    (concat "--pretty="
-                            (or gitf dgi-commit-message-format))
-                    lfile)))
-          (when (and msg (not (string= "" msg)))
-            (substring msg
-                       ;; skip newline
-                       0 -1)))))))
+  (let* ((file (or file (dired-get-file-for-visit)))
+         (lfile (and (file-exists-p file)
+                     ;; get the actual displayed name, to make it work with
+                     ;; dired collapse for example
+                     (save-excursion
+                       (dired-goto-file file)
+                       (buffer-substring (point) (line-end-position))))))
+    (when (and lfile (not (member lfile '(".." "."))))
+      (let ((msg (dgi--command-to-string
+                  "git" "log" "-1"
+                  (concat "--pretty="
+                          (or gitf dgi-commit-message-format))
+                  lfile)))
+        (when (and msg (not (string= "" msg)))
+          (substring msg
+                     ;; skip newline
+                     0 -1))))))
 (defmacro dgi--save-marked (&rest body)
   "Execute BODY and restore marks afterwards."
@@ -119,6 +119,7 @@ info format and defaults to `dgi-commit-message-format'."
              (dired-goto-file file)
              (dired-mark 1))))))
 (defun dgi--cleanup ()
   "Remove commit overlays."
   (when dgi-auto-hide-details
@@ -135,6 +136,7 @@ info format and defaults to `dgi-commit-message-format'."
       (push (dgi--get-dired-file-length file)
 (defun dgi--get-dired-file-length (file)
   "Get lengths of FILE as displayed by dired."
@@ -170,6 +172,8 @@ info format and defaults to `dgi-commit-message-format'."
   (unless (eq major-mode 'dired-mode)
     (user-error "Not in a dired buffer"))
+  (unless (locate-dominating-file "." ".git")
+    (user-error "Not inside a git repository"))
   (if dgi--commit-ovs
     (when dgi-auto-hide-details
@@ -206,10 +210,3 @@ info format and defaults to `dgi-commit-message-format'."
 (provide 'dired-git-info)
 ;;; dired-git-info.el ends here

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