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[Emacs-diffs] master b9cbdd0: * admin/bzrmerge.el: Remove file, long sin

From: Glenn Morris
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] master b9cbdd0: * admin/bzrmerge.el: Remove file, long since replaced by gitmerge.el.
Date: Tue, 30 Oct 2018 11:58:21 -0400 (EDT)

branch: master
commit b9cbdd045f2d086390b3d0e4412ebac0b19aaead
Author: Glenn Morris <address@hidden>
Commit: Glenn Morris <address@hidden>

    * admin/bzrmerge.el: Remove file, long since replaced by gitmerge.el.
 admin/bzrmerge.el | 359 ------------------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 359 deletions(-)

diff --git a/admin/bzrmerge.el b/admin/bzrmerge.el
deleted file mode 100644
index d54ba33..0000000
--- a/admin/bzrmerge.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,359 +0,0 @@
-;;; bzrmerge.el --- help merge one Emacs bzr branch to another
-;; Copyright (C) 2010-2018 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-;; Author: Stefan Monnier <address@hidden>
-;; Keywords: maint
-;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-;; (at your option) any later version.
-;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;; GNU General Public License for more details.
-;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;; along with GNU Emacs.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-;;; Commentary:
-;; Some usage notes are in admin/notes/bzr.
-;;; Code:
-(eval-when-compile (require 'cl-lib))
-(defvar bzrmerge-skip-regexp
-  "back[- ]?port\\|merge\\|sync\\|re-?generate\\|bump version\\|from trunk\\|\
-  "Regexp matching logs of revisions that might be skipped.
-`bzrmerge-missing' will ask you if it should skip any matches.")
-(defconst bzrmerge-buffer "*bzrmerge*"
-  "Working buffer for bzrmerge.")
-(defconst bzrmerge-warning-buffer "*bzrmerge warnings*"
-  "Buffer where bzrmerge will display any warnings.")
-(defun bzrmerge-merges ()
-  "Return the list of already merged (not yet committed) revisions.
-The list returned is sorted by oldest-first."
-  (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create bzrmerge-buffer)
-    (erase-buffer)
-    ;; We generally want to make sure we start with a clean tree, but we also
-    ;; want to allow restarts (i.e. with some part of FROM already merged but
-    ;; not yet committed).  Unversioned (unknown) files in the tree
-    ;; are also ok.
-    (call-process "bzr" nil t nil "status" "-v")
-    (goto-char (point-min))
-    (when (re-search-forward "^conflicts:\n" nil t)
-      (user-error "You still have unresolved conflicts"))
-    (let ((merges ())
-          found)
-      (if (not (re-search-forward "^pending merges:\n" nil t))
-          (when (save-excursion
-                  (goto-char (point-min))
-                  (while (and
-                          (re-search-forward "^\\([a-z ]*\\):\n" nil t)
-                          (not
-                           (setq found
-                                 (not (equal "unknown" (match-string 1)))))))
-                  found)
-            (user-error "You still have uncommitted changes"))
-        ;; This is really stupid, but it seems there's no easy way to figure
-        ;; out which revisions have been merged already.  The only info I can
-        ;; find is the "pending merges" from "bzr status -v", which is not
-        ;; very machine-friendly.
-        (while (not (eobp))
-          (skip-chars-forward " ")
-          (push (buffer-substring (point) (line-end-position)) merges)
-          (forward-line 1)))
-      merges)))
-(defun bzrmerge-check-match (merge)
-  ;; Make sure the MERGES match the revisions on the FROM branch.
-  ;; Stupidly the best form of MERGES I can find is the one from
-  ;; "bzr status -v" which is very machine non-friendly, so I have
-  ;; to do some fuzzy matching.
-  (let ((author
-         (or
-          (save-excursion
-            (if (re-search-forward "^author: *\\([^<]*[^ ]\\) +<.*"
-                                   nil t)
-                (match-string 1)))
-          (save-excursion
-            (if (re-search-forward
-                 "^committer: *\\([^<]*[^< ]\\) +<" nil t)
-                (match-string 1)))))
-        (timestamp
-         (save-excursion
-           (if (re-search-forward
-                "^timestamp:[^0-9]*\\([-0-9]+\\)" nil t)
-               (match-string 1))))
-        (line1
-         (save-excursion
-           (if (re-search-forward "^message:[ \n]*" nil t)
-               (buffer-substring (point) (line-end-position))))))
-    ;; The `merge' may have a truncated line1 with "...", so get
-    ;; rid of any "..." and then look for a prefix match.
-    (when (string-match "\\.+\\'" merge)
-      (setq merge (substring merge 0 (match-beginning 0))))
-    (or (string-prefix-p
-         merge (concat author " " timestamp " " line1))
-        (string-prefix-p
-         merge (concat author " " timestamp " [merge] " line1)))))
-(defun bzrmerge-missing (from merges)
-  "Return the list of revisions that need to be merged.
-MERGES is the revisions already merged but not yet committed.
-Asks about skipping revisions with logs matching `bzrmerge-skip-regexp'.
-The result is of the form (TOMERGE . TOSKIP) where TOMERGE and TOSKIP
-are both lists of revnos, in oldest-first order."
-  (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create bzrmerge-buffer)
-    (erase-buffer)
-    (call-process "bzr" nil t nil "missing" "--theirs-only"
-                  (expand-file-name from))
-    (let ((revnos ()) (skipped ()))
-      (pop-to-buffer (current-buffer))
-      (goto-char (point-max))
-      (while (re-search-backward 
\\([0-9.]+\\).*" nil t)
-        (save-excursion
-          (if merges
-              (while (not (bzrmerge-check-match (pop merges)))
-                (unless merges
-                  (error "Unmatched tip of merged revisions")))
-            (let ((case-fold-search t)
-                  (revno (match-string 1))
-                  (skip nil))
-              (if (string-match "\\." revno)
-                  (error "Unexpected dotted revno!")
-                (setq revno (string-to-number revno)))
-              (re-search-forward "^message:\n")
-              (while (and (not skip)
-                          (re-search-forward bzrmerge-skip-regexp nil t))
-                (let ((str (buffer-substring (line-beginning-position)
-                                             (line-end-position))))
-                  (when (string-match "\\` *" str)
-                    (setq str (substring str (match-end 0))))
-                  (when (string-match "[.!;, ]+\\'" str)
-                    (setq str (substring str 0 (match-beginning 0))))
-                  (let ((help-form (substitute-command-keys "\
-Type `y' to skip this revision,
-`N' to include it and go on to the next revision,
-`n' to not skip, but continue to search this log entry for skip regexps,
-`q' to quit merging.")))
-                    (pcase (save-excursion
-                            (read-char-choice
-                             (format "%s: Skip (y/n/N/q/%s)? " str
-                                     (key-description (vector help-char)))
-                             '(?y ?n ?N ?q)))
-                      (?y (setq skip t))
-                      (?q (keyboard-quit))
-                      ;; A single log entry can match skip-regexp multiple
-                      ;; times.  If you are sure you don't want to skip it,
-                      ;; you don't want to be asked multiple times.
-                      (?N (setq skip 'no))))))
-              (if (eq skip t)
-                  (push revno skipped)
-                (push revno revnos)))))
-        (delete-region (point) (point-max)))
-      (and (or revnos skipped)
-           (cons (nreverse revnos) (nreverse skipped))))))
-(defun bzrmerge-resolve (file)
-  (unless (file-exists-p file) (error "Bzrmerge-resolve: Can't find %s" file))
-  (with-demoted-errors
-    (let ((exists (find-buffer-visiting file)))
-      (with-current-buffer (let ((enable-local-variables :safe)
-                                 (enable-local-eval nil))
-                             (find-file-noselect file))
-        (if (buffer-modified-p)
-            (user-error "Unsaved changes in %s" (current-buffer)))
-        (save-excursion
-          (cond
-           ((derived-mode-p 'change-log-mode)
-            ;; Fix up dates before resolving the conflicts.
-            (goto-char (point-min))
-            (let ((diff-auto-refine-mode nil))
-              (while (re-search-forward smerge-begin-re nil t)
-                (smerge-match-conflict)
-                (smerge-ensure-match 3)
-                (let ((start1 (match-beginning 1))
-                      (end1 (match-end 1))
-                      (start3 (match-beginning 3))
-                      (end3 (copy-marker (match-end 3) t)))
-                  (goto-char start3)
-                  (while (re-search-forward change-log-start-entry-re end3 t)
-                    (let* ((str (match-string 0))
-                           (newstr (save-match-data
-                                     (concat (add-log-iso8601-time-string)
-                                             (when (string-match " *\\'" str)
-                                               (match-string 0 str))))))
-                      (replace-match newstr t t)))
-                  ;; change-log-resolve-conflict prefers to put match-1's
-                  ;; elements first (for equal dates), whereas we want to put
-                  ;; match-3's first.
-                  (let ((match3 (buffer-substring start3 end3))
-                        (match1 (buffer-substring start1 end1)))
-                    (delete-region start3 end3)
-                    (goto-char start3)
-                    (insert match1)
-                    (delete-region start1 end1)
-                    (goto-char start1)
-                    (insert match3)))))
-            ;; (pop-to-buffer (current-buffer)) (debug 'before-resolve)
-            ))
-          ;; Try to resolve the conflicts.
-          (cond
-           ((member file '("configure" "lisp/ldefs-boot.el"
-                           "lisp/emacs-lisp/cl-loaddefs.el"))
-            ;; We are in the file's buffer, so names are relative.
-            (call-process "bzr" nil t nil "revert"
-                          (file-name-nondirectory file))
-            (revert-buffer nil 'noconfirm))
-           (t
-            (goto-char (point-max))
-            (while (re-search-backward smerge-begin-re nil t)
-              (save-excursion
-                (ignore-errors
-                  (smerge-match-conflict)
-                  (smerge-resolve))))
-            ;; (when (derived-mode-p 'change-log-mode)
-            ;;   (pop-to-buffer (current-buffer)) (debug 'after-resolve))
-            (save-buffer)))
-          (goto-char (point-min))
-          (prog1 (re-search-forward smerge-begin-re nil t)
-            (unless exists (kill-buffer))))))))
-(defun bzrmerge-add-metadata (from endrevno)
-  "Add the metadata for a merge of FROM upto ENDREVNO.
-Does not make other difference."
-  (if (with-temp-buffer
-        (call-process "bzr" nil t nil "status")
-        (goto-char (point-min))
-        (re-search-forward "^conflicts:\n" nil t))
-      (error "Don't know how to add metadata in the presence of conflicts")
-    (call-process "bzr" nil t nil "shelve" "--all"
-                  "-m" "Bzrmerge shelved merge during skipping")
-    (call-process "bzr" nil t nil "revert")
-    (call-process "bzr" nil t nil
-                  "merge" "-r" (format "%s" endrevno) from)
-    (call-process "bzr" nil t nil "revert" ".")
-    (call-process "bzr" nil t nil "unshelve")))
-(defvar bzrmerge-already-done nil)
-(defun bzrmerge-apply (missing from)
-  (setq from (expand-file-name from))
-  (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create bzrmerge-buffer)
-    (erase-buffer)
-    (when (equal (cdr bzrmerge-already-done) (list from missing))
-      (setq missing (car bzrmerge-already-done)))
-    (setq bzrmerge-already-done nil)
-    (let ((merge (car missing))
-          (skip (cdr missing))
-          (unsafe nil)
-          beg end)
-      (when (or merge skip)
-        (cond
-         ((and skip (or (null merge) (< (car skip) (car merge))))
-          ;; Do a "skip" (i.e. merge the meta-data only).
-          (setq beg (1- (car skip)))
-          (while (and skip (or (null merge) (< (car skip) (car merge))))
-            (cl-assert (> (car skip) (or end beg)))
-            (setq end (pop skip)))
-          (message "Skipping %s..%s" beg end)
-          (bzrmerge-add-metadata from end))
-         (t
-          ;; Do a "normal" merge.
-          (cl-assert (or (null skip) (< (car merge) (car skip))))
-          (setq beg (1- (car merge)))
-          (while (and merge (or (null skip) (< (car merge) (car skip))))
-            (cl-assert (> (car merge) (or end beg)))
-            (setq end (pop merge)))
-          (message "Merging %s..%s" beg end)
-          (if (with-temp-buffer
-                (call-process "bzr" nil t nil "status")
-                (zerop (buffer-size)))
-              (call-process "bzr" nil t nil
-                            "merge" "-r" (format "%s" end) from)
-            ;; Stupidly, "bzr merge --force -r A..B" dos not maintain the
-            ;; metadata properly except when the checkout is clean.
-            (call-process "bzr" nil t nil "merge"
-                          "--force" "-r" (format "%s..%s" beg end) from)
-            ;; The merge did not update the metadata, so force the next time
-            ;; around to update it (as a "skip").
-            (setq unsafe t)
-            (push end skip))
-          (pop-to-buffer (current-buffer))
-          (sit-for 1)
-          ;; (debug 'after-merge)
-          ;; Check the conflicts.
-          ;; FIXME if using the helpful bzr changelog_merge plugin,
-          ;; there are normally no conflicts in ChangeLogs.
-          ;; But we still want the dates fixing, like bzrmerge-resolve does.
-          (let ((conflicted nil)
-                (files ()))
-            (goto-char (point-min))
-            (when (re-search-forward "bzr: ERROR:" nil t)
-              (error "Internal Bazaar error!!"))
-            (while (re-search-forward "^Text conflict in " nil t)
-              (push (buffer-substring (point) (line-end-position)) files))
-            (if (re-search-forward "^\\([0-9]+\\) conflicts encountered" nil t)
-                (if (/= (length files) (string-to-number (match-string 1)))
-                    (setq conflicted t))
-              (if files (setq conflicted t)))
-            (dolist (file files)
-              (if (bzrmerge-resolve file)
-                  (setq conflicted t)))
-            (when conflicted
-              (setq bzrmerge-already-done
-                    (list (cons merge skip) from missing))
-              (if unsafe
-                  ;; FIXME: Obviously, we'd rather make it right rather
-                  ;; than output such a warning.  But I don't know how to add
-                  ;; the metadata to bzr's since the technique used in
-                  ;; bzrmerge-add-metadata does not work when there
-                  ;; are conflicts.
-                  (display-warning 'bzrmerge "Resolve conflicts manually.
-BEWARE!  Important metadata is kept in this Emacs session!
-Do not commit without re-running `M-x bzrmerge' first!"
-                                   :warning bzrmerge-warning-buffer))
-              (user-error "Resolve conflicts manually")))))
-        (cons merge skip)))))
-(defun bzrmerge (from)
-  "Merge from branch FROM into `default-directory'."
-  (interactive
-   (list
-    (let ((def
-           (with-temp-buffer
-             (call-process "bzr" nil t nil "info")
-             (goto-char (point-min))
-             (when (re-search-forward "submit branch: *" nil t)
-               (buffer-substring (point) (line-end-position))))))
-      (read-file-name "From branch: " nil nil nil def))))
-  ;; Eg we ran bzrmerge once, it stopped with conflicts, we fixed them
-  ;; and are running it again.
-  (if (get-buffer bzrmerge-warning-buffer)
-      (kill-buffer bzrmerge-warning-buffer))
-  (message "Merging from %s..." from)
-  (require 'vc-bzr)
-  (let ((default-directory (or (vc-bzr-root default-directory)
-                               (error "Not in a Bzr tree"))))
-    ;; First, check the status.
-    (let* ((merges (bzrmerge-merges))
-           ;; OK, we have the status, now check the missing data.
-           (missing (bzrmerge-missing from merges)))
-      (if (not missing)
-          (message "Merging from %s...nothing to merge" from)
-        (while missing
-          (setq missing (bzrmerge-apply missing from)))
-        (message "Merging from %s...done" from)))))
-(provide 'bzrmerge)
-;;; bzrmerge.el ends here

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